The blue-white dawn light blended with the faint morning mist, and shone on Itakura Misaki's face through the gaps in the curtains.

Maybe her eyes felt the light, Misaki Itakura's eyelids trembled slightly, and she gradually woke up.

Her eyes opened a slit.

After taking a few seconds to recover from the hazy state of sleep she had just woken up from, Misaki Itakura jumped up from the bed.

She reached out and grabbed the mobile phone placed by the bedside. After confirming the time on it, she took a long breath.

"It was so dangerous, I thought I had slept through it."

The fright just now made Itakura Misaki completely sleepless.

She turned off the alarm clock set on her phone, then got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Today is an extremely important day for Itakura Misaki, so you must not be late!

There have been many times in the past that I have set an alarm clock, but the alarm clock did not seem to go off at all, and I only found out after waking up that I had overslept.

Brush your teeth, take a shower, blow dry your hair, and put on makeup.

After spending more than an hour doing all this, Misaki Itakura put on a suit that still smelled like new clothes, then wrapped her scarf and went out.

What Misaki Itakura is going to now is Wonderful, the largest artist management company in Japan, located in Shibuya Ward.

Itakura Misaki transferred to this artist company three months ago.

After three months of training, I finally passed the assessment last Friday and became a new agent.

However, due to the fact that there are a few months less training time than colleagues who joined the company in April during the same period,

Therefore, Itakura Misaki's final assessment results were very reluctant.

Last Friday, a group of artists newly signed by the company also just completed their training.

Today, Misaki Itakura will be assigned the first artist in her managerial career.

This is of course an extremely important day for Misaki Itakura, who has great aspirations for the Japanese entertainment industry.

"I will definitely make my role (artist) famous in Japan, and then gradually become the hottest star."

"By then, maybe I can work with Miss Yoko!"

That's right.

Misaki Itakura is a big fan of Yoko Okino.

The main reason why she joined this company was because she admired Yoko Okino.

So I followed in the footsteps of my idol and entered Wonderful.

Misaki Itakura was imagining the wonderful scene of working with Yoko Okino after her artist became famous,

While greeting colleagues in the company with a voice full of vitality.

Itakura Misaki came to her work station and put down her things, then went to the bathroom.

Use the mirror in the bathroom to check whether your makeup and clothes are inappropriate.

I'm about to meet my artist.

You have to leave a good impression on the other party!

Misaki Itakura looked at the beautiful face in the mirror that inherited her mother's good genes.

A small regret arose in my heart.

Itakura Misaki knew this through the attitude of her classmates and friends towards her during her student life.

I can definitely be considered the "cute" type.

It's a pity that my talent was completely inherited from my programmer father.

Although I am very comfortable doing computer and digital related work,

But he doesn't have any talent as an artist.

This is why Misaki Itakura did not choose to be an artist, but switched from a programmer to an agent.

Between the job she was good at and the job she liked, Misaki Itakura chose the latter.

Misaki Itakura showed herself a confident smile in the mirror.

Then he turned around and returned to his work station.

The clock hands point to nine o'clock, which represents the official start of a new day's work.

It was also at this time that Misaki Itakura's manager began distributing artist information assigned to new managers who had passed the training.


Itakura Misaki took the information from the minister's hand, and then thanked the minister softly.

After getting the information, she hurriedly looked through it.

She is looking forward to seeing what talents her first artist will have.

"Kusuke Akikawa."

"Oh my god, he looks so handsome!"

Itakura Misaki whispered the name of her first artist, and after turning the first page, her eyes were instantly attracted to the photo posted in the upper right corner.

Even during the three months of induction training for Itakura Misaki,

She has seen more handsome guys and beauties than she has ever seen in her life combined.

I'm already feeling some aesthetic fatigue.

But after she saw the photo of the young male artist with chestnut hair and jewel-like blue eyes in the file,

Still couldn't help but marvel.

"I'm so lucky. I was assigned such a good-looking artist as my role. It seems I'm not too far away from being able to work with Miss Yoko."

Itakura Misaki whispered in a low voice,

At the same time, I turned to the second page with excitement. After the detailed introduction and evaluation of Akikawa Sousuke during the training period,

The words in her mouth were instantly stuck in her throat.

"Outstanding appearance, but a bit too thin"

"His singing level is below average, and he can hardly dance due to his physical condition, so his evaluation is very poor."

"He is quite smart, but his personality is introverted and gloomy. I have almost never seen him smile, so I guess his sales (marketing) ability is very poor."

"He is only rated C and ranked 23rd among 23 artists?"

Itakura Misaki looked at Akikawa Sousuke's information and gradually opened her mouth.

"Isn't he good-looking and useless? There are a lot of such artists in Japan!!"

"How did he pass the interview and assessment to enter the company?"

Itakura Misaki was extremely confused.

Artists have to go through several rounds of interviews and selections before entering the company.

Only after passing the layers of screening can they start training as new artists.

Looking at the evaluation, most of Akikawa Sousuke's abilities as an artist are far below average,

so Itakura Misaki was greatly confused about Akikawa Sousuke's entry into Wonderful.

Then, after seeing the "SG" logo on Akikawa Sosuke's profile, he immediately covered his cheek helplessly.

"He was actually recruited by a scout."

The so-called SG is the abbreviation of "Scauto Group", which means an artist directly recruited by a scout.

Such artists can directly sign with the company to become artists and receive training without going through screening and assessment.

The vast majority of artists are called "Odession Group", abbreviated as "OG", and are artists who have signed through layers of selection.

Needless to say, the quality is naturally better.

The latter is definitely stronger.

Just when Itakura Misaki was thinking in her heart that her career as an agent might have ended before it even began.

Suddenly, a somewhat gloomy voice sounded beside her:

"Is it Miss Itakura? Nice to meet you, I am Akikawa Sosuke."

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