"Can't you be as reserved as me?"

Qian Renxue brought the two little girls in front of her and said with a gloomy face, of course, mainly to Hu Liena, the real "little slut".

"Xiaobai is still young and ignorant, but you are already so old, how come you don't know the difference between men and women?"


Hearing this, Hu Liena's face was full of grievance.

"Sister Xue, you are older than me, and you don't have the difference between men and women with Senior Brother Wang."

Qian Renxue's eyes suddenly glared.

"I am different from you!"

"How is it different?"

Bai Chenxiang said crisply with true innocence and curiosity in her eyes.


Qian Renxue was speechless for a moment, and suddenly turned to look at Wang Zhao, who had been silent, and her face instantly became a little "dignified".

"Wang Xiaozhao, tell me, what is the difference between me and them?"


Faced with this fatal question, Wang Zhao opened his mouth, was silent for a while, and answered:

"They are my junior sisters, and you..."


Qian Renxue raised her eyebrows slightly.

"What am I to you?"

"You are my..."

Qian Renxue's delicate body trembled slightly, and she couldn't help but feel a little hopeful.

At this time.

Wang Zhao glanced at Bibi Dong who was interested not far away without leaving any trace, and grinned.

"Sister Dong'er's adopted daughter, I am your uncle, and you are my niece."

"Good niece, call me good uncle quickly~"

After saying that, Wang Zhao ignored Qian Renxue who suddenly became dazed, laughed, and then took the opportunity to run away.

"...Wang! Xiao! Zhao!"

The next moment, it seemed as if countless black air emerged from Qian Renxue's body. She was possessed by her martial spirit and transformed into a "dark angel", chasing Wang Zhao fiercely.

"Stop right there!"

"Damn, you are possessed by your martial spirit, you can't afford to play, where is your reservedness?"

"Stinky bastard, stop talking nonsense, angel judgment!"

"Puff, do you have this soul skill? And judge..."


"Wang Xiaozhao, you are dead!"

"Ouch, what are you doing, be gentle..."


Not far away, Hu Liena and Bai Chenxiang, who saw this situation, looked at each other and couldn't help but say:

"Sister Xue and Senior Brother Wang's relationship seems to be really different from ours."


Bai Chenxiang nodded ignorantly.

At her young age, she naturally didn't notice Hu Liena's slightly strange look at this moment.

Bibi Dong, who was sitting at the stone table, was watching this scene with a smile, but her slightly erratic eyes seemed a little absent-minded.


It was night.

Wang Zhao had just finished his training.

This time, he absorbed the inner elixir of Yanghua Dragon Bird, which made its energy complement the Yin-cold energy in his body. After sweeping away the past torture and defects, his level jumped to level 46.

This situation seemed reasonable to Wang Zhao. After all, he was not able to completely absorb the energy of Yinhua Dragon Bird's inner elixir last time, otherwise he would not have endured the pain of Yin-cold body training for two years.

This time, not only did he successfully absorb all the energy of the two inner elixirs, but the heat and Yin-cold also achieved a certain high-level balance, which enabled Jin Lin to have the ultimate attribute and still be able to upgrade 5 levels.

If the ultimate attribute soul masters of later generations knew about Wang Zhao's improvement speed, they would be shocked.

However, the energy of the two inner pills was balanced this time, and there was no repulsion with Wang Zhao's original light attribute. The key was that Yinhua Dragon Bird and Yanghua Dragon Bird were themselves symbols of two special lights.

In other words, he seemed to have a lot of attributes that were fancy and mixed, but in fact, whether it was the bright light of Yunbai Python, the strange light of Bilin Jinqing Jiao, or the hot and cold light of the two dragon birds, they were essentially extensions of light.

The reason why Wang Zhao had made up his mind not to follow the path of light to death was because the light of Douluo was at most related to holiness and fire, and compared to his ideal "light", it was undoubtedly a similar lower-level attribute.

What's more, the resources of Douluo Continent and even the entire Douluo Universe are limited. After achieving an angel god, there may be some gods of light. How many resources can be left for Jinlin to prove the way of light holy dragon, or even go further in pure light?

So, when Wang Zhao looked ahead, he was not only pursuing the broader "light", but also helpless.

This is just like the social hierarchy in the world. There are always empty seats at the top, because no one cares about them for various reasons, while the middle level is the target of countless people's competition. Later, there will always be someone who comes into being, stumbling along the way, and finally sitting in a seat at the top level inexplicably...

Let's get back to the topic.

If Wang Zhao really integrates energy of other attributes, there may be hidden dangers, even if his light is powerful.

So, what he has always pursued is high-quality energy with special light attributes, but with the improvement of his strength, his range of choices is also shrinking.

For example, his first soul ring is a carefully selected target, the second soul ring is a surprise that comes from following the clues, and the third and fourth soul rings are purely due to luck.

In the next soul ring selection, except for the target of the fifth soul ring, Wang Zhao has already planned it, and he has no idea about the remaining four soul rings.

Therefore, in these four years, he had a bold idea.

That is, make it yourself!

This experiment is still in progress, and the main person in charge is not only him, but also...

Wang Zhao stood up slightly when he thought of this, and walked out of the house, but he was not going to the library.

After all, the library has its limits, and the real core knowledge is still in the hands of the major families. As for Qian Renxue, she had already confronted Wang Zhao, so when she wanted to see Wang Zhao, she would go directly to the house to find him, and basically no longer meet Wang Zhao only in the library as before.

The destination of Wang Zhao's trip was the mansion of Ju Douluo in the core circle of Wuhun City. By the way, the clan land of the Po Yi clan in Wuhun City has also moved from the outer circle of Wuhun City to the inner circle near Ju Douluo's mansion in the past few years.

The reason for this is naturally inseparable from a certain Wang Xiaozhao.

Not long.

Outside the Ju Douluo mansion, the guards skillfully took Wang Zhao, who was wearing a black cloak and a mask, to a secret room, and then Wang Zhao walked in by himself.

The space in the secret room is not small, but a different world, with unusually bright light, and various rare and exotic plants scattered around, as well as stoves and some iron tools.

At the deepest part, there is a small leisure area, with a simple table and a few stools placed in the area. There are simple foods on the table. If someone knows the goods here, he will find that those foods are actually treasures that ordinary people can hardly touch, but they are placed here casually.

In general, this is a relatively pure laboratory, but the builder of the laboratory is relatively rich and has a higher status.

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