In Gaowu, there is a big fantasy world

Chapter 170 A new level of strength!

Mr. Shen was fine, which really made him relieved.

But what did he see?

Nine transformations of the dragon!

There is no mistaking it, the body technique used by Mr. Shen at this time is clearly the Nine Transformations of Youlong!

But didn’t he just take a look at Wanjuan Pavilion! ?

Yan Qing almost couldn't believe his eyes. He just took a look, which lasted only a few minutes. Then he came back to practice in seclusion for more than ten minutes and made some noise. Now he has learned it?

"If your practice makes some noise, don't worry about it."

Yan Qing was still in a daze until Shen Xing came to him.

He finally understood why Mr. Shen was still not dissatisfied at all even when he heard about the time limit of "half a month" when he was in Wanjuan Pavilion!

Before and after, not even an hour had passed!

It’s unbelievable, it’s so unbelievable!

However, Cao Qiyun and others responded quickly and congratulated each other: "Congratulations, young master, for gaining another body skill."

They all know that their young master has a strong desire to collect the inheritance of dragon divine will. Now that he has obtained a piece of land, they naturally want to congratulate him.

Shen Xing was really happy and waved his hand: "You all will be rewarded by a top-notch divine will!"

"Thank you, sir." Everyone looked happy.

With the young master here, they really don't care about the inheritance of Wanjuan Pavilion's divine will.

And Yan Qing finally came to his senses at this time.

The eyes looking at Shen Xing were extremely complicated, even slightly fanatical.

He has deeply understood the tip of the iceberg of Mr. Shen in front of him, and can finally understand the attitude of his spiritual father!

Even regardless of background and identity, such terrifying talent is already unheard of!

The entire Holy Lake area is absolutely unparalleled.

This is a future mountain and sea giant!

That's right, in Yan Qing's mind, the five realms of mountains and seas are already the limit of imagination.

And with the terrifying talent that Shen Xing showed, all he could imagine was the five realms of mountains and seas.

But this level of imagination alone is enough for the entire Yan family to invest in!

"Congratulations, young master." Yan Qing congratulated respectfully.

If the respect before was just based on his father's orders, now it truly comes from the heart.

The strength of a mere Grandmaster of the Third Realm is simply not worth mentioning in the face of such incredible talents!

He could not even predict how Yan Siniang or even Wanjuan Pavilion would react if they knew about this!

The people of Wanjuan Pavilion value Tianjiao the most!

However, Shen Xing doesn't care about these things. For him, the most important thing is his own improvement.

At this time, he said directly: "Arrange another practice room for me, and I will further consolidate it."

He had just finished cleaning up the remains of the equipment in the practice room, but it was severely damaged and could no longer be used.

At this moment, I came directly to the new practice room, and I couldn't wait to experience the changes carefully.

The first is the quality of Yuanli.

Compared with before, it was indeed much higher, but the total amount was also reduced. There was a feeling of emptiness. All the pills I had taken before studying were completely consumed.

Obviously, this is why learning advanced martial arts requires special equipment.

This is equivalent to learning the artistic conception of martial arts that normally takes half a month or even several months to learn in a short period of time. The introduction to the artistic conception of Dipin martial arts is enough to bring about a certain change in the whole person.

This kind of change broke out in a short period of time, which is indeed extraordinary.

"We still have to have better equipment." Shen Xing took another spiritual elixir. "If you can learn by just blowing up a piece of equipment, you're lucky, but I'm afraid that there are some earth-level martial arts conceptions that can't be used by ordinary people. The equipment cannot learn at all. It seems that we must buy a high-standard learning device as soon as possible. "

Obviously, it is not easy to rent school equipment to learn the artistic conception of martial arts in these different worlds.

It's best to buy one yourself.

In this regard, we can also see the benefits of research institutes - if there were no research institutes, there would be no place to buy them.

For a learning device of this size, a complete set of equipment would need to occupy an entire room, not to mention logistical maintenance.

In fact, as Shen Xing's strength continues to improve, many related equipment must be continuously upgraded.

It’s also difficult to keep renting from others.

When he reaches the third realm, he can be regarded as a "strong man" in the human federation. When he reaches the fourth realm, he can be regarded as entering the upper echelons. How can he continue to be like the physical training period of the first realm, casually picking up from the school and the hands of the principal? Just a little bit will suffice.

It is imperative to develop our own territory and our own logistics.

"In addition, if you want to use this movement technique in the Human Federation, it is best to register it first." Shen Xing thought about this problem again, "After all, this type of movement martial art is not like space, and it is easy to be pirated. If it is You will lose a lot if you register first.”

He also hopes to win the championship, and with such a skill, he naturally cannot hide it.

