In Gaowu, there is a big fantasy world

Chapter 139 This is the battle between geniuses

But it's a pity that this person was restrained by Qu Xiong.

With the blessing of his skills, Qu Xiong maintained a steady defense and kept approaching. His punches were equally ferocious. Each punch could produce explosive waves of air, and the damage value even exceeded the opponent's by hundreds. sword!

Shen Xing estimated that the power of this punch exceeded 300 tons!

If he gets Wu Territory, even an innate may be beaten to death by him!

This is the level of the true genius of the Human Federation.

Of course, this is coupled with the top martial arts conception, and his basic strength should not be as good as Shen Xing.

If Shen Xing uses the dragon-elephant body of the second level, a thousand-ton explosion with one punch is not a problem. If he also transforms into a dragon,

Under that kind of extreme explosion, he had some doubts that this kind of shield could not stop it.

After all, if the basic foundation is strong, all methods will become stronger!

"If we don't fight, I will admit defeat." Qu Xiong's opponent also realized that he had no hope of comeback and had no choice but to admit defeat.

If there weren't so many spectators, he might still grit his teeth and persevere, but losing ground under the eyes of so many spectators would be a huge psychological pressure for such a young prodigy.

After he admitted defeat, he didn't even plan to stay here and left directly.

"Cheng Rang." Qu Xiong clasped his fists, grinned, and looked directly at Shen Xing, "Come on, don't waste time, how about we decide the outcome with one move?"

"Okay." Shen Xing nodded slightly and jumped on directly without waiting for the host to speak.

The shield regenerates energy.

There were no unnecessary words at all. Qu Xiong looked at Shen Xing with steady heat.

He also tried the Ten Thousand Dragons Technique, but failed. In the end, he did not choose other techniques in the hidden library, but chose a top technique for the public.

The result is a very high degree of matching, and it’s like taking off straight away!

Now he finally embarks on the road to compete for the top geniuses.

"Come fight!" Qu Xiong roared, the air waves rolling around his body. At this moment, it seemed as if a mountain peak actually appeared in front of him.

He has achieved "immovable as a mountain", and he will also achieve "immovable as a mountain"!

Many people exclaimed on the stage.

Obviously, this rapid entry into the second round of the game also attracted the attention of quite a few people.

For most ordinary martial arts students, there are not many opportunities to witness the battles of top geniuses like this.

This is why Yozakura School can gather tens of thousands of viewers in a short period of time.

However, compared with Qu Xiong's strength, Shen Xing's subsequent performance is undoubtedly even more shocking!

The second-level dragon-elephant body exploded in an instant!

The huge dragon elephant shadow seemed to appear behind him, its muscles bulged, and its whole body was filled with a desolate and powerful aura, and as Shen Xing stepped forward.


A loud noise, like a heavy tread on the earth, resounded throughout the entire place, even suppressing the sounds of other people fighting.

Step two, step three, step four!

Every step he took was accompanied by a loud noise, and even on the ground made of alloy, there were clear footprints!

He is gathering strength!

Everyone could see it, including Qu Xiong, because with every step Shen Xing took, the meaning of the dragon and elephant behind him became more solid! The muscles in the arms are also constantly expanding, so that the surrounding air is constantly vibrating!

By the seventh step, when he arrived in front of Qu Xiong, a terrifying aura had already gathered on his body. As Qu Xiong faced him directly, Shen Xing was no longer in front of his eyes, but there was only a dragon elephant hundreds of meters tall, like a mountain. !

There was even a desire to retreat in his heart.

But he quickly shook off this thought.

The other party didn't even transform into a dragon!

"Punch me!" Qu Xiong seemed unable to suppress this double psychological and physical torture, and even took the initiative and used his second-level boxing technique as his trump card!

And Shen Xing also threw out this charged punch!


It seemed as if a dragon's roar erupted in the venue, and the collision of air set off explosive waves of air. This collision of flesh against flesh, bone against bone, made the hearts of all the audience tense in an instant.

Then, the mountain cracked!

Thanks to the clean venue, even if there was a strong wind and air waves, everyone could easily see what was happening. Amidst the collision of fists, the taller Qu Xiong was only in a stalemate for a moment. , the blood vessels in his arms burst directly, and the whole person fell to the ground and flew out, and even broken bones flew out. As for the shield, it exploded!

"Medical cabin, get the medical cabin quickly!" Qu Xiong's tutor suddenly became anxious.

However, Qu Xiong, who fell to the ground, seemed not to hear, and just stared blankly at his bloody fist.

"You are very strong." Shen Xing's palms were also a little swollen and sore. He shook them off, looked at him like this, and said sincerely, "Except for dragon transformation, I have no hands left."

