In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 51 Identifying the murder weapon

Koichi Nishihara returned to the stage after Akikawa Kousuke was carried away from the Imperial Theater on a stretcher.

As soon as he returned backstage.

Then he saw Okino Yoko kneeling on the floor with his head lowered.

Looking at Okino Yoko's lost look, Nishihara Koichi's cheek twitched slightly, and the flame called jealousy ignited in his heart.

He felt a little unbelievable.

Okino Yoko actually had such strong negative emotions because of Akikawa Kyusuke.

However, the jealousy in Nishihara Koichi's heart only lasted for a few seconds.

Because he believes that it won’t take more than a day.

The murder scandal of Wonderful’s new artist Kyusuke Akikawa will appear in major news sections.

Koichi Nishihara realized that his actions were quite thorough.

Firstly, he was chosen as the deceased to frame the blame.

Actually a stranger whose name he couldn't even pronounce.

In this way, he has no contact with the deceased.

The second is the technique.

He wore full protective clothing, a motorcycle helmet and gloves during both attacks.

It was impossible for Akikawa Kyusuke to recognize him.

Even after Akikawa Kyusuke woke up early, he was frightened and ran away.

But there will only be his fingerprints on the rope used as the murder weapon.

In addition, Akikawa Kyousuke's uniform, the only British student uniform in the entire Empire Theater, was also stained with the blood of the deceased on the inside and outside.

It is basically inevitable that Akikawa Kyusuke is identified as the murderer.

Let’s take a step back.

Even if Mouri Kogoro is really as powerful as the rumors say, he sensed that someone else might have committed the crime.

Then the other party definitely can't doubt it on his head.

after all.

In such a short period of time, the police had no way of determining the specific time of death of the deceased.

The time when the deceased he arranged was discovered was after he appeared in the fourth act.

And he already had an alibi in the middle of the third act.

In other words, he had a perfect alibi during this period.

And the person whom he entrusted to convey the message to Akikawa Kongsuke, as well as the cleaner who was arranged to go to the laundry room, had never seen him before.

Even if those two people were found by the police, there would be no suspicion on his head.

"I can't find any connection with the deceased, nor can I find any connection with the murder weapon."

"I even have the most perfect alibi in the world."

"So the culprit can only be Akikawa Kongsuke!"

Nishihara Koichi thought in his heart, filled with confidence.


Inside the laundry room.

Mumu Thirteen dispatched the police to question the people behind the stage one by one.

While asking if anyone had sent a message to Akikawa Kyusuke, asking him to go to the laundry room to get his hat.

While asking if anyone had any conflicts with Akikawa Kongsuke or the deceased.

"Okay, there are only two things left, determine the murder weapon, and determine the time period during which the alibi needs to be confirmed with the suspect later."

Mumu Shisan said.

Wearing white gloves, Sera Masumi reached out and pinched the deceased's chin, preparing to check again for the strangulation marks on the deceased's neck.

However, Sera Masumi just moved the deceased's head slightly.

The deceased's jaw fell apart instantly like a fragile building block.

A large pool of blood leaked out from the deceased's dislocated mouth.

Several younger police officers in the room couldn't help but cover their mouths.

"The deceased's entire jaw was broken."

Sera Masumi said.

"What is this for? I remember that it takes a lot of force to break an adult male's jaw, right?"

Mouri Kogoro was puzzled.

"Generally speaking, there is only one reason to break a jaw -"

"To close or open the dead man's stiffened mouth."

Sera Masumi said.

"Assuming that the deceased kept his mouth open when he died, if rigor mortis occurs if left alone at this time, the deceased's mouth will not be able to close."

"At this time, if the murderer has to close the deceased's mouth for some reason, the only option is to break the deceased's jaw."

"But the deceased has not yet developed rigor mortis, so there should be no problem of being unable to close or open the deceased's mouth."

Mouri Kogoro asked doubtfully.

"Then there is only one explanation, which is that the murderer broke the deceased's jaw purely for the purpose of inflicting torture."

