In Gaowu, there is a big fantasy world

Chapter 283 Everyone will tremble

What really shocks and even scares everyone is not the death of a sun and moon.

It's that they simply can't understand how Sun and Moon died!

After a short and suffocating silence, it seemed that the sun and the moon finally couldn't bear the unknown fear, and turned into the sun and shot downwards. The interior of the sand court was obviously in chaos, and no one continued. Host the formation and let Sun and Moon enter easily.

Then came the landings one after another.

The sun and moon, which were originally standing high in the sky, overlooking everything, now all come down, trying to figure everything out.

Not only them, but also those in the mountains and sea realms are all the same.

More and more figures flew towards the sand court. The first thing they saw was the people in the sand court who were equally confused, panicked and at a loss. In the chaotic energy storm brought about by the fall of the sun and the moon, some people even He decisively abandoned this powerful force that controlled an area and ran wildly outside. Some people even took advantage of the chaos to rob, causing chaos in many places.

These mountains and seas ignored this chaotic scene, but continued to pour in towards the source of the aura of the fallen sun and moon.

Until they finally saw what the scene looked like.

However, their confusion and fear have not been alleviated at all, but have become worse.

Because they saw nothing, not even corpses, as if they had been completely annihilated.

"What happened?" You Riyue's majestic voice came.

However, there was no answer, including the mountains and seas in the sand court, all of them looked pale, but most of them were confused.

There was no trace of the second powerful Yuanli left at the scene. It didn't look like it had been through a big battle at all. There wasn't even any trace of a move. Everything was quiet.

But how is this possible?

Just when the sun and moon were beginning to become irritable and angry under fear, an old voice finally floated in the air.

"have no idea"

This person who spoke out suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

He was a man with a dry body, extremely old, but he also exuded a powerful aura. Two completely different temperaments appeared on him at the same time.

"It's Old Man Shaku." Someone recognized this person's identity.

The oldest Sun Moon Realm in the Sand Courtyard is said to be the first generation Sun Moon Realm after the fall of the Sand Courtyard. He is even older than the Sun Moon Realm from the Tianyuan Sect. In the eyes of many ordinary people in the Sand Courtyard, this person is It's just like ancient myths and legends.

Although he is old, his accumulation over the years is here, and his strength is considered powerful among all the Sun and Moon realms.

But at this moment, the face of this powerful and experienced man was filled with confusion and bitterness.

In his hand, he still held the "secret treasure".

It was given to him by a certain holy place, an invisible sword energy, invisible and qualityless, mysterious and extraordinary. Even a saint might be injured by a sneak attack without warning. It went straight into the soul and was used to deal with the man who relied on the secret treasure to do evil. The spiritual realm should have been a sure thing.

Even in Sha Ku's eyes, this is simply a waste.

But he never imagined that there would be no chance to use this secret treasure. Even he, who was originally prepared to sacrifice under the opponent's trump card, was not able to do so. Instead, he was the youngest and most potential person in their sand court. This sun and moon simply fell.

"I do not know what that means?"

Sha Ku's answer obviously could not satisfy these fearful Sun and Moon Realm powerhouses. Their auras were solidified one by one, and terrifying and oppressive pressure rose in this world. Countless warriors, even those in the Mountain and Sea Realm, They all felt a strong sense of suffocation at this moment.

They felt fear from this sense of suffocation.

Not only their own fear, but also the fear of these powerful people of the sun and moon in front of them!

Thinking about the young prodigy who they had never met before, but who made them come all the way with just one word, the seeds of awe were planted in everyone's hearts.

Then, Sha Ku's voice sounded again.

"It means that we didn't see clearly what the attack was. We only saw a ray of light suddenly appear. Then, the officer died. He couldn't even scream. It seemed that he couldn't react at all." Ku's voice finally regained its calmness and told everything, but what it told brought deeper fear to everyone.

A Sun and Moon was killed instantly?

Instant kill without any reaction?

Or is it across an unknown distance?

A series of realities appeared in their minds, but they made them even more confused.

Everyone saw the beam of light, and some even saw that it came from the direction of Tianyun Sect. But if this is true, it means that someone is two hundred thousand kilometers away, with incomparable accuracy. Instantly killed a Sun and Moon!

After realizing this, even in the sun and moon realm, there is a kind of creepy fear, which surges up uncontrollably!

