"The Spirit Hall army actually subdued the four single-attribute clans?"

At this time, in the corner of the tavern, Wang Zhao looked a little surprised.

The "Li" clan, which is famous throughout the Douluo world, has also surrendered?

Hiss, it's incredible...

In the end, Wang Zhao didn't understand, so he had to attribute it to the fact that this is the real world, and there are always people who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

Afterwards, Wang Zhao listened silently for a while, and after hearing the whole story, he knocked off the last peanut in his hand and got up and left.

Returning to the house, Wang Zhao greeted Sister Die and walked into the room.

Raising his hand and holding up a notebook on the desk, he smiled slightly.

"This thing, let's use it as a gift to congratulate her on becoming the new Pope..."

Two days later.

Outside the Spirit City.

The mighty army of soul masters triumphed, and the soldiers who had been prepared opened the city gates immediately and let the army enter the city in the form of a line.

Bibi Dong sat in the front row, followed by many powerful people, and was in great glory.

In the city, many people gathered on both sides of the main street that had been cleared long ago. They looked at the army of soul masters coming towards them with admiration, admiration, or longing, and raised their hands to express their warm celebration for them.

Bibi Dong smiled at this scene, and raised her jade hand to respond to the cheers and praises from all directions.

Suddenly, a familiar little figure passed by her eyes.

She looked back subconsciously, but saw that it was Wang Zhao who squeezed to the front row of the crowd. As if he noticed her sight, he turned his head to meet her, with a slight curl of his mouth, and raised his right hand and raised a thumb.

Seeing this scene, Bibi Dong felt a sense of peace inexplicably on the noisy street. It seemed that a warm current flowed through her heart, and the world suddenly became quiet.

Countless faces were mosaiced at this moment, only that innocent little face was so clear to her.

The smile on her face became more and more intense.

Time continued to pass.

The little figure nodded slightly, then took the initiative to hide in the crowd and disappeared. Bibi Dong also came to her senses and continued to move forward.

Wait until we get back to the house...

She thought.

As for now, let's do business first.


Not long after.

The team slowly stopped outside the Pope's Palace, and the various legions stood guard in an orderly manner. The boiling people behind them had already run up in a circle under the leadership of someone unknown, but were blocked outside by the soul masters of the various legions.

Bibi Dong stepped down from the carriage, and the two knights guarding the door of the Pope's Palace bowed their heads slightly, knelt down immediately, and shouted in unison:

"Welcome to the triumphant return of Her Highness the Saint!"

Inside the Pope's Palace, several exciting voices were heard:

"Welcome to the triumphant return of Her Highness the Saint!"

Outside the Pope's Palace, countless people watching the excitement heard this and couldn't help but shouting:

"Her Highness the Saint, triumphant return!!!"

"Everyone get up."

Bibi Dong looked at the two knights at the door, nodded slightly, showed a smile that made people feel like spring breeze, and then stepped into the Pope's Palace.

At this moment, a dazzling golden light column suddenly rose from the Pope's Palace.

An elder stepped out from it, stepped into the void, his golden hair scattered, and three pairs of holy white wings appeared behind him.

The crowd below exclaimed.

His identity is self-evident-

The Spirit Hall's eternal spiritual pillar, one of the two peaks of the spirit master world, the angel Douluo who used to look down on the world, and now the great worshiper, Qian Daoliu!

They would never have thought that even when the Spirit Hall army went out last time, Qian Daoliu only threw a stone equivalent to a token to Bibi Dong.

And this time, he actually came out to welcome the army's triumphant return!


Qian Daoliu naturally didn't care about the clamor below, but just looked down at Bibi Dong who was climbing up the Pope's Palace step by step, and nodded with satisfaction in his heart.

This girl is not bad.

Apart from the unclear relationship with the boy named Yu Xiaogang and the evil spirit, she is undoubtedly a nearly perfect Pope's successor.

Of course, in his opinion, the truly perfect successor must be his granddaughter.

With a gleam in his eyes, Qian Daoliu had already thought about it.

He waved his hand slightly, and the Pope's scepter in Bibi Dong's hand flew out by itself, wrapped in a ray of golden light and came to him, and then just floated in the air.

Bibi Dong didn't react to this, but just continued to move forward silently.

Not long after, she came to Qian Daoliu.

Qian Daoliu looked at her for a long time with scrutiny, and then he retracted his gaze and made a loud announcement to the legions, bishops, and the masses below:

"In the past, our Wuhun Hall Pope Qian Xunji unfortunately died at the hands of the thieves, but now Saint Bibi Dong led the army to fight against the Haotian Sect, and returned triumphantly without losing a single soldier, spreading the reputation of our Wuhun Hall and protecting the hall..."

"From now on, Bibi Dong is the new Pope of our Wuhun Hall."

After saying that, Qian Daoliu closed his eyes slightly, and said to Bibi Dong calmly:

"Take the scepter."

Bibi Dong nodded, slowly stretched out her hand and firmly grasped the scepter in front of her, then turned around, looked down at the whole audience, and placed the Pope's scepter, which symbolized the supreme authority in the world, on the ground.

The voice then took on a little majesty, and said concisely:

"I am the Pope!"

In an instant, Qian Daoliu disappeared on the spot.

At the same time, His Holiness the Pope, several powerful men bowed and saluted, and countless people knelt on one knee and shouted in unison:

"Your Holiness the Pope!"

"Your Highness the Pope!!"

"Your Highness the Pope!!!"

Bibi Dong nodded again.

"Thanks to your love and support, I, Bibi Dong, promise here that after I take the position, I will definitely create an unprecedented glorious era for the Spirit Hall."


"I know that many of you present here are actually not convinced by me, despising my age, doubting my ability to manage, and questioning my most important aspect of my spirit strength."

After saying that, a faint blood light suddenly rose in Bibi Dong's eyes.

The whole scene seemed to have not changed, but everyone on the scene felt an extremely terrifying chill.

Especially Ju and Ghost Douluo.


And it is the God of Killing Domain!

They were terrified.

"I, Bibi Dong, have twin martial souls, and am a high-level Soul Douluo at level 88. I am only over 30 years old. I am confident that I can become a Titled Douluo within a year and break the so-called youngest Titled Douluo record set by that thief Tang Hao."

After a moment, Bibi Dong gradually put away her domain, and said slowly.

"And after that, I will add a soul ring to my second martial soul, and then break through to Super Douluo in a short time."

"I hope that by then, what I hear will not only be a formal call of His Holiness the Pope, but also be recognized by everyone from the bottom of their hearts-"

"Your Holiness the Pope!"



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