The 51st butterfly


After going to Notting City to watch the "intrusive protagonist" Xiao Huohuo preparing to report to the Shitlake College in Soto City under the guidance of Yu Xiaogang, Wang Zhao returned to the Dragon King Hall.

At this time, the meeting hall of the Dragon King Hall was brightly lit. Wang Zhao walked in the void and could see a graceful figure sitting at the desk from a distance, concentrating on work.

He couldn't help but sigh, "I haven't been in charge of things these years, thanks to my sister. If she hadn't been so suitable to take my place, I really don't know if I could still practice well while hiding behind the scenes and making plans like now..."

Wang Zhao shook his head, his figure swayed, and he appeared in the hall the next moment.

Sensing his arrival, Butterfly concealed the trace of fatigue in her eyes, and just raised her head, smiling and ready to greet him.

Who knew that Wang Zhao's figure was gone in front of her. She was startled, and then she felt someone gently holding her waist from the side.

Well, the chair in the main hall was made to imitate the throne of the Pope in the Spirit Hall, and it was very spacious.

Die tilted her head slightly, and cast a loving look at the little man who was holding her next to her.

"Sister Die, you have worked hard in the past few years. I will take care of the rest. In the future, I will leave it to Senior Qianjun or Dugu Bo, how about it? You are tired, go to sleep first..."

She was stunned again, and after leaning quietly in his warm arms for a moment, she smiled and said softly:

"Although you have made rapid progress, your cultivation is still far behind my current level. How can I be exhausted by handling these trivial matters?"

Wang Zhao did not speak, but just held her arm a little harder, as if he wanted to rub her whole body into his body.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The two of them enjoyed the quietness of the moment very tacitly, and the warmth that came from nowhere gradually became stronger.

Suddenly, Die gently pushed Wang Zhao, indicating that she was going to continue working.

Wang Zhao nodded and let her go. He did not leave. He just sat beside her and watched her slowly put her mind back to work...

The night was getting deeper.

The main hall fell into darkness, the door closed, and the two stood at the door, about to return to their respective dormitories.

Die looked at Wang Zhao with a full gaze, as gentle as water, as if she wanted to see him off first.

Who would have thought that she waited for a while, not only did she not wait for Wang Zhao to turn around, but she watched him hesitate for a while and suddenly stepped forward.

"Uh... that..."

Wang Zhao opened his mouth, hesitating. He usually looked like a strategist, but at this moment he seemed to have become a young boy.

Die's eyes moved, revealing a hint of surprise, feeling the strange atmosphere between the two, and then he seemed to realize something.

Seeing Wang Zhao, who was a little nervous, she smiled with a little doting. Just when she was about to speak, she heard Wang Zhao finally say:

"Today the moon is very bright, you accompany me to see it..."

He put his hands in his pockets.


Die's eyebrows curved.


Just like that, the two of them walked on the road facing the moonlight. In the end, I don't know if it was confused, Wang Zhao took Die to his house, and Die walked in naturally, smiling and not showing any resistance.

The two of them had a drink under the moon, the scenery was bright and the moon was clear, and they were talking and laughing, and Die suddenly asked to dance.

Then, Wang Zhao saw a smart black butterfly appear in the middle of the various flower pots in the yard, singing and dancing, graceful, and exuding the most beautiful scenery in the world with every frown and smile, a priceless treasure that belongs to him alone.

The night wind blew, causing the flowers to sway, and it seemed that they were unwilling to lag behind and wanted to compete with the beautiful figure and fragrance for a moment of beauty.

However, at this moment, Wang Zhao's eyes could no longer accommodate other scenery.

All he saw was gracefulness, and his heart was like a double silk net.

It turned out that the beauty danced lightly, letting the flowers be jealous.

The young man stood up unconsciously, and couldn't stop striding forward, and finally said:

"Butterfly, I..."


When love is deep, it becomes a pool of water, which is formed naturally.

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