In Gaowu, there is a big fantasy world

Chapter 253 The Rage of Mountains and Seas

Even Shen Xing had his eyes opened at this time.

Places like Tianyuan Sect and Dashang Dynasty also have the most basic recognition and respect for strong people outside the influence, but here they seem to really not care. If you look at these spiritual realms, you will know that they are usually oppressed into What.

However, Shen Xing still looked calm.

Such a gesture seemed to make the "Spiritual Realm" great master who appeared realize something was wrong.


Before he finished speaking, Shen Xing came to his side in an instant.

The sword flashed, and a huge human head in the spiritual realm flew up with blood.

In an instant, everyone and all sounds suddenly stopped.

This scene was so shocking that for a moment, they didn't even realize what was happening.

Especially the people in the sand court who followed the spirit realm captain.

Everyone was stunned.

It wasn't until half a minute later that a frightened voice came.

"Bold, bold!"

"The captain was killed!"

"Come here, capture this bold guy quickly!"

"Report to the city lord, go report to the city lord quickly!"


Even the warriors outside the city had their eyes bulging and kept retreating in horror.

The spiritual realm of Sha Ting was killed!

What they were paying attention to was not even how a third-level warrior could instantly kill a fourth-level warrior, but the spiritual state of Sha Ting was killed!

Why does a Xiantian from the Sand Court dare to despise a person from the Three Realms? This is the deterrence established by killing again and again!

Whenever a person from Shating is killed in front of him, even if it is just an innate, Shating will kill a lot of people and pay for it with countless lives!

But now, the person who died was in a spiritual realm!

The onlookers who had fully reacted could not even care about many of them. They turned around and fled wildly. Panic continued to spread, and various shouts continued to sound. More and more warriors living outside the city. Dropping everything and just running away, the situation suddenly became extremely chaotic.

On the contrary, Shen Xing, the instigator, was quite indifferent.

After understanding the style of this Shating, he knew that he was afraid that killing would be inevitable.

It is simply impossible to expect to get what you want peacefully in this place.

However, after he shook off the blood on the long knife, he suddenly looked forward with a playful expression.

There is a vast and majestic momentum rising unbridled from the depths of the oasis.

The feeling that seems to make the earth tremble is undoubtedly the mountains and seas!

"You just killed a spirit realm, so why don't you just let the mountain and sea realm take action?" Shen Xing had a look of wonder on his face.

At this moment, a "sand wave" that truly covered the sky and sun appeared in the sky, roaring towards the outside.

"Kill my disciple of the Sand Court, and I will extract your soul and torture you for hundreds of years! Serve as a warning to others!"

With this move, not only Shen Xing, but also the entire "shanty town" outside was covered.

Those warriors were right to flee.

As long as one person dies in the sand court, there will be a massacre. They rely on this fear to maintain their absolute status.

But it's a pity.

Although Shen Xing also felt a huge sense of oppression when facing the momentum of this mountain and sea realm, it was obvious that just this level could only bring pressure to him, but could not bring him any real danger.

"I have learned the style of the sand court, but I have plenty of time to play with you slowly." His voice rose, and with just a little effort, he got directly into the sea of ​​sand.

Then, huge waves of sand roared down.


A sudden explosion resounded throughout the world. Tens of millions of tons of sand were thrown thousands of meters into the sky. Large areas of buildings built outside the oasis city were completely destroyed. Nearly 10,000 people in the entire direction had no time to escape. The warriors were all covered in the vast waves of sand, squeezed into pulp.

This is the power of mountains and seas!

At this level, it is easy to move mountains and seas, and you are truly qualified to be called a "god"-like existence!

Countless warriors in the Sand Court were excited and even trembled.

This is the power of the Sand Court!

As for the warrior who dared to challenge the power of the Sand Court? It doesn't matter whether it's the hidden fourth realm or it's really just a third realm. In the face of such a force, there is only one way to die.

However, at this time, Shen Xing had returned to the Xuanlong Secret Realm.

"It's really interesting." His face turned slightly pale, but his expression was excited.

This was the first time he had seen Shanhai Realm take action with his own eyes. It had to be said that although it was a great sense of oppression, the pressure also made him passionate about fighting.

I wonder if he will be able to fight against such strong men after he breaks through the spiritual realm and refits his armor.

Just thinking about this made desire emerge in Shen Xing's heart.

In fact, he didn't even care much about looking for the wind and hell fire seeds. With this burning fighting spirit, he sat down and practiced.

Sure enough, the efficiency of practice was restored again, and even improved compared to before!

