In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 33 Yoko, do you know this Akikawa?

In the exclusive office of top artist Okino Yoko.

Chief agent Sae Nakata knocked on the door gently and walked in.

Then he looked at Okino Yoko who was leaning back on the sofa and staring at the ceiling in a daze with a worried look on his face.

Sae Nakata walked up to Okino Yoko and waved her hand in front of her somewhat distracted eyes.

After those blue eyes stared at him, he asked:

"Yoko, what's wrong with you?"

As the agent who has been with Okino Yoko for the longest time, Nakata Sae discovered that Okino Yoko has been in a daze from time to time recently.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired."

"Liar, if you were just tired, Yoko, you wouldn't show that rude expression outside."

Nakata Sae didn't believe Okino Yoko's words at all.

Okino Yoko's quality as an artist can be said to be quite high.

Previously, Okino Yoko injured her foot due to a mistake during a performance.

However, more than 10,000 spectators and more than 100 staff members did not realize that Okino Yoko was injured until the end of the performance.

And when Okino Yoko returned to the backstage and took off her shoes,

When she showed everyone her swollen and red ankle with a smile on her face, everyone realized that Okino Yoko had suffered such a serious injury.

There is no doubt that Okino Yoko's ability to control her emotions is top-notch.

And it was Okino Yoko who showed such a gloomy expression just now.

It was obviously a great shock to his heart.

The uneasiness that had disappeared for a long time rose up again in Nakata Sae's heart.

Actually, starting in late August this year.

She noticed something was wrong with Okino Yoko's mood.

Not only was he absent from filming for several days without any reason.

And when I was resting, I would often stare at the ceiling in a daze like today.

This is unimaginable for Yoko Okino, who is known as a "model worker" in the industry.

So much so that there were rumors that Okino Yoko had a boyfriend.

The point is.

Okino Yoko, who always talked about everything to herself in the past, kept silent when she was asked about this matter.

So Nakata Sae doesn't know what happened to Okino Yoko.

A few months passed,

Nakata Sae found that Okino Yoko's daze gradually decreased,

There were no more innocent absences from filming, so I no longer cared about it.

However, today, she saw a shocked expression on Okino Yoko's face that she had never seen before.

Nakata Sae always felt that Okino Yoko was hiding something very important from her.

"Yoko, what happened? Can't even I tell you?"

"If you think you can't solve it yourself, we can also entrust the great detective Mr. Mori to investigate."

"No, don't look for Mr. Mori!"

Okino Yoko suddenly raised her voice and directly rejected Nakata Sae's proposal.

Then he leaned back on the sofa again and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

"If you keep hiding it, Yoko, it will probably make things worse!"

Sae Nakata felt more and more that the matter was serious and continued to ask questions.

She knew that Yoko Okino, a big star who looked glamorous to outsiders, actually had a very miserable life experience.

My parents divorced early and my father passed away many years ago.

She was left alone, struggling in the entertainment industry while going to school.

After getting along with her for so many years, Nakata Sae has already regarded Okino Yoko as her sister.

So she wanted to know what happened.

"Sister Sha Hui, among this batch of new artists, there is an artist named 'Akikawa Kongsuke'."

"Help me check his information."

"Kusuke Akikawa? Okay."

Nakata Sae finally spoke when she saw Okino Yoko, and she felt a lot more relieved at the moment.

She took the tablet, connected to the company's internal network, and began to read the artist's information.

"Found it, Kyusuke Akikawa, 20 years old, was hired by Kubo-kun in Shibuya three months ago."

"Three months ago, it wouldn't be September 26, right?"

"Hey, it's true, Yoko, how did you know?" Nakata Sae was very surprised.

Okino Yoko did not answer.

Nakata Sae then continued talking.

"It also says that Akikawa Kyousuke was originally very resistant to this, but he agreed after hearing that it was Yoko and you were in Wonderful."


Hearing this, Okino Yoko let out a long sigh.

Then he raised his arms and covered his eyes.

"However, Akikawa Kyusuke's evaluation during training was very poor. Apart from his good looks, he was not very good at anything else."

"Of course."

Hearing this, Sae Nakata looked at Okino Yoko who was covering her cheek with her arm and asked:

"What, Yoko, do you know Akikawa?"

Okino Yoko did not answer, but continued:

"Sister Sha Hui, I have a request."

"you say."

"Can you let him leave the company?"


Nakata Sae was originally thinking,

If you are an acquaintance of Okino Yoko, please take some care of yourself.

Or providing more resources to support it is not a problem.

Unexpectedly, Akikawa Kongsuke was asked to leave.

"Is there any reason?"

"It's just that I simply feel that he is not suitable to be an artist, so I hope the company can ask him to leave in a gentle way."


Nakata Sae hesitated.

"Yoko, you also know that it costs a lot of money for the company to train these artists."

"The company has just trained Akikawa for three months. If he leaves before he makes any money, it will be a huge loss for the company."

"Just let me compensate for the loss." Okino Yoko said.

"No, it's not just about losses. We can't lay off employees without reason. If word like this spreads, it will reflect poorly on the company."

"But... if that person has harassed you, Yoko, then that's a different story."

Nakata Sae covered her cheek and whispered into Okino Yoko's ear.

She was hinting at Yoko Okino.

If Akikawa Kyousuke is accused of being a "stalker," then the company will have reason to lay off Akikawa Kyousuke.


Okino Yoko sat up suddenly and looked at Nakata Sae, her tone serious and serious.

"If you can't do it, forget it. Don't wrong others."


Looking at Okino Yoko's serious expression, Sae Nakata felt even deeper doubts in her heart.

"Forget it, Sister Sha Hui, just treat what I just said as if I didn't say it. Don't tell anyone what happened today."

Okino Yoko said, leaning back on the sofa for the third time, covering her cheeks with her arms, making her expression unclear.

"I see."

Looking at Okino Yoko's appearance, Nakata Sae really didn't understand what Okino Yoko was thinking.

I want to let Akikawa Kyousuke leave.

You also need to use gentle methods, as if you are afraid of hurting the other party.


at the same time.

Outside Yoko Okino's office.

A handsome and delicate male artist lowered his clenched fist and prepared to knock on the door.

At the same time, he repeated softly in his mouth:

"Akikawa Kyusuke."

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