Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.

Metropolitan Police Headquarters.

Search the first section of the forced criminal search of the third department.

In this dedicated interrogation room of the department dedicated to violent crimes,

Wonderful artist Koichi Nishihara was handcuffed in front of the interrogation table.

Opposite him at the moment, at the other end of the interrogation table was Takuto Nakajima, the chief inspector of the third department of the Criminal Investigation Section 1.

Before the interrogation began, Nakajima Takuto informed Nishihara Koichi of his basic rights.

Then began to verify the identity of Koichi Nishihara.


"Koichi Nishihara."



After completing the simple identification work, Takuto Nakajima began the interrogation work.

"Koichi Nishihara, do you know what I want to ask you?"

"I know."

"Then do you know what happened to Uesugi Misaki yesterday?"

"I know he's dead, but I didn't kill him."

"What about Akikawa Kyusuke?"

When Nakajima Takuto read out the name, his words paused.

There was a somewhat complicated look in his eyes.

"I didn't attack him, he framed me."

"The criminal police who participated in the investigation yesterday found the wig, the murder weapon used in the strangulation, in your backpack. It has also been confirmed that the wig was stained with the blood of the deceased."

"After questioning, artist Yoko Okino, director Mine Takemura, and manager Misaki Itakura all confirmed that you had the motive to attack Akikawa Kyusuke."

"And you have no alibi for the time when the deceased was killed."

"Can you explain these things?"

"I don't know, I was framed."


After Nakajima Takuto was silent for a moment, he looked at Nishihara Koichi in front of him with an ugly expression.

His voice gradually became stronger.

"Mr. Nishihara, I hope you can honestly face the facts."

"The current evidence is very unfavorable to you. Continuing to deny will only make the police think that you have no attitude of admitting guilt."

"I did not kill him, nor did I abuse the body, nor did I beat Akikawa Kyusuke."

"I only know that you policemen and detectives made a mistake in your judgment. You were all fooled by that Akikawa Kyusuke."


Faced with Nishihara Koichi's refusal to admit it, Nakajima Takuto was also quite helpless.

He stood up, turned off the camera, and left the interrogation room.

Koichi Nishihara was arrested and brought to justice yesterday by the Police Department's Megure Thirteen who conducted the three-department raid.

Today, Takuto Nakajima is in charge of the interrogation.

It's a pity that Koichi Nishihara refused to admit it even in the face of irrefutable evidence.

This situation is not uncommon, so Nakajima Takuto is ready to report the results of this interrogation directly to his superiors.

Be prepared to end the interrogation on the grounds that "the suspect has a bad confession attitude and no remorse."

Koichi Nishihara should then be handed over directly to prosecutors.

Nakajima Takuto came to the office of his immediate superior, Toda Kage, the deputy police chief, and knocked gently on the door.

There was no response from inside.

"I'm sorry."

Nakajima Takuto said softly, opened the door and walked in.

No surprises.

Nakajima Takuto saw a person after entering the door.

He was leaning back on the office chair behind him, with his feet propped up on the desk in the center of the room, and his face was covered with paper that looked like a case file.

From underneath the file, a very clear sound of snoring could be heard.

Generally speaking.

In the Japanese police system, police officers, as mid-level police officers, generally do not have separate offices.

For example, Sato Miwako, who is also a police officer in the third division of the Criminal Investigation Section 1, does not have a separate office.

At this moment, the person in front of Takuto Nakajima,

As he was fast asleep during office hours, a police officer named Kyouji Toda asked why he could have a separate office.

It is because of his extremely outstanding personal abilities.

Kyouji Toda was a detective in the Organized Crime Countermeasures Department of the Metropolitan Police Department.

The Metropolitan Police Department’s Organized Crime Countermeasures Division simply put,

It is a department that mainly targets crimes such as underworld, violent gangs, transnational crime, drug smuggling, human trafficking, and illegal weapons trading.

A few years ago, Toda Kyouji was injured in an operation, so he was transferred to the current Investigation Section 1, Forced Criminal Investigation Department 3.

Although the Criminal Investigation Department III of the Investigation Section 1 is a department specifically responsible for violent crime cases,

But the danger level of the prisoners they actually deal with is far less than that of the criminals in the Organized Crime Countermeasures Department.

Kyouji Toda's performance after being transferred to the Forced Criminal Investigation Department 3 was also very good.

But there was only one thing that gave Demu Mu Thirteen quite a headache.

Since Toda Kyouji has faced extremely vicious criminals in the past,

Therefore, when facing ordinary prisoners, he often used excessive force.

When Toda Kyouji interrogated prisoners, he often induced and forced confessions.

Although after being lectured several times by Megure Thirteen, Toda Kyouji's behavior has somewhat restrained.

However, only people like Nakajima Takuto and subordinates of Toda Kyouji knew about it.

Kyouji Toda's mind was still stuck in the Organized Crime Countermeasures Department.

And he has always encouraged his subordinates to induce confessions from prisoners.

Just like the previous car accident case, Nakajima Takuto induced Akikawa Sosuke to confess because he received instructions from Toda Kyouji.

At that time, Nakajima Takuto also questioned whether such behavior of inducing confession was somewhat inhumane now.

And the words that Toda Kyouji said with an extremely contemptuous expression at that time, Nakajima Takuto still remembers it vividly until now——

"Heh, you tell me it's inhumane? Do criminals have human rights?"

"We are protecting the safety of Japanese citizens, do you think criminals can be considered citizens?"

Although Nakajima Takuto made a big mistake in the previous car accident case and was severely reprimanded by Sato Miwako.

However, in fact, the person he feared most in his heart was still Toda Kyouji.

After all.

The brutal aura that this person had in the Organized Crime Countermeasures Department of the Metropolitan Police Department has not dissipated to this day.

Nakajima Takuto hesitated in the room for a while, not knowing whether to wake up Toda Kyouji.

At this moment, he heard the somewhat unclear voice of Toda Kyoji:

"Who is it?"

"It's me."

"Why, is Nishihara refusing to plead guilty?"

"Hey, Officer Toda, how did you know that?"

Nakajima Takuto was startled.

Toda Kyoji had been sleeping until just now.

How did he guess why he came to his office?

He hadn't said anything yet.

"Such a simple thing, if you just use your brain to think about it, you will know it?"

"You were sent to interrogate Nishihara. If the result is in line with the expectation, you can just put the file down and leave."

"You hesitated in my room for a long time and didn't speak. It can only be that Nishihara refused to plead guilty."

Toda Kyoji did not take the file off his face and analyzed it.

"Tsk, these bastards, they all deserve to die."

Toda Kyoji said, and slammed the file on his face heavily on the desk.

"However, he should also know that it would not be good for him to keep refusing to plead guilty when the evidence is irrefutable."

Kyoji Toda said, and stood up and walked outside.

"Let me personally confirm whether there is something fishy about the case or whether the man is just an idiot."

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