In Gaowu, there is a big fantasy world

Chapter 215 Who is willing to go with me?

Although it is not clear yet how powerful this so-called higher-level warrior from Tianyuan Sect is.

But judging from small things, the background of these warriors in the training period is indeed extraordinary.

Although it is not as good as the basic training exercises of the Human Federation that have been optimized and improved countless times with AI big data, it is already the strongest Shen Xing has seen in this world.

"If I had come to a place like this from the beginning, I'm afraid I would have chosen to join this sect." Shen Xing murmured to himself.

But he quickly shook his head.

It is still impossible to join. His background is too strong. More importantly, he often travels back and forth between the two worlds. There is no privacy protection like the Federation here. From what we can see so far, some outer disciples in the training period will be arranged. Accommodation in the same room.

No need to risk staying here anymore.

Shen Xing had just walked around in a circle and had already mastered a lot of information. At this moment, he was directly following a few outer disciples who were said to be going to "Tian Yuan City", walking leisurely.

At the same time, I kept thinking in my mind.

Although we don't have much information at present, we can already see how powerful this area is. At least this so-called Tianyuan Sect is strong enough. So, if you want to get what you want, where should you start?

Continue to visit and exchange as a "child of a big family", or lurk in other places, find other channels, or let a close confidant, for example, let Cao Qiyun and others join the Tianyuan Sect?

It has to be said that although you have the opportunity to get more benefits when you come to a powerful area, it is also more difficult.

Shen Xing felt the same as when he first came to Wu Territory.

However, I just thought about it briefly and put this feeling behind me.

Now he is in the third realm and is very powerful. He even carries five jade orders in his arms that seal the principal's full blow. Wherever he goes, he will not be an unknown person.

How can it be compared to when he was first in Wu Territory?

It is a place like this that truly qualifies him as the stage where he can undergo transformation and become a strong man!

After Shen Xing made his thoughts clear, he became more and more contented.

It wasn't until the so-called "Tian Yuan City" appeared in front of him that he was a little shocked again.

This is not a city, it is clearly an extremely huge "gathering place" where people gather naturally!

Standing on a high place and looking across, the large area is covered with various buildings, stretching to the horizon. There is no so-called city wall at all, and construction continues on the periphery. There are not even roads, and there is no urban planning. Amidst this chaos, there is an impact brought by quantity!

There are at least tens of millions of people here!

Shen Xing could even guess how this city was formed. It was probably that countless warriors who wanted to join the Tianyuan Sect gathered together, and over time, this place was formed.

But the problem is that even though it is right at the door of Tianyuan Sect, Tianyuan Sect has no intention of managing it.

As long as there is a unified and powerful force that manages everything here, it will not be a place like this.

This even clearly conveys a sense of arrogance.

A kind of arrogance that is almost "looking down on all living beings".

No matter how many ants gather under our feet, what's the problem?

"This is really true." Shen Xing suddenly felt dumbfounded, "Can I get what I want in a place like this?"

He originally wanted to find a city with a high level to see if he could buy some high-quality resources from the city, whether it was dragon martial art or elixirs, but looking at the "city" in front of him , but there are inevitably some doubts.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like "the mortal world".

I'm afraid it's not on the same level as Tianyuan Sect.

As Shen Xing got closer, he realized this more and more.

Because there were many warriors coming and going on the streets, but they were indeed not very strong. In other words, most of them had insufficient potential and insufficient foundation.

All innates are forty or fifty years old. Even if they occasionally have three realms, they always look like they are old. The young heroes seen on the street are all wearing the uniforms of the Tianyuan Sect, and they all look proud when they come and go. Everyone passing by is envious. .

Shen Xing even saw an elderly third-level man lying in a certain shop. His cloudy eyes were filled with obvious envy when he looked at the training stagers in green clothes.

It can be seen that Tianyuan Sect may not really care about this place, but it will continue to absorb new blood from here.

In fact, in this so-called "city", the most numerous people may be the "mundane family members" of Tianyuan Sect disciples.

Shen Xing's gaze flickered past some shops, but he couldn't help but shake his head.

There are indeed some elixirs, but both in quantity and quality, they are average.

I'm afraid that the real good things are only within Tianyuan Sect.

"It seems that this Tianyuan Sect can't survive." Shen Xing muttered to himself.

However, we still need to collect some information first.

He frowned slightly, but he wanted to bring some people over. It was indeed inefficient to rely on himself alone, and he did not waste his time.