Yes, in addition to the second-level dragon-elephant body, he even used the first-level boxing technique, Longba Fist, which he had already practiced to great perfection.

In terms of strength alone, it is indeed second only to Dragon Transformation.

Just this, the force of the shock at that moment actually exceeded his expectations.

It has to be said that his true opponent can only be found in the academy’s home planet!

Shen Xing's fighting spirit was a little intense.

This is the battle between geniuses!

If he always bullies opponents who can be crushed, he will not be stronger.

"It's amazing." Qu Xiong suddenly laughed and gave a thumbs up with his other hand. When he was stuffed into the treatment cabin by his counselor, he didn't forget to yell, "I must take the first place. Lest I appear too weak!"

"Don't worry." Shen Xing smiled, "I've decided on the number one spot!"

Thanks to the silence on the field at this time, his unabashed words were conveyed with great clarity.

The stands were quieter.

As people from Ye Ying School, they obviously wanted to see people from their own school win, but the strength shown by Shen Xing made the scene as quiet as a library.

His swordsmanship is like thunder, one strike can make the shield explode, and his strength is like that of a dragon and elephant. With one punch, even people like Qu Xiong, who is born with divine power and obviously focuses on defense and strength, cannot stop him!

This kind of power makes it difficult for them to have confidence.

Even the organizer of Yezakura School, a man named Park Zhongguang, was extremely nervous.

The reason for causing such a big scene is because he firmly believes that the students of his school will win!

But if he loses, even if he is innate, he can't help but shudder at this time.

He is not from this cultural circle, so if something goes wrong, he has no mercy.

Only then did the host's voice appear, breaking the silence: "Thank you, Classmate Shen Xing, for showing us such amazing power. I have the latest data here. The punch that Classmate Shen Xing just delivered contained Yuan Power. It exerted an instantaneous force of more than 1,300 tons! Even an innate expert must use martial arts to prevent it! Yes, this is already an innate level of lethality."

"With such praise, it seems that they are ready to fail." Lu Lan said to Shen Xing with excitement on his face, and even asked, "How do you feel? Is it a lot of consumption? Did you bring any pills?"

"It's okay." Shen Xing felt his body, "It looks like one-third of the accumulated energy has been consumed."

If it weren't for Yuan Li, he wouldn't be able to achieve such terrifying values.

The gain of martial arts artistic conception also depends on the state.

If he still trains skin and flesh, he will be able to hit ten times the basic punching power with the first-level dragon-elephant body. But when it comes to training the internal organs, if he still uses the first-level, he may only be able to hit about three times the maximum.

Right now, a punch can directly hit ten times the maximum punching power. In addition to the power of the second-level dragon-elephant body, it is largely due to the accumulated Yuanli.

At that moment, there was no essential difference between him and a real innate.

Of course, if you don't accumulate some energy in advance, then what you punch out is your own energy, and it will be difficult to recover in a short period of time.

Cross-border means like this should not be conventional in the first place. The so-called geniuses in Wu Territory don't even dare to think about it, but here, it is the threshold of the top geniuses. If you cannot reach this point, let alone the top 100, Even the first thousand is difficult.

In the definition of the Human Federation, defeating Xiantian through physical training means defeating Xiantian who can also use martial arts to fight without any restrictions!

"Then you can seize the time to accumulate a little more energy." Lu Lan said, "Looking at the others, it should be over soon."

Indeed, because everyone's Yuanli has only been accumulated little by little, and the quantity is limited, they often choose to fight quickly.

It won't take too long.

After just waiting for another ten minutes, the top four were already decided.

And Yezakura School actually occupied two places.

They are a tall and thin boy named Masaki Nishui, and a thin girl named Toyama Chikako.

"She still has some strength." Shen Xing narrowed his eyes slightly, focusing especially on Chigako Toyama.

This girl wearing a white martial arts uniform looks not tall, and she is a bit thin. She can't tell anything about the battle just now. She can only see that she is very fast, and she uses the speed to continuously weaken the shield. , accumulating damage.

But she always gave Shen Xing a sense of danger.

As for the last person, she is a female student named Xia Mei, who comes from Cangshan College.

It was a top academy ranked among the top 50 in the entire academy's home planet. With such strength, it was not unexpected.

"The battle table has appeared." Lu Lan said.

At this time, there were waves of shouts in the stands, and everyone became excited. It was obvious that although the battle just did not last long, most of the warriors were excited to see it.

And Shen Xing also looked at his opponent.

Masaki Nishii.

"Sure enough, that girl is the trump card." Shen Xing narrowed his eyes and walked directly to the stands.

Because of the strong voice of Lu Lan and others, in order to save time, the two battles were carried out simultaneously.

Obviously, the fight between the two girls over there attracted most people's attention.

But Shen Xing didn't care and just looked at his opponent.

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