In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 71 Successful conclusion

As more and more viewers become aware of this,

The content discussed by the audience quickly shifted from the stage play to Sosuke Akikawa, the actor who plays Sae Otani.

The best proof is that they were so immersed in the performance that they completely forgot to judge Akikawa Kyusuke's acting skills.

It shows that Akikawa Kyusuke's performance is not separated from the plot.

Whether he is a bright and popular monitor in school,

He is also the elder brother who carries the future of his mother and sister in the family.

They were all perfectly performed by Akikawa Kyusuke.

"Little, little, little, little Ran!! The actor who plays Kotani Sae is so, so, so, so handsome! Did you see it!!"

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Mao Lilan beside her with bright eyes, and her whole person was in a state of extreme excitement.

"You were actually worried about whether people would destroy your father-in-law's works! It's totally unnecessary!!"


Mouri Kogoro heard Suzuki Sonoko's words and made a loud questioning sound.

Mao Lilan and Conan on the side turned red at the same time.

"Anyway. Anyway! That actor did a great job!"

Realizing that she seemed to have said something wrong, Suzuki Sonoko became a little embarrassed for a moment and continued her topic stiffly.

"Not only is he handsome, but his acting skills are also good! I'm going to be obsessed with him!"

"Uh Sonoko, isn't this bad? Don't you already have Kyogoku-san?"

Mao Lilan looked at the nymphomaniac Suzuki Sonoko next to her and hurriedly reminded her.

"No, no, no, this is an investment!"

"Xiaolan, don't you think this stage play is the first time for the actor Otani Sae?"

"Then if we get to know each other now, wouldn't it be a sure-profit investment? Maybe this person will be a big star in the future!"

"I feel like he will definitely become popular in the future!"

"Don't you think so, Xiaolan?"

Suzuki Sonoko looked at Xiaolan and asked.

"Well, his acting skills are indeed much better than I thought."

Mao Lilan gave a fair evaluation.


Listening to Suzuki Sonoko's overly excited voice, Sera Masumi couldn't help but touch Conan next to her with her elbow.

"Boy, do you think Akikawa's acting skills are a little too good?"

"It is indeed a bit beyond expectations."

Conan had just recovered from the shock of Akikawa Kyusuke's acting skills and replied in a deep voice.

"I originally thought that he got this role because of Miss Yoko's relationship, but I didn't expect that his acting skills were so good."

Sera Masumi couldn't help but sigh.

"If his acting skills were poor, how could he compare to Saihara in the audition?"

"That's an actor who started his career as a child star."

Conan said helplessly.

"That's right. If Akikawa's acting skills weren't better than Saihara's, he wouldn't have made Saihara so jealous that he wanted to kill him."

After Sera Masumi said this, after being silent for about five seconds, she spoke again:

"There's still something wrong. With Akikawa's past experience, how could he have such superb acting skills?"

"Is it true, as you said, that you can hone such acting skills just by watching DVDs?"

"Moreover, if his acting skills are really that good, doesn't it mean that when he is acting in front of us, it is very likely that neither of us can notice it?"

"Perhaps it's more appropriate to attribute this to 'extraordinary talent'. Look at his sister, who has only been in the entertainment industry for a few years and has become so popular now. She is obviously very talented in acting! Maybe Qiuchuan has also inherited the talent for acting. Woolen cloth."

Conan guessed.

"I've never heard that acting talent can be inherited!"

Sera Masumi obviously couldn't accept Conan's statement.

"It's okay, Miss Seriang, you can see that my acting skills are so good because I inherited them from my mother."


Sera Masumi stared at the boastful Conan for a long time with a look that looked like a fool.

It turns out that Conan wasn't joking.

He seems to really think his acting skills are excellent.

Conan was a little embarrassed to be stared at by Sera Masumi. After a while, he sighed and said slowly:

"Miss Sera, I know what you want to say."

"But in this case, it is most reasonable to attribute Akikawa to having excellent acting talent."

"Because once we consider that his acting talent is not innate, countless questions will arise that we cannot explain."

Conan paused and continued:

"As you said, Akichuan's exposure to society was limited to elementary school, and he spent the rest of his time at home. How could he produce such superb acting skills?"

"Since he has such superb acting skills, does it mean that he actually has very rich social experience, and is his mind not as naive as we imagined?"

"In this case, will it be possible that the Qiuchuan we have seen before also looks like he has been packaged by his acting skills?"

"But how could Qiuchuan be under house arrest by her mother for so long?"

"Did he lie to the police and us?"

"Wait a minute. There's no way to explain it clearly, is there?"

Conan said, also looking at Sera Masumi on the side.

"Boy, you're right."

"In the car accident case, Akikawa's behavior of taking an overdose of sleeping pills conflicts with our judgment that Akikawa killed Ms. Ryoko and then committed suicide. Therefore, it is most reasonable for a third party to commit the crime."

"But as you analyzed before, kid, there may be another image of Akikawa that always lingers in my mind."

"Don't you think that Qiuchuan showing off his acting skills to us so openly is not a sign of his extreme arrogance?"

Sera Masumi asked rhetorically.

