In Gaowu, there is a big fantasy world

Chapter 159 Finally arrived at the new map

Shen Xing couldn't help but feel lucky that he had finally found a general direction.

Otherwise, if you really want to cast a wide net to investigate by yourself, not only will you need a lot of drone detectors, but it will also take a lot of time. It will be impossible to find this place in less than ten days and a half.

The world is really too big.

Shen Xing didn't even know how such a huge land area was formed.

Although there are many planets in the interstellar world that are far larger than the human home planet, until now, Shen Xing has not been able to calculate the surface curvature of this planet.

He even had some doubts that this would be a real world where the sky was round and the earth was round.

Otherwise it is difficult to explain.

Maybe we should look for an opportunity to launch a small satellite and see if it can go into space overhead.

However, the flight along the way also gave Shen Xing a deeper understanding of the world.

Most of the land is uninhabited, and even if there is, it is still some primitive and backward tribes. The larger land area belongs to primitive nature and monsters.

Only a few places can establish a certain human civilization and human order, and even have greater strength than monsters in a certain area to form a whole.

Such a place is actually equivalent to a larger "human tribe", but it is large enough to be called a "domain".

This is the case in Wu Territory.

There is not a single fourth-level monster to be seen in the entire Wu Territory, and even there are very few three-level monsters, so humans have been able to build cities one after another.

"The concentration of vitality is getting higher and higher." Shen Xing was checking the distance data of the last two hours.

He had a hunch that he should soon see a more prosperous human martial arts civilization.

However, I still didn’t wait here.

Until another two hours passed, when Shen Xing returned to the chariot, he immediately saw the red mark on the recorded data.

That means the reaction of the powerful energy of the four realms of human beings!

"Finally here?" Shen Xing ordered to slow down, his heart also filled with anticipation.

For him, a more prosperous human martial arts civilization means more resources, greater valuable wealth, and a brighter and smoother future.

At this time, he also carefully checked the records.

About an hour and twenty minutes ago, the detection equipment discovered the Yuanli reactions of the powerful human beings in the four realms. There were even high-altitude screenshots. Even at night, the high-definition camera could clearly see where the Yuanli reactions were— —It was a stretch of natural mountains. There was a natural gap in the middle. An unusually huge majestic city directly filled the gap. The height of its city walls was even as high as thousands of meters. Viewed from a high altitude, Less than a man-made mountain.

The Yuanli reaction of the powerful human beings in the four realms comes from this majestic city.

"Border city." Shen Xing could only think of this.

Look at the city after crossing the mountain range. Sure enough, this city, or behind the entire mountain range, is like a star point. There are a large number of cities scattered here and there, with a large number of human energy reactions, including many strong ones from the Three Realms. Or, even three or four were discovered again in the four realms, distributed in several obviously larger cities.

Regardless of whether this is the Lan Country or not, there is no doubt that this is a more prosperous place than the Wu Territory.

Just looking at the number of powerful people in these four realms, you can tell one or two.

And further away, it seems that there is a more vast place that belongs to human beings.

So far, no strong figure of the Five Realms has been found, but judging from the current situation, even if there are indeed Five Realms, the number is definitely not large.

So, now that the place has been found, what to do?

Shen Xing was thinking rapidly in his mind.

At the same time, let the chariot increase the distance again, slow down, and at the same time continue to scan and explore around the border city.

While drawing the map, I naturally recorded the reactions of the strong ones.

For warriors in this world, it is simply unimaginable to accurately detect the strength of warriors on the ground at an altitude of several thousand meters at an ultra-long distance, but for the technology of the Human Federation, it is not too difficult. things.

The energy in a living body will emit special fluctuations.

Unless you practice a special hidden martial art, or have interference due to unstable space like a battlefield in another world, or have shielding equipment, otherwise, the warrior will be like a ghost in the dark in the detection equipment. The lights are clear and bright.

Obviously, the warriors in this world cannot have the latter two types. Even if there is a hidden martial arts artistic conception, it may not be kept running at all times.

This detection result is still very reliable.

In the end, Shen Xing discovered an extremely huge city that was even connected to more than a dozen small cities around it, with a total of eleven people from the four realms reacting!

So much so that he didn't dare to get too close.

Although the tank is equipped with high-performance concealment devices, the distance is too close and there is no guarantee that it will be discovered.

The warrior's perception is very mysterious.

