In Gaowu, there is a big fantasy world

Chapter 144 My clan’s weapon refining has no inscriptions!

This is also the result of Shen Xing's continuous preparation.

The bombardment confirmed his extraterritorial identity and brought him into the sight of various forces. The auction showed him his powerful "family power", which even the master cannot ignore, and the recent "magic weapon" made him even more... It has completely reached an almost transcendental level!

At least, no one in Wu Territory dared to ignore the threat he gave.

Not even the Grandmaster!

Among them, the first grandmaster-level strength to respond was Mingyue Tower!

The owner of Mingyue Tower ordered that all the elixirs for refining the Inner Breath Pill within the sphere of influence of the alchemists and Mingyue Tower be sent to Mr. Shen!

No one expected that the first grandmaster to speak out would be on Mr. Shen’s side.

But some people are also keenly aware of the situation behind this.

Because it seems that the owner of Mingyue Tower does not intend to come to help in person.

Even if she is a Grandmaster, facing the siege of multiple Grandmasters, she is still at risk of falling. After all, she still dare not bet everything on Master Shen!

But after that, the Chunyu Chamber of Commerce was the second force to stand up. It was completely different. Its president personally led the vast majority of the strong men in the chamber of commerce, including almost all the spiritual soldiers, to Jiaolong City. !

This news shocked Wu Yu again.

The Chunyu Chamber of Commerce does not have a master-level expert, but it is able to securely hold the title of the first chamber of commerce, not only because of the strongest weapon refining master in the Wu region! It's even more because it has the most innate talent in the entire Wu Territory!

There are more than 150 big cities, each of which has a branch of the Chunyu Chamber of Commerce, and at least one innate powerhouse is in charge, and the total number of innate powerhouses exceeds more than 180!

Obviously, this is the number that the president of the Chunyu Chamber of Commerce has attracted with his spiritual soldiers!

Now, under the order of the president, they all rushed towards Jiaolong City!

This attitude is more firm than Mingyue Tower.

"This is really a great gift." Shen Xing looked at Jiang Yan who was standing respectfully in front of him, mainly looking at the communicator in her hand, "President Wu is so firmly on my side?"

"I just believe in the power of the magic weapon, and I believe even more in the confidence of the young master." A powerful voice came from the communicator, "Other people may not understand the meaning of giving birth to a spiritual weapon with spiritual intelligence, but I know very well that even that It is not a magical weapon as we know it, but the force that can create such a magical object can easily deal with the three realms. "

President Wu’s full name is Wu Nu.

He is actually the second president of the Chunyu Chamber of Commerce and the main figure who brought the Chunyu Chamber of Commerce to where it is today. However, he is also the businessman who is least like a businessman.

Everyone in Wu Territory knew that weapon refining was what he pursued more than business and making money.

Even Shen Xing was somewhat impressed by his decisiveness.

"Perhaps it's not that those people don't know this, but they just don't want to accept it." Shen Xing chuckled and suddenly asked, "President Wu, are you interested in following me?"

As soon as these words were spoken, Wu Nu over there had no reaction, but Jiang Yan trembled suddenly.

Did she hear it right?

Young Master, are you inviting the president to become a follower?

That is the peak innate, the strongest weapon refiner in the Wu region, and the president of the Chunyu Chamber of Commerce! He is even known as a Grandmaster who is not a Grandmaster!

But what really makes Jiang Yan tremble is that she actually clearly realizes that this kind of thing is possible!

No one understands their president better than the people inside the Chunyu Chamber of Commerce. This is a person who can give up everything for the sake of weapon refining!


Wu Nu didn't feel offended at all, nor did he think or hesitate. He just asked: "Can you let me see the higher peak of weapon refining?"

Shen Xing was not surprised by the other party's answer.

Although he has not met the other party in person, he has roughly seen what kind of person the other party is from the rumors, Jiang Yan and even more people's mouths.

He is nothing more than a researcher obsessed with "scientific research".

Yes, although there may not be many such people in this world, there are too many in the Human Federation.

All researchers with certain achievements are obsessed with this.

It also exists among warriors.

Take the most high-end example - Ji Long!

This man, who is at least in the seventh realm, is obsessed with "dragons" to a certain extent, and the Ten Thousand Dragons Technique was born out of this obsession.

Therefore, when faced with Wu Nu's inquiry, Shen Xing did not respond with lies.

You can lie about many things, but you cannot lie about technology and knowledge.

"Actually, I don't know either." He just said lightly, "My clan is indeed proficient in weapon refining. For our clan, magical weapons are the foundation for our clan to be equal to martial arts. However, our clan is proficient in weapon refining. Weapon refining takes a completely different path from yours!"