"In other words, Akikawa simply has great acting talent, but in fact he is still a child mentally and has never considered that we would suspect him if his excellent acting skills were exposed."

"Because there is now too much evidence to refute your statement, Ms. Sera, I think it is not correct to blindly adhere to conspiracy theories."

Conan and Sera Masumi each held their own opinions, and their discussions remained two parallel lines until the start of the next scene.

in the last two acts.

Detective Quinn successfully cracked the "Voice of the Dead" conspiracy and caught the real culprit.

Finally, all the actors of this stage play took the stage together for the curtain call.

Amid the warm applause of more than 1,800 spectators, the first day of the stage play "The Lost Lady: Voice of the Dead" came to a successful conclusion.


Empire Theatre, backstage.

*Bang! Bang! *

With two "bang bang" sounds,

Countless color films and ribbons sprayed out from the small salutes in the hands of the stage director Mine Takemura and the assistant director.

It fell on the heads of the actors.

"It's perfect! Everyone did a great job on the first day of performance!"

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone!"

Director Takemura Mine gave the most sincere encouragement and applause to the stage actors present.

In fact, he was worried at first whether everyone's mentality would be affected because of what happened a month ago.

But in terms of results, the performance was clearly more perfect than a month ago.

"Anyway, there are still 6 days left, so please continue to work hard!"


All the actors present responded in unison.

The performance of "The Lost Lady: Voice of the Dead" was originally scheduled to last two weeks.

However, due to an unexpected situation a month ago, the performance was shortened to 7 days.

After the performance, the stage play will be made into a theatrical film for fans across the country to enjoy.

"Akikawa-kun, you are going back to the company with Miss Itakura later, right? Let's go back together. It just so happens that I also have to go back to do something."

Suddenly Okino Yoko's voice rang.

Hearing this, the surrounding artists also cast envious glances at Akikawa Kongsuke.

What a blessing it is to be able to ride in the car with Miss Yoko!

"Okay, thank you, Miss Yoko."

Akikawa Kyusuke gently nodded to Okino Yoko, and then went back to his dressing room to prepare for removing makeup.

However, just as Akikawa Kyusuke sat down in front of the makeup artist, the door was pushed open from the outside.

Then he saw the agent Miss Itakura Misaki rushing in with her eyes red with excitement.

"That's great, Mr. Akikawa! This performance is really perfect!"

"I couldn't bear to watch it until now. It's really the most correct decision!"

"The performances of Mr. Akikawa and Ms. Yoko are so great."

Misaki Itakura said with great excitement, and at the end she couldn't help but sob.

"Speaking of which, Miss Yoko just said that she will take us back to the company later."

"Huh?! So good! This is so happy!!"

When Itakura Misaki heard this, the clouds suddenly cleared up and she became happy.

After confirming that the agent's mood had stabilized, Akikawa Kyousuke closed her eyes and accepted the make-up artist's removal of her makeup.

Misaki Itakura on the side began to reminisce about this stage play.

That look.

She looked like a high school girl who had just watched a wonderful movie and couldn't help but discuss the highlights of the movie with her friends.

Just when Misaki Itakura was talking excitedly,

Her cell phone suddenly rang.

"Excuse me, please answer the phone."

Misaki Itakura said, taking her cell phone and leaving the dressing room.

About four or five minutes later, the dressing room door was pushed open by her again.

Akikawa Kyusuke and the frightened makeup artist next to him once again saw Misaki Itakura's excited face with flushed cheeks.

"Mr. Akikawa! Mr. Akikawa! There is good news!"

"Do you know about the film festival that will be held in Minato District in ten days?"

"This film festival will be attended by many well-known actors, directors and producers in the industry."

"Originally, our coffee position was completely unqualified, and it was something we couldn't even think about!"


When Misaki Itakura said this, he deliberately let it slip and paused for a few seconds.

Then he raised his volume:

"The second young lady of the Suzuki Foundation was just in the audience of the first day of this performance!"

"She just watched Mr. Akikawa's performance and expressed her admiration for Mr. Akikawa, so she hopes to invite Mr. Akikawa to attend the opening ceremony and dinner of this film festival!"

"The Suzuki Foundation is the main investor of this film festival!"

"So, it can be said that this is a rare opportunity!"


Outside the Imperial Theater.

Nakajima Takuto sat in the driver's seat of a black Crown sedan, staring at the pedestrians who hurriedly left in front of him.


There was a "knock knock" sound of knocking on the glass, and he hurriedly unlocked the car after seeing the person coming.

Then the door of the back seat was opened, and a man sat in.

This was Nakajima Takuto's direct superior, Inspector Toda Kyouji.

Nakajima Takuto started the car and then drove silently towards the Metropolitan Police Department headquarters.

After leaving the vicinity of the Imperial Theater, he slowly spoke:

"How is it?"

"It's a good performance, that Akikawa."

Toda Kyouji looked at the street scene outside the window that quickly swept to the back and commented with a smile.

Hot knowledge: The black Toyota Crown is one of the special vehicles of the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department. This type of car body generally does not carry the logo of the Metropolitan Police Department, so as not to attract attention when performing tasks.

The second volume is officially over, and readers are requested to follow up and vote more.

Thank you!

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