In Gaowu, there is a big fantasy world

Chapter 119 The first battle on the alien battlefield!

The speed of the chariot is not very fast. 6̳̳

It's not that you can't go fast, it's that you're not allowed to go fast.

Even in areas where space is relatively stable, if the speed is too fast, reaching supersonic speed, it will still increase the instability of space, and may be involved in space turbulence. Therefore, the speed of all flying cars is limited. Within a safe range, this undoubtedly increases the difficulty of supply.

Fortunately, although the area they chose was not a novice area, it was not too far away.

Just two hours later, the place arrived.

Below the chariot, a barren wilderness appeared. As far as the eye could see, it was endless. There were only sporadic grasslands scattered across the entire land, and uneven potholes could be seen in some places.

This was once a main battlefield on the lunar battlefield, but after a fierce war, it was completely destroyed. Even now, it has not been restored, but has become a huge plain.

And this is also the favorite place for innate-level novices.

Because the field of vision is wide, as long as you keep monitoring the surrounding environment, you don't have to worry too much about being surrounded. In addition, the number of giant beasts here is not large, and their strength is not strong.

But for the four newly fledged people, this wilderness still lurked countless dangers.

"A group of vultures are coming." Shen Xing glanced at the radar information of the tank shared on the armor. "Get out of the car. This height is their hunting area. We have to lift the tank into the air."

"Yes." Long Lei responded first, and the four of them jumped out of the car wearing battle armor.

Then, they also saw the so-called "vultures."

It seems more accurate to say "pterosaur". Of course, this creature does not have dragon blood, but is more like the pterosaurs of the Jurassic era. Each one has a wingspan of seven or eight meters long, with the front end of the fleshy wing It also has sharp claws and is the most common aerial beast on this battlefield.

There are even three realms in the entire race.

However, they will not attack creatures on the ground at will, and their flight height is also limited. As long as the chariot is pulled up to an altitude of several thousand meters, it can avoid attacks.

The four of them had no intention of engaging in aerial combat and landed directly on the ground.

The group of "vultures" saw the speeding car rapidly increasing the distance, hovering in the sky for a while, and then left directly.

The four of them, Shen Xing, immediately turned on the scan that came with the armor.

Nangong Jinyi got the result first.

"1.4 kilometers away in the 147-degree direction, there is a group of double-edged ground spiders underground. It seems to be a nest."

"Double-edged Earth Spider? That's a good opponent for honing your sword skills." Xue Lun said directly.

Shen Xing also quickly found information about this giant beast.

It is a spider-like behemoth whose strength is mainly in the second realm. Its most notable feature is that it has two sharp limbs like a mantis at the front, which can cut extremely fast.

There is even a double-blade martial arts artistic conception that uses the double-blade earth spider as the object of comprehension, and it is still high-quality.

The "sword skills" of this creature can also be seen.

More importantly, their "double blades" are quite expensive materials, and the spider silk is also good. This kind of creature ranks among the top among the "most valuable prey", but they encountered it all at once?

Shen Xing couldn't help but look at Nangong Jinyi.

"Water Moon Realm is really powerful."

This top-notch skill that specializes in the soul is truly unique in terms of perception.

"I just used customized equipment to assist in the investigation, it's nothing." Nangong Jinyi was a little modest.

"That is our first target." Shen Xing directly ordered, "Xue Lun, Long Lei, you two cooperate with each other to fight. I fight alone. The distance between the three of us should not exceed three hundred meters. Jinyi, you Remote support, all PODs are under your command.”

"Understood!" All three people responded, even Xue Lun.

However, there was obvious dissatisfaction in his voice.

Shen Xing asked him to cooperate with Long Lei, but he fought alone, obviously thinking that his strength was a level higher than his.

But Shen Xing is the captain, and Xue Lun still has some discipline.

At that moment, the four of them rushed directly towards the target location.

This was the first time Shen Xing ran with all his strength after entering the marrow training period. Even in the martial arts base, he had to hold back, otherwise he would easily hit someone.

It was a little uncomfortable at first, but soon, his speed became faster and faster!

Even if you are wearing armor, you can still feel the wind whistling in your ears, giving you an indescribable and refreshing feeling!

He now understood why everyone said that the battlefield in another world was the real stage for warriors.

Because only here can the daily hard work and the evolution of the body be fully displayed!

Shen Xing's speed even soared to 3,780 kilometers per hour in a very short period of time, surpassing the high-speed train in his previous life. This feeling of speed and lightning even made his body and mind seem to loosen!

The battle hasn't even started yet!