But if you want to bring people along, you must either officially drive the teleportation array, or use a shuttle.

Shen Xing has tried it before. The shuttle can indeed carry living beings through time. At least there is a white mouse or something on it, which can be taken out at will.

"Forget it, the location of the formation is not very convenient." Shen Xing has already made up his mind.

He found a deserted alleyway, thought for a while, took out some things and arranged them in a secret place. In an instant, Shen Xing appeared in Dragon Valley.

"Qiyun, except for Dan Yao and Qi Yao, call the rest of the entourage over." Shen Xing directly ordered Cao Qiyun who was guarding outside.

Today, Shen Xing has recruited nearly twenty followers, all of whom are top talents in the Holy Lake Region.

In addition to this, Wanjuan Pavilion and even the strong men of the Four Realms such as Yan Dong are actually almost as good as followers.

At this moment, after receiving orders from Shen Xing, everyone came over and stood respectfully in front of Shen Xing.

The weakest are all innate, and the strongest are the four realms. This is actually a powerful force, and it would be a pity not to make good use of it.

Therefore, Shen Xing said directly: "In that building, there is a teleportation formation. Just now, I went to the other side through the formation and found that it was a quite powerful sect in a distant place. Is there any six realms? Young Master doesn’t know, but there are still mountains and seas.”

Just these straight to the point words shocked everyone.

This ruin is a ruin from ten thousand years ago. There is actually a teleportation formation?

There are only a few words about such rumored things, even in the ruins. Does that mean that the sect Mr. Shen mentioned is actually the force that created the ancient ruins?

The foundation of martial arts in the entire Holy Lake Region was born in ancient ruins. It can be seen that Shen Xing's words shocked them greatly.

If Shen Xing had not already established his prestige during this period, I am afraid that by this time, the scene would have been a sensation.

However, Shen Xing seemed to have seen what they were thinking, and simply said: "The formation on the other side has also been abandoned. That sect should have been newly built on top of the ruins."

This sentence made everyone feel relieved this time.

To be honest, in their hearts, even Master Shen's family may not be comparable to the ancient forces that created this ancient ruins.

However, even as a latecomer, hearing that there are mountains, seas, and possibly even six realms shocked everyone present.

In particular, Mr. Shen came to them and specifically proposed that he obviously had something to do.

And that's exactly what happened.

A faint smile appeared on Shen Xing's face: "To be honest, the people of my clan have traveled hundreds of millions of miles to come to you just to broaden their horizons, find powerful forces, and exchange knowledge. Your Holy Lake Region is indeed It’s a bit bad, but I think the sect over there is pretty good. However, I’m alone right now and I haven’t seen anyone from my family yet, so I have to investigate first.”

Just these words made everyone present understand.

The family behind the young master is so powerful, so naturally he won't go to a "weak" place like them when he is full.

But if it has such a purpose, it is completely normal.

"Congratulations to the young master." Ge Yefeng even said respectfully, "The young master was able to find such a force first, which shows that this is the young master's destiny. I believe that the young master's family will also be happy after knowing it."

"Exactly." Shen Xing nodded slightly, "The teleportation array in the ruins is quite old-fashioned, and the location is not good. It happens to be in the back mountain of that sect. Fortunately, I have a set of portable teleportation arrays in my hands. Now that we have found a place to settle, who among you is willing to go there with us and do some research for me?"


Although it had been expected, the young master called them over to tell them these things, obviously he had something to tell them!

But now that it has been confirmed, even Yan Dong and others are still eager.

Since that sect has a mountain and sea realm, it might be a place where martial arts is more powerful. Who wouldn’t want to go?

Taking a step back, if Mr. Shen’s family is unwilling to take them away, then this sect’s location can also be an opportunity for them to advance to the next level!

Especially those followers who have good talents. Some of them even have the faint idea of ​​​​finding a way to join that sect.

This is normal. Compared to joining a certain family and becoming a servant or follower, how can it be compared to joining a certain sect and becoming a disciple?

Naturally, their thoughts could not be hidden from Shen Xing.

Because there is no such thought, this is strange.

These people have only been following for a short time and are not loyal enough. He naturally knows this. Therefore, although he recruited a lot of people in the past half month, in fact, Shen Xing did not give much, let alone Like Cao Qiyun and the other four, they are qualified to use learning devices.

But now, even though they are called together, it is just an opportunity to see who is impetuous and who is worth cultivating.

There was no intention of letting these people pass by at will.

To put it bluntly, the passage is in your own hands.

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