They even feel that they have been targeted and may get the same result at any time!

This kind of horror is simply indescribable!

Even a saint can't let them die like this without understanding!

"Everyone, look over there." A Riyue seemed to feel something in his consciousness, and suddenly said, people have arrived at a large land.

Everyone else looked where he pointed.

Then, they saw a small hole in the ground.

That's right, it's a hole in the ground. It's very small, so small that only one person can get into it.

"What's wrong with this cave?" A Sun and Moon asked in confusion.

It is normal for such holes to appear on the ground. They may be dug by some creatures that live underground. There are especially many creatures like this in the sand garden. They are part of the ecology.

However, Sun and Moon, who first spoke, said with fear and trembling: "I can't feel how deep it is."


Voices of exclamation came one after another.

Without saying a word, each of the sun and the moon searched frantically along the entrance of the cave with their own consciousness.

The consciousness of the sun and the moon is extremely powerful, and its range can even cover hundreds of kilometers. If it is concentrated on a line, it can perceive scenes even thousands of kilometers away.

This is already an extremely terrifying situation.

However, as they felt, this extremely straight hole continued all the way to an extremely far distance, so far away that even their senses could not reach it!

Even though a lot of collapsed sand has covered most of the cave, it is still enough for these strong men to see the truth behind it.

——There was something that irresistibly shattered the sun and moon, and then penetrated diagonally underground for thousands, even tens of thousands of kilometers!

"How terrible." One person said with a trembling voice.

All the mountains and seas were shocked to discover that this man was also a Sun and Moon!

"What kind of method is this?" Although the other sun and moon didn't behave so badly, they all had ugly faces. "Some kind of magical weapon similar to a flying sword?"

This is the easiest thing for them to understand.

However, after a while, someone said faintly: "No matter what it is, it doesn't matter anymore."


The suffocating silence appeared again.

That's right, it doesn't matter anymore.

The reason why they came here was to see if that person was from the Dragon Clan and what kind of strength the force behind him had.

Now, although the former is still not certain, they have already seen the latter.

To kill the sun and the moon accurately and instantly from a distance of 200,000 kilometers, this is the opponent's strength, this is the opponent's method!

No wonder the other party dared to come here alone and be so calm and arrogant!

With these methods of protecting the Dao, all the saints are like ants!

I don't know who started, one after another, the figures began to leave, some returned quickly, and some followed the "track" that went diagonally deep, trying to find the "magic weapon" that was probably left underground. ".

As for more people, they are thinking about how to face this young genius who has broken the peace of hundreds of regions for thousands of years.

However, no matter what they think, there seem to be very few options available.

After all, that person already has the strongest "spear" and the strongest "shield."

As the center of everything, Shen Xing looked very calm. He already knew the result with the help of the detection device. The aura of the target Sun-Moon Realm had shattered and disappeared.

With a sun and moon sacrificial flag, the deterrence this brings definitely surpasses anything in the past.

Right now, unless the saint takes action directly, he will definitely be able to get everything he wants.

After all, he still has three in his hand.

And will the saint take action?

Shen Xing didn't know, but he didn't have too much fear. He was huddled in the mysterious territory of Xuanlong. Even the saint couldn't kill him instantly, so he could leave calmly. At worst, he would focus on the Human Federation.

What's more, the Seventh Realm wouldn't stare at him closely for a long time.

"Send another message to Sha Ting." Shen Xing said to the representatives of Tianyuan Sect and Dashang Dynasty, "If you don't see what I want within thirty days, I will kill another sun and moon."

Speaking such frightening words in such a calm tone, even the Tianyuan Sect and Dashang Dynasty who were on his side felt indescribable fear.

The sun and the moon, what a powerful existence they are, towering over the sun and the moon! But tonight I fell because of this person’s words!

Even the dullest person knows that this man has shown his fangs. This is the first time that a power at the Holy Land level has shown its power so clearly in front of all of them!

And all will tremble!

At the same time, in the sand court that had regained its calm, a figure lurking in the shadows was frantically going deep underground along the passage.

One hundred kilometers, one thousand kilometers, ten thousand kilometers, one hundred thousand kilometers.

The Sun and Moon Realm can cross hundreds of thousands of kilometers and return to dozens of areas in one day, let alone Sun and Moon, who is already good at shadow escape.

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