The appearance of several "prey" also caused a reaction among the spiders. More than a dozen giant spiders, at least three to four meters long, two meters high, crawled out of the ground one after another, exuding a cold aura, especially The two "folding knives" at the front are shining with sharp light, and you can clearly feel the energy gathering on the blades.

It is indeed the second realm!

Shen Xing's speed was obviously much faster than the other three, so he rushed to the front first.

The dragon-elephant body is fully open! The momentum all over his body surged.

Full body skills! Phantoms appeared one after another.

Lightning flashed, and the moment he held the handle of the knife, the lightning flash began to gather.

The speed of the whole person is getting faster and faster, and even the power of the armor is unfolding under his will. The whole person is like a black lightning, rushing straight towards an earth spider wielding double blades.


Dazzling thunder and lightning flashed across a cold light!

Except for the lack of space, Shen Xing has used all his strength. This is the first time since he entered the marrow training!

Even he himself did not know what level his speed, strength, and sword skills had accumulated.

But now I know.

Everyone could only see a flash of black lightning. The earth spider was cut in the middle by Shen Xing, and then exploded under the impact of huge force, splattering green blood into a ball.

A second-level giant beast was instantly killed!

The speed of his knife even exceeded the speed of the double-edged earth spider wielding its "double blades"!

Even Shen Xing himself was shocked by the results.

This is a second-level monster!

Not to mention him, even the three people behind him were shocked by this terrifying knife.

If it were any one of them, facing such a knife, they could only despair.

It is completely crushingly powerful!

However, this was a prepared sword after all. Before Shen Xing could recall it, a figure flashed before his eyes, and several double-edged ground spiders had already arrived in front of him.

The double blades set off a fierce whistling sound!

It seems to be faster than a bullet, and it is difficult for ordinary people to detect it with the naked eye!

"So fast!" Shen Xing was also startled by the speed of this giant beast. He exerted force on his feet and narrowly avoided the two blades.

The body technique has reached its peak!

This is an experience that is impossible to have when training alone.

Although it is said that the armor cannot be easily broken, but the cumulative effect is still a lot, and you still need to try your best to dodge every attack!

When necessary, the "Space" trump card will not be reluctant to be used.

Anyway, it is covered by the Phantom Body Technique.

But in the eyes of the other three people, it was Shen Xing who rushed directly into the spider swarm, killed one in an instant, and faced the siege of the spider swarm with ease.

"Too strong!" Long Lei was a little excited when she saw it, "He didn't even transform into a dragon!"

This is a second-level monster! Not just one!

This almost means that when wearing armor, Shen Xing's strength is already innate!

You know, he is just practicing!

If this kind of picture spreads, it will definitely cause a sensation in the academy's home planet, making everyone aware of what a top talent is!

Even Xue Lun, who had always been confident and felt that he was only one skill breakthrough behind Shen Xing, was watching this scene in silence at this time.

Too far.

Not just Kung Fu, but also fighting consciousness, body skills, and sword skills.

Shen Xing is stronger than him in every aspect!

This was indeed a blow to him.

Among the three, the one with the fastest reaction was Nangong Jinyi.

She had already raised the muzzle of her gun and started to attack calmly. Each shot hit, while penetrating the spiders, it also carried a chilling chill. Even if the spiders that were hit did not die, their movement speed was greatly slowed down. It was more like a mental shock, and even the two swords he swung became messy and sluggish.

Shen Xing seized the opportunity and killed several more. Not only did he know sword skills, but he also had great strength. He had begun to instinctively turn his entire body into a weapon. With just one collision or punch, he could kill a whole body. The double-edged ground spider with only a hard shell flew hundreds of meters away. The shell was dented and blood burst out!


Shen Xing fully utilized his strength and sword skills, enjoying the thrill of fighting.

The ground directly cracked under his heavy stamp, large amounts of dust splashed up, and even powerful behemoths were shattered and torn apart by his powerful attacks.

Ever since he entered martial arts and started training, he has never felt his power so clearly!

At this moment, all the hard work in the past seemed to have paid off!

Even this kind of monster that ordinary people think is invincible can still be killed in front of him!

Xue Lun and Long Lei could no longer hold back, and rushed into the spider group at the same time, starting a fight.

However, the performance of the two of them was obviously inferior to Shen Xing's. In just one confrontation, they were frustrated by the extremely fast and ferocious double-edged blades of the Double-edged Earth Spider. The energy shield on the armor kept lighting up. Sometimes, there is no way to avoid it, and only the two of them cooperate, with Long Lei as the main attack, and Xue Lun using the effect of "domain" to find the weak point, can he be able to kill one.

Sometimes Nangong Jinyi's remote cooperation is even needed.

This also gave them a deeper understanding of Shen Xing's power!

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