"This should be the most powerful city in this area. It is most likely the imperial capital or the national capital." Shen Xing looked into the distance again. At this time, he was already a full 10,000 miles away from the border city. Four thousand miles away, but still unable to reach the other border.

Obviously, the size of this "domain" is much larger than that of Wu Domain.

Maybe, as the biography said, there may even be more than one powerful country with more than a dozen spiritual realm masters like this!

But Shen Xing was not ready to continue exploring. He just wanted to confirm whether there were any Five Realms within a close range.

Since you haven't found anything, you can be bolder in your actions.

"Retreat to the border city." Shen Xing already had an idea and ordered directly.

Then he walked out of the room.

Yes, he had been controlling the speeding car in the room just now, but for the other five people, they could only feel that the speeding car was constantly slowing down, accelerating, turning, and stopping. They had no idea what was happening and did not dare to ask. .

Until they saw Shen Xing walking out, everyone looked at him respectfully and expectantly.

"We should have arrived at a country." Shen Xing said with a smile, "A total of eighteen powerful people from the Four Realms have been discovered, and it is very likely that they are the Lan Country."

"Eighteen spiritual masters!" All five people could not hide their shock.

In the entire Wu Territory, only one person appeared more than a thousand years ago. It was the man who created the Wu Kingdom and the most glorious period of martial arts in the Wu Territory.

The five people present have never seen even a living spiritual realm power!

To them, the existence of this level is almost legendary.

There are actually eighteen people here!

In addition to being shocked, several people also had clearly visible excitement in their eyes.

From this sentence, they really had a sense of reality that they had left Wu Territory and came to a place where martial arts was more prosperous!

What's more important is that his son was able to find so many places in the four realms in such a short period of time. This method is obviously more powerful!

Young Master, he definitely comes from a stronger place! Far more powerful than here.

At this thought, the excitement of several people actually subsided a little, because a greater opportunity had already been placed in front of them.

Even Yan Yong, a strong man in the Three Realms, is like this.

Compared with leaving Wu Domain, being able to follow the young master is more important.

"Master." Yan Yong even took the initiative to ask Ying, "Why don't you go and explore and investigate first?"

"No need to go to such trouble." Shen Xing shook his head and said with a smile, "Look at this place, the four realms are dominated by one party, so there is no need to be careful. We can just enter from the border openly, and bring something that can show our strength and identity. 'Gift'."

The five of them all looked at each other, not knowing what the young master was thinking.

However, Shen Xing did not have any intention of sneaking in, investigating the information, and then slowly figuring it out.

That might be safe, but it's too inefficient.

Shen Xing is now on the lunar battlefield, and all kinds of weapons and equipment can be replenished. He has prepared three nuclear weapons alone. In fact, he has no fear of the spiritual power of this world.

In this case, how can being sneaky be compared to showing strength directly?

From Wu Yu's experience, Shen Xing has already understood that if he wants to get what he wants quickly in this world, he cannot settle for nothing. Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is worse than pretending to be a tiger and eating a pig!

The former can only figure out what they want by themselves, and they cannot avoid the greed of others, while the latter, whatever they want, someone will take the initiative to give it to them, and all greed must be suppressed!

Of course, the premise is that you can really pretend to be a "tiger". If you can travel all over the five realms, that's another matter.

But now, since the Five Realms have not been discovered, there is no need to be polite.

"Let's go to this place." Shen Xing stretched out his hand and tapped on the virtual screen that appeared in front of him. "There is a fourth-level monster there, which is suitable as a 'gift'."


Everyone trembled!

Even Yan Yong looked at Shen Xing blankly, while the other four people suddenly looked hot after trembling.

Yes, they already understood what "gift" Shen Xing was referring to.

What could be better than directly killing a Four Realm Great Demon to demonstrate one's strength?

Almost at the same time, the five people remembered what the young master once said.

The four realms can also be destroyed!

Although no one will doubt the authenticity of the young master's words, this is the Great Demon of the Four Realms after all!

If it appears in the Wu Territory, it will be a catastrophe!

Now, it was just a "gift" that the young master said, and he decided to hunt and kill him just to show off his force.

Each of the five people on the flying car, including Yan Yong from the Third Realm, was trembling slightly.

An uncontrollable trembling feeling swept through several people's bodies at this moment!

But Shen Xing doesn't care about their emotions. In his opinion, this is indeed the fastest way to establish his status.

Starting from border cities is also based on status considerations.

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