In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 206: So interesting, Akikawa Sosuke (22)

Around ten o'clock in the morning.

Akikawa Kyousuke knocked on Itakura Misaki's door.

The agent lady with dark circles under her eyes took her luggage and went downstairs.

"It's finally time to leave this place."

Itakura Misaki sighed.

Obviously everyone was here for vacation, but Misaki Itakura felt like she couldn't relax at all and was on tenterhooks every day.

"Didn't Miss Itakura say before that she liked this place very much?"

Akikawa Kyusuke looked at Misaki Itakura who looked tired next to him and said with a smile.

"How can you still like it! We have only been here for a few days, and how many people have died already!!"

Misaki Itakura couldn't help but raise her voice.

She immediately lowered her voice after realizing that she was in a public place.

"With so many cases, I feel like this store will never be able to open in the future."

Misaki Itakura looked at the lobby on the first floor of Kosen-an, which was completely different from the crowded scene a few days ago. It seemed extremely deserted and dead at the moment, and whispered to Akikawa Kousuke.

Akikawa Kongsuke nodded, noncommittal.

The boss has already gone in because of dismemberment, and three people died in this hot spring hotel in three days. I am afraid that the employees will not continue to work here.

At this moment, the front desk staff in the lobby on the first floor was replaced by Kanagawa Prefecture police.

When they saw Akikawa Kyusuke and Itakura Misaki coming to the front desk, they all stepped forward and asked them about the situation last night and early this morning.

For example, have you found any suspicious characters? Did you hear any suspicious movement? Questions like that.

When Akikawa Kyusuke and Itakura Misaki faced the police's questioning, they naturally looked confused and didn't know everything they asked.


at the same time.

In the monitoring room of Guquan Temple.

Sera Masumi is looking at the computer screen.

There is a surveillance camera at the front desk of Kosen-an.

So at this time, Akikawa Kyusuke's expression and the contents of his conversations with the police were completely synchronized to the computer in the monitoring room.

Sera Masumi looked at Akikawa Kyusuke's dazed and stunned expression when facing police questioning, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart:

'It's really amazing. If all the evidence hadn't pointed to Qiuchuan as that mysterious man, just looking at his appearance, I really wouldn't have thought it had anything to do with him. ’

She changed from her original position of leaning on the back of the chair to one of leaning slightly forward and supporting her chin with the back of her hands.

And there was an expression of interest on her delicate cheeks.

A small white tiger tooth also quietly popped out from the corner of her raised mouth.

'I should have thought of it a long time ago. Akikawa made up the story from the beginning that someone gave him sleeping pills, but neither the boy nor I noticed the slightest clue at the time. ’

‘Since that time, he has shown his unusual mind and acting skills. ’

Sera Masumi thought in his heart.

If I could realize this earlier, I might be able to detect the truth earlier.

‘It’s really interesting. ’

'He knew clearly that the boy and I were still doubting him, but he still chose to become an artist directly and showed his superb acting skills to everyone without reservation. ’

'At first, I thought he was too stupid and didn't realize that doing so would deepen our suspicions. ’

'As a result, he really has absolute confidence in all his actions and is not afraid of our doubts at all! ’

‘If I hadn’t discovered that Chianti was the murderer of Akikawa Ryoko, I probably wouldn’t have been able to guess his situation. ’

‘Killed Chianti, injured Belmod, and finally used Belmod’s hands to kill his mother’s murderer. ’

'In the end, it disappeared like a shadow, leaving no trace of evidence. ’

Sera Masumi sighed in his heart.

‘Now it seems that what Kyouji Toda told me after he was arrested is most likely true. ’

‘Koichi Nishihara wanted to put the blame on Akikawa, but Akikawa turned the blame on himself. ’

'Okawa Takao wanted to attack Akikawa, but in the end, Akikawa took advantage of him at the right time and place. He injected morphine and naloxone hydrochloride, which caused a strong withdrawal reaction. ’

'As for Toda Kyouji himself, it seems that he may not really have the intention to kill Akikawa, but just wants to induce Akikawa to confess by inducing or forcing a confession. ’

'Unfortunately, his judgment was wrong, Akikawa was not the real murderer. ’

'And he who tried to implement illegal means against Akikawa ended up letting everyone see the scene where he tried to attack Akikawa. ’

Sera Masumi combined the previous statements of Toda Kyouji and recalled several previous cases that Akikawa Kyusuke had experienced.

I couldn't help but feel amazed again in my heart.

She really didn't expect that Akikawa Kongsuke had tampered with all the previous cases.

But he and Conan were not aware of it at all.

Sera Masaki knew,

Kyouji Toda can know this information,

He must have obtained the information from the mouths of the criminals by eliciting confessions that they should have kept rotting in their stomachs.

Perhaps Toda Kyouji made some promises to them, but he suddenly regretted it after learning the truth.

This angers the prisoners, causing them to attack the police and use this as a reason to attack the prisoners.

Even though Toda Kyouji is dead.

But Sera Masumi's face darkened after she thought of what he had done.

She rarely hated someone so much.

But Toda Kyouji was an absolute exception.

Therefore, Akikawa Sosuke risked his own death to expose Toda Kyouji's crimes, which made Sera Masumi admire him.

'I'm afraid Toda Kyouji never thought that he would fall into Akikawa's trap when he wanted to induce Akikawa to confess, and his actions were exposed to Inspector Megure. ’

’Akikawa actually stabbed his neck with a dagger in order to frame Toda Kyouji. ’

’I just don't know how he managed to let me witness the scene at that time? ’

’And there was not a single fingerprint left on the dagger. ’

’Oh no, I can't believe it! There is too little information! ! ’

’It's impossible for Akikawa to know that Toda would come to him! ’

Masumi Sera scratched her hair frantically, making her short wavy hair extremely messy.

Although she felt itchy because she couldn't figure out the truth, she had an urge to scratch her ears and cheeks.

But when Masumi Sera tried to solve the mystery about Akikawa Sosuke, she didn't feel the slightest bit of confusion in her heart.

She was just like when she first came into contact with reasoning when she was a child.

She began to have a great interest in the methods of solving all the cases that Akikawa Sosuke had participated in before, as well as Akikawa Sosuke himself.

‘If Akikawa, who has such ability, is a bad guy, I'm afraid he would be countless times more dangerous than Toda Kyouji. ’

‘Fortunately, Akikawa's ability and malice seem to be aimed at bad people only. ’

‘And when the real murderer who killed his mother might escape, his first reaction was not to chase him, but to quickly exhaust the hydrogen sulfide gas in the house. ’

‘It's so interesting, Akikawa Sosuke. ’

The style of Akikawa Sosuke is completely different from everyone Masumi Sera has met before.

Therefore, Sera Masumi became more curious about Akikawa Sosuke.

‘Akikawa is not a bad person, this is really great. ’

‘If he can come to help us’

‘Perhaps our efficiency in fighting against the organization can be greatly improved. ’

Faced with this sudden idea in his mind, Sera Masumi's eyes suddenly brightened.

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