"Completely different paths?" President Wu Nu asked in confusion.

"That's right, you should have dismantled those Thousand Mile Tokens that I sold. There are no inscriptions in them." Shen Xing said with a smile, "Not only the Thousand Mile Tokens, but also the way of refining weapons of our clan, there are no inscriptions." ”

"There is no inscription!" Wu Nu's voice suddenly became louder.

This is no longer a level of confusion, but simply disbelief.

Inscriptions are the foundation of weapon refining! According to the basic theory of the weapon refiner, all the magical powers displayed by all dead objects all come from the inscriptions!

Without inscriptions, how can a flying puppet fly? How was the innate strong man of the Pang family killed? How did the intelligence on the flying car come about?

Wu Nu felt that his mind was blank.

This kind of thing is simply challenging, no, subverting, subverting his understanding of weapon refining!

"I have no reason to lie to you, and this is not something that can be deceived." Shen Xing chuckled, "Actually, when the young master came here and learned about the existence of the inscription for the first time, he was also very surprised. This kind of thing makes This young master has found a new way to refine weapons for our clan, so do you understand the significance of this? "

Of course Wu Nu understands!

If there is no inscription, the opponent can create such a powerful weapon that it can even give birth to intelligence and soul to dead objects! What if you have an inscription?

Even a simple superposition can exert more powerful power!

Just imagining this kind of thing can make him suffocate with terror!

However, there was another kind of excitement that made him suffocate even more!

The combination and collision of two powerful paths may lead to a brand new path, a supreme path for the weapon refiner!

"I will follow you!" Wu Nu's tone even became extremely fanatical, "I am willing to give everything I have to follow you, but I have only one request, and that is for me to learn the noble weapon refining method!"

"Very good." Shen Xing said lightly, "Then it depends on your performance. You should understand that you are not the only weapon refiner in Wu Territory, or even outside Wu Territory. However, people from my clan are here. I am the only one."

"Yes, I understand." Wu Nu still couldn't contain his excitement and anticipation, but he also understood very well that Shen Xing was right.

Although he is the number one weapon refiner in Wu Territory, Wu Territory is too small in the eyes of the other party.

There wasn't even an inscription on it, so the other party definitely came from a place far beyond imagination.

But he would seize this opportunity no matter what!

Jiang Yan, who was holding the communicator in her hand, was completely stunned at this time. She couldn't understand her president's obsession, but she only saw that her son only used a few words to make her president surrender to him desperately, and even , not even the slightest bit of initiative was taken.

It was as if in front of the young master, there was no big difference between the strongest weapon refiner in the Wu region and her!

"Master." Jiang Yan's tone seemed to be extremely obsessed at this moment.

She had never seen such a character before. In the past, she had never even imagined that such a character could exist.

"Go and take down all the surrounding houses. When Wu Nu and the others arrive, arrange them directly around." Shen Xing casually ordered.


In Shen Xing's eyes, Wu Nu's matter was not a minor incident, but rather important.

It may even be more important than dominating Wu Territory.

In fact, from the first time he knew about the inscription pattern and had a certain understanding of it, Shen Xing understood the terrifying potential and extraordinary significance of this thing.

This may be the only area in another world that Shen Xing has access to that has the opportunity to shake the entire human federation.

Even alchemy can't compare.

Because it means the high integration of Yuanli and technology! It is really possible to open up a completely new direction for civilization.

Shen Xing even decided from the beginning to choose weapon refining as his secondary profession.

However, firstly, I couldn't find a suitable "teacher", and secondly, I didn't have much time to be distracted during the training period.

But now, since Wu Nu has come to his door, there is no need to let him go. At least before he comes into contact with a stronger weapon refiner, Wu Nu is qualified to become his initiate in the art of weapon refinement.

As for the Chunyu Chamber of Commerce, it can only be considered a small gain.

"In addition to this weapon refiner, Wu Territory may have other surprises." Shen Xing looked deeply, "We can't leave like this without a good search."

He remembered that Wu Territory still had a lot of glory from the Wu Kingdom period.

Next, Shen Xing no longer paid special attention to the changes outside. He just set aside some time to understand it in addition to his daily hard work.

In fact, there are not many alchemists in the entire Wu Territory who can refine the Inner Breath Pill.

There are only six or seven in total.

But none of them are the top forces in Wu Territory.

There are two such alchemists in the Six Sects alone, and the other two are in the same force, which is another powerful alliance force in Wu Territory, called the "Southern Alliance", with three cities in the south. Led by the Alliance, it covers more than a hundred cities.

It was formed earlier and stronger than the Six Sects Alliance.

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