"Research carefully, and start paying attention to your own cultivation." Shen Xing left these words to Lu Daqian.

The biggest difference between Alchemy and Qi Dao and the technical research professions in the Human Federation is the requirements for their own cultivation.

This is why the number of high-level alchemists and weapon refiners is so small.

Just the realm requirements alone will screen out a large group of people, and among the remaining people, there are very few who have the corresponding talents.

After all, this is a production method that is difficult to replace with instruments and equipment.

However, in the Human Federation, there is actually still hope for popularization, because with the strong foundation of training exercises, coupled with various auxiliary training equipment, in theory, as long as there are resources, any Federation person can It is possible to enter the three realms.

It is not until the four realms that a certain threshold appears.

What's more, Lu Daqian still has a certain talent for martial arts. Although he mainly specializes in research, he can still reach innate strength before graduation. No one can say that he has no talent.

Coupled with the support of the elixir, at least the four realms will not become his threshold.

Of course, Shen Xing did not expect him to become a high-level alchemist in a short time. This was unrealistic. In fact, what he was looking forward to was the collision of technical talents from the two worlds.

However, there is no rush. It will be safer and easier to wait until he has enough strength.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to control it.

Shen Xing, who was constantly thinking about the future in his mind, began to frantically study the artistic conception of earth-level dragon martial arts.

Although most of them are only low-level earth-level products, they are also earth-level products and are at the level of the Three Realms. With his current strength, he can only learn three disciplines every day. The elixirs are also being consumed rapidly, and all of them are transformed into The resources fill up his growing foundation.

After learning twenty skills, a new battlefield was already in front of us.

Today's Ten Thousand Dragons Technique has been completely stabilized at the level of Tianpin, and the quality of Yuanli in his body is frighteningly high. Even in terms of basic strength, he can definitely compare with the spiritual realm of the Human Federation. Even armor has to start. Prepare spiritual armor.

This strength cannot be considered weak even in the more dangerous Jura battlefield.

But Shen Xing still maintained enough caution and awe.

Because, this battlefield is guarded by the "Seven Realms".

This is public information that can be obtained after the citizen level reaches a certain level. In the Jura World corresponding to the Jura Battlefield, there is more than one monster with the same level of strength in the Seventh Realm.

However, in this battlefield in another world, humans have the upper hand.

That's right, just one person can suppress several.

"In terms of the individual strength of warriors, the Human Federation is indeed stronger." Shen Xing couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the more detailed information.

It's not even just warriors who are strong.

There are seven battle groups that have been stationed in Jurassic World for a long time, the largest of which is the 232nd Legion ruled by the strong man from the Seventh Realm.

Yes, this is the Federation Legion. This Seventh Realm powerhouse does not come from any force, but directly belongs to the Federation.

This is also one of the reasons why Shen Xing chose to come here. His current identity is still a student from the academy's home planet, and he has a natural close relationship with the Human Federation. Not only does he ask for help when he encounters danger, but at least some supplies such as Such basic conveniences are not a big problem.

In addition to this, the remaining six battle groups all come from different organizations and forces.

One of them is the "Dragon Gate Association".

The friend he once met on the lunar battlefield who also practiced the Ten Thousand Dragons Method, Long Lei, was from the Longmen Association, and he did not join later. Instead, he was born in the association since he was a child and was trained by the association.

Ji Long, who created the Ten Thousand Dragons Law, is the strongest person in the Dragon Gate Association.

However, Ji Long has his own war group.

This association is both loose and rigorous. It is very clearly divided into two parts: internal and external. The internal ones are managers and the external ones are members. However, there are not many differences. They can even transform into each other, and managers can also give up their role as managers. status, and outsiders who merely join it may also become managers.

Speaking of which, Shen Xing, as the number one new student practicing the Ten Thousand Dragons Law, is also the most powerful number one new student in history. The Longmen Association has already sent him an invitation, but Shen Xing has not responded yet.

"Perhaps, we can go to Longmen first." Shen Xing thought for a moment.

Just as I was thinking about it, the Jura Passage Port arrived.

Different from the lunar battlefield, this passage is not on Jupiter, but on an asteroid somewhere in the orbit of Jupiter. It seems to be bound with the asteroid as the coordinate system, and this asteroid has already been controlled. , Therefore, what appeared in front of Shen Xing's eyes was actually an extremely huge "eyeball".

Yes, the oval-shaped asteroid, coupled with the "crack" that spans most of the asteroid, and the metal building surrounding the crack, look like an eyeball.

