In Gaowu, there is a big fantasy world

Chapter 220 An entire alien civilization

"The vastness of the world." Zi Fan seemed to have heard something from someone else, and couldn't help muttering.

The person had said this before, and now what her master said made her feel a sense of trembling.

It was like suddenly arriving in a brand new world.

Everything she knew was no longer the same as before.

Shen Xing didn't know what the two talked about after they left.

He looked at the jade order on the table, and his mind was still thinking.

Feeling the eyes around him, he knew that his existence might spread throughout the entire region in a very short time, even faster than in Wuyu and Shenghuyu before, and then attract the attention of countless people even faster.

This should have been his goal, but it was too fast.

Originally, he thought that even if he defeated some so-called geniuses, with his strength in the third realm, he would not attract too much exaggerated attention.

However, the reaction of this fairy Meng Han was far beyond his expectations.

In fact, from the discussions of the people around him, he already knew the strength and identity of this fairy Meng Han.

The spiritual realm is perfect, the master of a lineage!

Maybe not Shanhai, but its status and influence in Tianyuan Sect are definitely not low.

But because of this, the other party's humble and proactive attitude surprised Shen Xing.

It seems that he should not act rashly.

Otherwise, he should have found a reason to put forward his demand for elixir and martial arts realm just like in the Holy Lake Region.

"Let's see and collect more intelligence information." Shen Xing thought so, but he still drank the wine slowly.

Until a while later, information was sent one after another.

It was the information sent by Cao Qiyun and other eight people.

They have already assigned the investigation tasks. Some people went to the streets to collect some information known by ordinary warriors, and some people went to the major "forces" in Tianyuan City to investigate and inquire. For example, Yan Si Niang and Yan Qinglai, two third realms, relied on their strength to contact some powerful people and investigate more information.

In fact, the most information they heard today was not about other things, but about their own son.

Defeating the top-level Tianjiao of Tianyuan Sect with one move made Fairy Menghan treat him with courtesy, and even admitted that the strongest true disciple of Tianyun Sect was not the opponent's opponent with one move. This kind of thing is enough to sweep the entire Tianyuan City.

Even within the Tianyuan Sect, it can also cause a big sensation.

And this shocked the eight people.

For example, Cao Qiyun and other four people who have cultivated extremely high loyalty are better. In their hearts, their own son is omnipotent. How can the mere Tianyuan Sect be compared with the son's family?

But for Bai Yuwan and Hao Jian, this shock is indescribable, and it is even difficult to fade for a long time.

Because they have already investigated the strength of Tianyuan Sect, not to mention those who have been confirmed to exist, and there are more than one mountain and sea realm masters, just to say that Fairy Menghan, if she gets to their Holy Lake Region, she is absolutely the strongest person who cannot be defeated!

Such a strong person also has to face down in front of Master Shen, and discuss softly, and dare not stand up for his own Tianjiao at all.

Recalling the Tianjiao followers in the Holy Lake Region who wanted to escape from Master Shen and join the Tianyuan Sect, the two of them couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

Fortunately, they didn't have such an idea.

The Tianyuan Sect was simply not comparable to Master Shen!

In a short period of time, their loyalty increased a lot, and they treated the tasks assigned by Shen Xing more attentively.

In just less than a day, they really investigated a lot of information.

And Shen Xing looked at the intelligence sent by everyone, and the more he looked, the more surprised he was.

This area is called Tianyuan Region. As the name suggests, this area is completely under the absolute management of Tianyuan Sect, but this huge area is divided and managed by more than a dozen countries, large and small. All countries obey Tianyuan Sect, or in other words, the royal families of these countries were originally appointed by Tianyuan Sect.

Even if countries conflict with each other, or even start wars, Tianyuan Sect is always high above. No matter which side wins, they can't do without offerings to Tianyuan Sect.

From this perspective, Shen Xing's previous thought of "separation between immortals and mortals" is indeed correct.

Tianyuan Sect is the most prosperous martial arts in this area, and it is also the only place that is prosperous.

Almost all the martial arts geniuses in the entire area belong to Tianyuan Domain, and the higher the level, the more so.

Tianyuan Domain does not dare to say that it has all the innate and grandmasters, but when it comes to the spiritual realm, more than 90% of the spiritual realm are people from Tianyuan Sect!

Even casual cultivators will join Tianyuan Sect after they are lucky enough to break through to the spiritual realm.

Therefore, the kingdoms in Tianyuan Domain are really just "secular dynasties", and the interests they fight for are completely small profits in the eyes of Tianyuan Sect.