Although it fills the gap in the artistic conception of the top dragon-type martial arts in the second realm, there are only one or two, so there is no need to worry about attracting the attention of the top bosses.

In fact, as he entered Innate and gained a deeper understanding of the Human Federation, a lot of his worries in this aspect have disappeared.

Because he discovered that although the entire human federation is extremely powerful and powerful, looking at the entire human civilization, it is not actually able to control everything.

There are too many forces and powerful people outside the human federation.

Not all of them are anti-federal organizations, most of them are neutral.

Most of them care about their own development and are unwilling to belong to the human federation.

After all, the universe is just too big.

After the emergence of the jump engine, human beings have appeared in places far beyond imagination. If it were not for the development of martial arts that must be based on the battlefields and passages of other worlds, and there are many veteran strong men in the human federation, I am afraid that human civilization It has already been divided into different groups and even countries.

Therefore, it is quite normal for some organizations and groups that are wandering around to occasionally appear and slowly move closer to the Human Federation due to certain interests, adding a round of martial arts background to the Human Federation.

Not to mention that Shen Xing's level is not enough to attract the attention of top bosses. Even if top bosses do pay attention to him, they will only think that this is another powerful hidden force that plans to come to the forefront.

Since it is beneficial to the Human Federation, it will only be happy to see the results.

Anyway, it is impossible to directly think of such things as "Shen Xing has a vast and different world to himself".

This situation is naturally in Shen Xing's interests.

After figuring out what he had to do next, Shen Xing calmed down a little and began to concentrate on practice.

On the one hand, you must become familiar with the newly acquired skills as soon as possible, and on the other hand, you must also become familiar with the Wanlong method that enhances your quality as soon as possible.

"It's a pity that there are no middle-grade or even high-grade techniques for comparison. I don't know what level the quality of my current Second Realm Ten Thousand Dragons Technique has reached." Shen Xing continued to compare while practicing, "But , compared with the Bafang Taixu in the second level, it is already much stronger. Even if it is not at the middle level of the earth level, it should be not far behind. After all the artistic conceptions of these earth level dragon-type martial arts are learned, all the human-level ones will be mastered. If you learn it, let alone middle grade, even if it is top grade, there should be no problem."

Shen Xing felt a little hot just thinking about it.

The benefits brought by high-quality exercises are really great.

Foundation, strength, practice speed

All are strong!

Moreover, he has also discovered that this movement technique is truly a dragon type. With the blessing of the Ten Thousand Dragons Technique, he is just getting started at the moment, but he feels that he is already at the level of a small master of other top movement techniques. If he adds more There will definitely be great achievements in the upper space, and even close to perfect effects!

At least, the current Shen Xing can even easily exceed the speed of sound when performing it. Moreover, the Nine Transformations of Youlong focus more on the two aspects of "swimming" and "transformation". Even though it exceeds the speed of sound by a lot, it can even achieve sonic boom. Suppress it!

If he were to fight Xue Yu again at this time, he would be confident that he could finish off his opponent in a few rounds!

Now Shen Xing, not to mention that he can definitely win the first place, but he already has the confidence to compete with the top three geniuses!

This made him a little impatient.

However, it is obviously not his strongest time yet.

What can be done in the near future is not only to practice this body skill to a small degree as soon as possible, but also to learn all the other earth-grade dragon martial arts.

His strength will definitely reach a new level in a short time!


After finishing a day's practice and taking another spiritual elixir, Shen Xing returned to the lunar battlefield.

But he returned to Lunar Battlefield City No. 1.

Without wasting any more time, go directly to the Martial Arts Artistic Conception Registration Office and register your first level Martial Arts Artistic Conception.

In fact, for the earth-level martial arts artistic conception, there is not much return in federal currency. After all, this level of martial arts artistic conception is no longer qualified for everyone to learn, and can only be kept in the hidden treasury.

Even if you add a share of the resources consumed for learning, it cannot make up for the reduced income caused by the scarcity.

But precisely because of this, the Human Federation is extremely generous in its military achievements.

After all, this level of martial arts artistic conception is hidden by almost every major force and family. For example, the Nangong family's "Shui Yue Mirror", which is very hidden and not easy to be "pirated and learned", is hidden in the hidden library. Can't find it at all.

There are countless similar martial arts artistic conceptions.

In this case, anyone who is willing to come up with top martial arts concepts and register will be rewarded!

The final result was that Shen Xing obtained a total of 78 million military merit points in one breath!

Directly raising his military rank to captain is a big plus.

"This is only the second realm. If we register for the third and fourth realms in the future, wouldn't it be even more exaggerated?" Shen Xing was a little surprised, but he had no intention of registering more earth-level martial arts realms.

To put it bluntly, whether it is military merit points or money, he can completely rely on his human-level martial arts artistic conception.

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