"Send the application and enter directly without stopping." Shen Xing ordered.


Artificial intelligence AI listens to orders truthfully.

Soon, inspectors checked the spacecraft's coding and registration, and then released it directly.

There is no boarding inspection. In fact, the highest authority of any spacecraft belongs to the captain.

This law is said to be an extension of the "Fortress Law" in the Western cultural circle before the Martial Arts Era, but in essence, it is still a reflection of the rights of warriors. In the Human Federation, the rights of warriors are really everywhere. The more powerful the warriors are, the more powerful they are. The more he can enjoy various rights, naturally Shen Xing's strength cannot be said to be strong, but his identity and his potential can already allow him to withdraw some future rights in advance.

Including queue jumping.

Therefore, while many spaceships were still waiting in line, Shen Xing had already driven his own spaceship and slowly entered the alien passage.

Just as soon as I entered, I felt a little different.

The earth is desolate, without any plants. Space cracks are all over the entire alien battlefield. They are not only visible on the earth, but also high in the sky. The deeper you go, the more you can see the large torn areas. In the space, from time to time, powerful beasts would run out of or into the cracks.

"The space in this alien battlefield is more unstable than the lunar battlefield." Shen Xing came to this conclusion.

"It has suddenly intensified in the past few hundred years." Nangong Jinyi also came to Shen Xing's side, also looking at the outside world, "Maybe after a while, this alien battlefield will be completely integrated with the alien world, and the two There will be no buffer zones between the worlds."

Shen Xing's heart trembled.

He knows what this means.

The alien battlefield can be regarded as the space where the two worlds first come into contact and blend. Although it is extremely unstable, it also has advantages. This unstable space is a restriction for both parties.

For example, in the lunar battlefield, behemoths from the four realms rarely enter the battlefield. Even if they do, they cannot go too fast. If they are not careful, they will tear the space apart and return.

But once this buffer space no longer exists, or is very small, it means that the two worlds merge directly.

This will bring more space rifts deeper into this universe.

Those seven realm monsters may directly enter the universe of the Human Federation from the newly emerged space cracks.

For the human federation, the difficulty of defense will be greatly increased.

"Are there many situations like this?" Shen Xing couldn't help but ask.

"It should be said to be an inevitable trend." Nangong Jinyi obviously knew more information, "When the alien passage first appeared, the battlefields in the alien world were very stable, and even the fifth and sixth realms could take action at will. There is no need to worry about tearing apart space, but as time goes by, all alien battlefields will become more and more fragile, and the connection between us and other worlds is getting closer and closer. The same is true for the lunar battlefield, so there are few See the spirit realm to take action, but it seems to be more serious here. "

Shen Xing understood.

It has only been nearly two thousand years since the alien passage appeared. For such a major change involving the world, this time is simply not worth mentioning. It is very likely that it is still in the early stages of a major change.

There will be various changes in the future that are difficult to imagine now.

Maybe, in the not-too-distant future, the entire universe will be completely integrated with countless other worlds.

There are cracks everywhere.

But even if this happens, the only thing human civilization can do is to accelerate and become stronger.

"Anyway, let's go to where the Dragon Gate is first." Shen Xing did not stop at the alien battlefield. He exhaled a little and moved the spacecraft closer to a certain direction.

The speed is very slow.

It only maintains a speed of more than 300 kilometers per hour, which is the "safe speed" in this alien battlefield.

If it exceeds this speed, it will tear apart the space and land randomly in a random place in another world.

Until approaching a certain coordinate, an extremely huge crack appears in front of you. You can even clearly see the dense and tall forest over there, and you can also see huge pterosaur-like creatures in the blue sky. Flying in groups, each one has an elemental energy response of more than three realms, and many of them have four realms.

There is the real Jurassic World.

Its power is already evident.

With a faint expectation, Shen Xing directly ordered the shuttle without hesitation!

As the spacecraft approaches, the curved surface of the space becomes more and more obvious, and the jump engine of the spacecraft itself also plays a role to maintain the overall spatial structure of the spacecraft. This is also what only medium and large spacecrafts have to do. If it is an individual , or a small spaceship, just rush in with a burst of air.

Finally, with a feeling like breaking through a membrane, a vast world appeared in front of Shen Xing.

Not counting the alien battlefield, this is Shen Xing's first time in another real "alien world".

The blue sky and white clouds, except for the extremely tall plants, don't look much different from their home planet.

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