In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 210 Akikawa Sosuke's ability (22)

‘It was not through clues and special information, but through my reaction that Chianti was determined to be the murderer…’

After listening to Akikawa Sosuke’s explanation, Sera Masumi was also shocked.

She originally thought that Akikawa Sosuke was deceiving her.

In fact, Akikawa Sosuke had already grasped the clues about the real murderer.

But she really didn’t expect that Akikawa Sosuke actually connected the murderer who killed his mother with the person who traded with Koizumi Kunio based on just a few questions she asked him that day.

This kind of keenness for intelligence and observation of people is simply terrifying.

“So, Mr. Sera, what is the matter with you coming to see me today?”

Akikawa Sosuke put the cup in his hand on the table and asked Sera Masumi.

“I have a few questions for Mr. Akikawa.”

Sera Masumi came back to her senses and said slowly.

“I originally wanted to ask Mr. Akikawa how you knew that Chianti was the real murderer of the car accident.”

“But Mr. Akikawa, you have already explained it just now.”

Sera Masumi said with a smile.

She suddenly had a premonition.

Perhaps Akikawa Sosuke was much better than she and Conan expected.

She then asked:

"Mr. Akikawa, how did you know the time of the transaction between the organization and Mr. Koizumi?"

Sera Masumi asked Akikawa Sosuke the question she was most curious about.

She had discussed this issue with Conan before.

Since it was impossible for someone on their side to leak the information.

So Conan concluded that the organization leaked the information.

'If Akikawa really got this information from the organization, then the source of his information may become a breakthrough for us to fight against the organization. '

Sera Masumi was looking forward to it in her heart.

Then she heard Akikawa Sosuke say:

"Please don't have too much expectation on me. I know almost nothing about that organization."

Sera Masumi, whose thoughts were revealed by Akikawa Sosuke's words, was stunned.

'How does he... know what I'm thinking...? ’

Masumi Sera was shocked and asked hurriedly:

“Impossible! This information should only be known by me and Mr. Koizumi.”

“Mr. Akikawa, you obviously know the time of the transaction between the organization and Mr. Koizumi, so you made preparations in advance.”

Kunisuke Koizumi originally planned to trade with the organization in the early morning of the day after the dismemberment case. He told Masumi Sera and Conan alone at the time.

This is top secret information.

Masumi Sera believes that Akikawa Sosuke, who knows this information, must have other ways to obtain information from the organization.

“This matter is the same as the reason why I just judged that the woman with a tattoo on her left eye was the murderer of my mother.”

“No special way or channel is needed. I just judged this by analyzing Kunio Koizumi’s behavior.”

“How is this possible!”

Masumi Sera couldn’t help but raise her voice when she heard this.

She felt a little unbelievable.

After coming out of the monitoring room, he went directly to Akikawa Sosuke to ask about the pursuit of him and his mother, so Akikawa Sosuke noticed the clues.

Although this matter is quite incredible, Sera Masumi feels that she can still understand it.


Akikawa Sosuke only met Koizumi Kunio in the few minutes when he was brought to the door of Koizumi Kunio's room.

The two of them have never even talked face to face.

How could Akikawa Sosuke know the time of the transaction just by analyzing Koizumi Kunio's behavior?

These should be two completely unrelated things!

"Because of dismemberment."

Akikawa Sosuke said softly.

When Sera Masumi heard this, a little confusion appeared on her cheeks.

"Mr. Kawasaki fell into rigor mortis while using the computer."

"Because Mr. Koizumi wanted to conceal this, he dismembered Mr. Kawasaki."

"That's right."

Sera Masumi nodded.

These are all the contents she deduced by herself, there is no problem.

"Mr. Kawasaki died the day before the dismemberment case, which was the day of the poisoning case."

"Because the poisoning case happened that morning, the police were called."

"So the murderer could only commit the crime from the time Mr. Koizumi was taken away by the police to take a statement that morning to the time he came back from taking the statement that evening."

"Since Mr. Koizumi found that Mr. Kawasaki had already developed rigor mortis after he came back, it means that Mr. Kawasaki had been dead for at least 7-8 hours."

"Then Mr. Kawasaki should have been killed around noon on the day of the poisoning case."

Masumi Sera nodded as she listened to Akikawa Sosuke's story.

It was only after watching the surveillance video that she locked the time of Kawasaki Ryo's murder to the time between 13:17 and 13:29 the previous day.

Unexpectedly, Akikawa Sosuke locked the time of Kawasaki Ryo's murder to a similar range just by hearing a few words of the case description.

Of course, this is not difficult.

As long as you know the time when rigor mortis occurs, you can make such an inference.

She still didn't understand what this had to do with the timing of Koizumi Kunio's deal with the organization.

Then she heard Akikawa Kyusuke continue:

"Rigor rigor mortis usually lasts 24 to 48 hours."

"Based on the temperature at the time, rigor mortis should have begun to subside about 40 hours after it occurred."

"In other words, if Mr. Koizumi just wanted to cover up Mr. Kawasaki's posture when he died, there was no need to waste time and effort on dismembering the body."

"But if Mr. Kawasaki's body smells like a corpse, wouldn't it be exposed?"

Sera Masaki said doubtfully.

But as soon as she asked her question, she realized the problem.

Then I heard Akikawa Kyusuke continue to say:

"Perhaps it would be difficult for others to cover up the body odor in a hot spring hotel where they are staying. After all, too strange behavior can easily arouse others' suspicion."

"But Mr. Koizumi is the owner of Kosen-an, and the room he lives in is his own room, so no one can enter his room unless he speaks."

"It would be much easier for him to cover up the body odor in his room for 40 hours than it would be to dismember Mr. Kawasaki's body."

"But Mr. Koizumi has no reason to do this. I think there is only one -"

"That's when he can't wait for the rigor mortis to subside on its own."

Akikawa Kousuke's voice was not loud, but it was like thunder in Sera Masaki's ears.

She was stunned on the spot for a moment.

Sera Masumi's mind is smart enough.

When she heard this, she completely understood what was going on.

‘Mr. Kawasaki was killed at noon during the poisoning case. If it were extended for 40 hours, that is, the morning after the dismemberment case, his rigor mortis should have almost subsided. ’

"Mr. Koizumi tried to take the blame for killing Mr. Kawasaki on behalf of the real culprit in order to protect his family. ’

‘Because he couldn’t wait for Mr. Kawasaki’s corpse to undergo rigor mortis, so he had to dismember it. ’

‘Therefore, the transaction time between Mr. Koizumi and the people in the organization must have been before the morning after the dismemberment case. ’

"Then the time available for Mr. Koizumi to make transactions with the organization is only the period from the night of the dismemberment case to the early morning of the next day..."

Sera Masumi completed Akikawa Kyusuke's subsequent reasoning in her mind with a shocked face.

'There are no clues, no direct evidence, and I have never seen any surveillance footage. I have never even had a face-to-face conversation with Kunio Koizumi. ’

‘With such a lack of information, did he already foresee everything that would happen next just by dismembering the body of Koizumi Kunio? ’

'This man's ability is simply...'

Sera Masumi raised her eyes, which were trembling with inner shock, and looked at the thin artist opposite who picked up the cup again and drank coffee through a straw.

There was a turbulent wave in my chest.

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