"How do you guarantee that?"

Hearing this, Bai He asked calmly, although he was a little surprised by Bibi Dong's sudden voice.

"What do you think your sensitive clan can bring to my Spirit Hall?"

Bibi Dong asked with a smile.

Bai He was speechless for a moment.

Yes, the role of their agile clan seems to be just the icing on the cake for Wuhun Palace.

Exploring information? The Wuhun Palace's forces are spread all over the mainland, and there are many ways to replace the speed advantage of the Min clan in transmitting information.

Collect all kinds of rare treasures? The reason is the same, Wuhun Palace has many channels.

These two things that the Min clan was often responsible for in the Haotian Sect seemed not to be so irreplaceable in the Wuhun Palace.

Therefore, the meaning of Bibi Dong, or Wuhun Palace, is already very clear.

Compared to the Po and Yu clans, who each have specializations, Wuhun Palace recruits the Min clan with the idea that the more talents the better, and it is better to accept them than to give them to other forces.

As for the relationship with Haotian Sect?

The Clear Sky Sect itself is about to be overthrown by the Wuhun Palace. The Wuhun Palace even wants to "mass-produce" the Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit itself. How about going tit-for-tat against a mere agility clan?

While Bai He was thinking silently, Tuoba Xi had already led the Holy Dragon Legion to surround the Force Clan camp.

"What a good dog! You seem to be very unconvinced when I hear you call me "you" like that. Since you are so courageous, then you should stand up."

"Take your people and stand up."

"Or do you actually want to drag the three old friends around you to die with you?"

Hearing this last sentence, Tai Tan was furious. He really didn't intend to move at first. He wanted to persuade his old friends around him to fight with him until the final chapter and not to succumb to the Spirit Hall. Now he just moved forward. After several steps, he shouted:

"Disciples of the Force Clan, all stand up!"

Afterwards, some people walked out hesitantly, but Titan's son Tylenol was not among them.

"Noer, what are you doing?!"

Titan then looked at Tylenol, his tone was stern and angry, and his eyes were getting redder and he shouted.


The young Tainuo and his wife stood in the camp of the four tribes, holding a sleeping child in his arms, lowering his head and whispering:

"Your grandson is still so young, do you want him to die like this?"

Tai Tan trembled all over, but quickly regained his composure and said:

"It is right to die for the old master Tang Chen, the new master Tang Hao, and the young master who has not yet grown up!"

"But is your death meaningful?"

Tylenol's voice couldn't help but get louder.

"Look at the tribesmen who stepped forward. Are they willing to die?"

"Are you going to harm the entire clan for your so-called loyalty?"

"...Get out! All members of the Force Clan, come out! Otherwise, you will no longer be our children from now on!"

Hearing this, although Tai Tai was shaken for a moment, he still shouted loudly towards the camp of the four tribes.

If he could be persuaded so easily, he wouldn't be Douluo's famous "old slave".

After a while.

The entire force clan still stood up, each and every one of them was silent, and the atmosphere was terrifyingly depressing.

Hundreds of martial soul gorillas were possessed at the same time, and the whole place shone with the light of soul rings, which seemed a bit tragic in this situation.

Seeing this, Tuoba Xi on the opposite side did not feel any admiration at all. At most, he felt sad for the members of the Li clan who were implicated in the death of the clan leader because of his foolish loyalty.

At this moment, Tylenol stood in front of his father, who was still a little angry with him, and suddenly said with determination in his tone:

"Father, since we are going to die no matter what, let the children go first!"

After saying that, the four power soul rings on his body lit up at the same time.

Tai Tan's expression calmed down, he nodded, and then said with some relief and excitement:

"Okay! Good boy! We, father and son, will die together for our master!"

On the opposite side, Tuoba Xi, who had always been a little itchy at the Angel Legion's previous display of power, saw this and immediately ordered the entire army to possess martial souls.

The scene was equally shocking, and because of the power and nobility of the white-armored Earth Dragon Spirit compared to the powerful gorilla, the platinum-gold White-armored Earth Dragon Spirit Master Army looked even more gorgeous.

Just when Tuoba Xi raised his hand, ready to order the entire army to attack and take the lead.

On the opposite side, something happened that almost shocked him.

I saw that Tainuo, with the blessing of four power-type soul rings, faced his father Titan who was not defensive at all, and punched him into the force clan.

Immediately afterwards, three more elders from the Soul Saint Clan within the Force Clan simultaneously displayed their martial soul avatars and punched the patriarch of the clan, Tai Tan, with all their strength.

"What...are you...doing..."

Titan was not aware of it for a moment, and had no time to resist. He was severely injured and even nearly died in an instant.

"Father, the future of the Force Clan..."

At this time, Tainuo stood in front of the three Soul Saint clansmen with tears in his eyes, holding his young son Tailong who was crying in his arms.

"It can't be ruined like this!"

There was a trace of despair in Tai Tan's eyes.

He understood completely at this moment.

Thinking about it, the three elders of the Soul Saint clan just discussed this matter secretly with their son, hoping to jointly defeat him, the "daringly loyal" clan leader, in exchange for a chance to survive.


He sighed secretly in his heart, closed his eyes silently, and said nothing more.

When a person is about to die, his words may not necessarily be good, but his thoughts will definitely become clearer in an instant.

At this moment, Tai Tan seemed somewhat relieved and self-deprecating.

At the same time, Tai Nuo no longer cared about how sad he was. He took a last look at his father, told other tribesmen to take care of him temporarily, and then resolutely turned around and stood at the front of the Power Clan with the three Soul Saint elders.

Then, he knelt down facing the Wuhun Hall.

"My Power Clan, the clan leader is ignorant, does not know the general situation, and insists on his own way. Now I, Tai Nuo, will temporarily take over the position of clan leader. I am willing to lead all the Power Clan to submit to the Wuhun Hall. I only ask Her Highness the Saint to show mercy and spare the lives of my clan."

Immediately afterwards, behind Tai Nuo, hundreds of clansmen knelt down and shouted in unison:

"Please show mercy to Her Highness the Saint and spare the lives of my clan!"


At this moment, Bibi Dong was also a little confused.

The fact that the Power Clan must be destroyed was something Wang Zhao specifically mentioned to her that night, but according to the sudden change in the current situation, it is obviously not suitable for the Wuhun Hall to press on.

Otherwise, if the other three tribes become disloyal, it will be difficult to completely subdue them.

After thinking for a while, Bibi Dong finally waved her hand and said:

"Since this is the case, my Wuhun Hall will naturally not pursue it anymore. You and the Li tribe will follow the Holy Dragon Army later."

After saying that, she turned her eyes to the other three tribes again.

However, at this moment, the patriarchs of the three tribes have already surrounded Titan.

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