The role of experience is indeed worthy of its name.

And Shen Xing didn't just sit cross-legged and practice. After practicing for two days, his figure came outside the oasis again.

In just two days, new warriors were building new houses in the parts that were originally destroyed.

There were even quarrels over territory.

In addition, the bloody blood left by the previous massacre attracted a large number of monsters, but they did not dare to approach the oasis, just because there was still a faint power of the mountains and seas in the air, which attracted more warriors. Continuously hunt monsters at the edge.

It looks like it won't be long before this place is booming again.

Shen Xing looked at the door, and it was surprising that the same Xiantian was guarding the door. He still had the same lazy look. Compared with before, there was no change at all.

"Interesting." Shen Xing showed a playful expression and still walked over swaggeringly. Na Xiantian leaned on the city wall and looked over with half-squinted eyes.

Then, his pupils suddenly widened and shrank.

Pointing at Shen Xing in horror.

"伱, you"

"What?" Shen Xing said with a smile, "It's only been two days and you don't recognize me anymore?"

"I, I" this innate disciple of Shating could hardly believe his eyes.

The giants of the mountains and seas took action, and tens of thousands of warriors outside the door died. How could this man still be alive!

Not only is he still alive, he even actively came to find him!

"Call someone." Shen Xing drew out his long knife, "Unless you want to die."

Although he didn't show any momentum at all, he made the frightened gatekeeper flee crazily towards the city.

This change also attracted the attention of many people around.

Some people still had blank eyes, but some people had their eyes widened and stared at Shen Xing.

Finally, a spiritual warrior who had managed to escape two days ago recognized Shen Xing.

He shouted with horror on his face: "It's him! It's him! He killed the people in the Shating Spiritual Realm two days ago!"

Suddenly, there was a huge uproar.

"You saw it wrong, how could it be that person!"

"That's right, the giants of the mountains and seas in the Sand Court took action and the whole place was razed to the ground. How could this person still be alive?"

"Even if you are alive, how dare you come to this place again!"


Obviously, no one believed this, especially when they looked over one by one and could feel the restrained aura on Shen Xing's body.

It is indeed a three realms.

But what happened two days ago was that a man from the fourth realm of Shating was clearly killed. How could the third realm kill the fourth realm?

But no matter what, some people are already running away like crazy, while others are still waiting and watching.

At this moment, three spiritual realms rushed out of the city.

"Who is not afraid of death and dares to challenge me in the sand court?"

It is these spiritual realms that Shen Xing is waiting for!


He used his body skills to the extreme, and appeared in front of one of them almost instantly. With the gain of space and ten thousand dragons, the speed that exploded was extremely terrifying, and then he shocked the dragon with a sword, which was a top-grade sharp sword. Shen Xing had already used it to its extreme, and even the person in the spiritual realm who was selected by him felt as if there was a divine dragon flashing past in front of his eyes, as if he had a startling glance, but before he could react to what happened, he just felt that the whole The world turned into blood, and the figure kept getting taller.

It wasn't until he saw a familiar headless corpse that he realized what he was doing.

Himself, was beheaded.

But Shen Xing didn't pause at all. Shen Xing played to the extreme, but he found the second person in an instant.

The man finally reacted and hurriedly pulled out the long knife, but before his aura could explode, a huge force surged along the long knife.

With a buzzing sound, the long sword in his hand, which could reach the level of a divine weapon, was cut off directly!

This is the resonant sword, coupled with the power of tough and sharp inscriptions!

The last scene seen in this spiritual realm was the face of a young man with black scales emerging from time to time!

Shen Xing suddenly transformed into a dragon.

The Ten Thousand Dragons Magic reached its peak, the terrifying power of the dragons spread out, and the speed and power skyrocketed again!

Then he found a third person.

This man finally came to his senses, his face full of horror, his mouth wide open, but he seemed unable to even shout. He just turned around instinctively and ran away like crazy!

However, if you don't run away, you may still be able to block one or two moves, but in front of Shen Xing, where can you run?

Shen Xing's figure suddenly appeared strange!

He didn't even use his body skills, but appeared directly behind the opponent at this moment.

Another knife!

The martial art of Shocking Dragon Sword is both a dragon type and a fast sword. It does not need any other moves at all, nor does it need extra powerful momentum. It is just fast, so fast that even a real dragon will be frightened!

And the results it brings are also amazing!

The third spirit realm was also instantly killed by Shen Xing.

From the time he made the first strike to the last strike, it only took two or three seconds!

Until Shen Xing turned around and left quickly, many onlookers could not react at all!

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