"There are several points to prove."

Sera Masumi pointed at the lower jaw of the deceased and said:

"If a person's jaw is broken while he is still alive, the cheek will swell rapidly in a short period of time."

"Since there is no sign of swelling on the deceased's cheek, it means that his jaw was broken after death."

"At the same time, I found that the deceased's tongue was broken, and the muscles inside the deceased's mouth still showed signs of contraction and spasm."

"This also means that the deceased's tongue was cruelly abused while he was alive, and his jaw was broken for no reason after death."

"Obviously, the murderer was enjoying the pleasure of torture and did not treat the deceased as a human being at all."

"Even if the deceased is dead, he is still abusing the body."

Sera's pure words once again sent shivers down the spines of everyone in the room.

"This is a premeditated murder, and it is a very bad murder!"

Megure Jusan said solemnly.

This case is an impulsive murder, and the possibility of impromptu murder has been completely denied.

And the nature is much worse than the general premeditated murder.

"We must not let such a murderer go unpunished, he must be severely punished!"

Chiba and Shin also had anger on their faces.

"The murder weapon should be a black rope as Akikawa said?"

Mouri Kogoro guessed.

"No, it's not a rope!"

Conan directly denied Mouri Kogoro's reasoning, and Mouri Kogoro's face was angry again.

Then Conan pointed at the marks on the neck of the deceased.

"Look, if the murder weapon is a rope, shouldn't we be able to see rope fibers and debris from the position of the strangulation marks?"

"But there is obviously no rope debris left on the neck of the deceased."

"Then it is a rope that will not leave fibers?" Chiba Kazunobu guessed.

"No, no matter what kind of rope it is, it is impossible to leave such marks on the hands of the deceased."

Conan said, raising the palm of the deceased.

Then everyone saw that there were several horizontal cuts on the fingertips of the deceased's two fingers.

It was as if it was cut by a knife, and the wound was long and thin.

"If a person is strangled by a rope, he will definitely grab the rope at the neck with both hands and try to struggle, right?"

Sera Masumi took over the conversation again.

Megure Jusan and Maori Kogoro and others all nodded in agreement.

"In this case, the victim's fingertips would normally have scratches, and there should be rope fragments and fibers between the fingers of the deceased."

"But there was no rope fragment in the fingers of the deceased, and the wounds on the fingertips did not match the scratches left by grabbing the rope."

"It can be seen that the murder weapon was not just a rope."

"But what on earth could leave such a mark like a knife scratch?"

Megure Jusan was confused and muttered to himself.

"If such a sharp object was really mistaken for a rope, the neck of the deceased should also have the same scar."

"How strange!"

Mouri Kogoro was also confused.

"This is simple."

Seeing that the police officers present were all confused, Sera Masumi chuckled and once again attracted everyone's attention.

"Just like a toothpick, a toothpick can break easily, but when many toothpicks are gathered together, it has enough strength."

"At the same time, you may still scratch your arm because of the sharpness of the toothpick."

"Things that are used as weapons also have this nature."

"And this kind of thing accompanies our daily life, and everyone has it."

"Everyone has it?"

Mouri Kogoro touched his body everywhere,

and he didn't feel that there was anything so sharp on his body that could scratch his fingertips and be used as a rope.

When he finally gave up and looked up at Sera Masumi.

He saw the handsome tomboy detective in front of him, using his slender fingertips to roll up the short wavy hair beside her ears.

"That is, hair."

"Of course, a single strand of hair is not enough to hurt people, but when countless strands of hair are twisted together, they have the toughness comparable to rope."

"Hair will not leave debris between fingers and wounds."

"If you struggle with your hands grabbing the hair on your neck, then the tiny hair will be like a blade, cutting the skin on your fingertips, leaving this kind of thin wound."

Sera Masumi said, and stopped rolling the hair with his hands.

"The murderer has been confirmed to be a man."

"Then, the murder weapon we are looking for is a black wig that is long enough!"

I am asking for votes and follow-up reading every day. Thank you readers!

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