No matter who is the king, no matter how the country changes, the entire Tianyuan Domain belongs to Tianyuan Sect, and countless resources are all gathered here.

Therefore, Tianyuan Sect does not need to care about the disputes in the "mortal world" at all, just sitting on the high platform, it can overlook the entire region from a transcendent position!

In this case, it would be strange if those disciples were not arrogant.

In the entire Tianyuan Domain, as long as you are lucky enough to join as an outer disciple, you will immediately have a lofty status. If you come to any dynasty or any place, you will be warmly received by local officials.

And the true disciples are even more incredible. Even the so-called dynasty princes cannot compare with them. They are even qualified to be accompanied by emperors when traveling to any country.

However, thinking about how Fairy Menghan had completely different personalities and attitudes from many of her disciples, Shen Xing once again issued an order to the eight people. It was still an investigation, but it was not an investigation of the Tianyuan Sect, but an investigation of the Tianyuan Domain. external intelligence information.

This task was not that simple and took a lot of time.

Because most people don't know what's going on outside the Tianyuan Domain.

The area of ​​the entire Tianyuan Territory is almost three or four times that of the Holy Lake Territory. For most people, even the vast majority of warriors in the first and second realms, they may not leave the Tianyuan Territory in their lifetime. Under the circumstances, knowing other regions does not seem to make much sense.

Fortunately, this place is at the foot of Tianyuan Sect. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the center of the entire Tianyuan Domain.

After all, several people were able to investigate and get a lot of information.

The biggest difference from Wu Territory, Holy Lake Territory and other places appeared.

Here, regions are directly connected to each other!

That's right, it's directly connected.

After leaving Tianyuan Domain, it is directly to other regions. There is no so-called vast forest in the middle. All places belong to the human race!

Just looking at the map, there are five regions connected to the Tianyuan Domain, and each region has its own powerful forces!

For example, there is a force in the north called the Great Shang Dynasty. This dynasty is the strongest in the entire region. It is said that it has an army of tens of millions of warriors. The Great Shang Domain it rules is far older than the Tianyuan Domain and is even continuing to expand. .

There is a region in the south called Jiuyao Territory. It is ruled by Jiuyao Palace, which is an organization similar in nature to Tianyuan Sect, but it is more aloof and may be stronger.

As for more information, we cannot investigate it. The reason why we can investigate these two areas is because in the hearts of everyone who knows these two areas, these two areas are far more powerful than their Tianyuan Sect and Tianyuan Territory. !

When Shen Xing saw this, he still didn't understand.

Tianyuan Sect may have a transcendent status among the "mundane", but if you continue to raise your horizons and look at all the large forces that can occupy a region around you, Tianyuan Sect's strength is definitely not strong.

The attitude of Fairy Menghan shows one of the reasons!

She is afraid that Shen Xing is regarded as a disciple of some big force. Unlike the people in the Holy Lake Region, they have the understanding that "such big forces are very far away from them". For people like Meng Han, I am afraid that on weekdays, I have often come into contact with these more powerful forces.

It is even more likely that you will always suffer losses.

That's why he had such an attitude when facing Shen Xing!

"This is a bit beyond expectation." As Shen Xing became more and more sure of this guess, he couldn't tell whether he was happy or worried.

At this level, there is no such thing as a "map" concept.

If the commotion becomes big, the news will not only be limited to Tianyuan Sect and Tianyuan Territory, but will soon spread to a larger area.

Shen Xing is almost certain that even if Tianyuan Sect does not have six realms, other regions will definitely have them. Even among larger forces, there may even be seven realms.

As if all of a sudden, this vast and powerful alien civilization changed its previous secretive attitude and appeared directly in front of Shen Xing!

This indeed had a certain impact on Shen Xing.

However, after recovering from the news, Shen Xing also realized that things were not as he thought.

First of all, although this world has means of long-distance communication, it has not created a fast and convenient communication network, and the speed of information transmission is still limited.

Secondly, this civilization may be very powerful in martial arts, but it has not formed a force that unifies all regions. Instead, it is divided into regions and forces, which are far more dispersed than the human federation.

To a certain extent, the complicated interest relationships can also bring many conveniences to outsiders like him.

In the final analysis, he is just a member of the Third Realm now and does not need to stand directly on the stage of the entire civilization.

Just some "small places" like Tianyuan Sect are enough for him to make a profit.

Finally, when his strength improves, he no longer needs to worry about finding more powerful places, those places are right here.

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