In Gaowu, there is a big fantasy world

Chapter 285 Prepare to cause a sensation in the Federation

That's right, he is ready to leave the battlefield in another world.

Including the Jurassic World, these other worlds that have stabilized do not actually have much room for development. After such a long time, the territories in them have either been occupied by powerful local behemoths or have been occupied by other warlords. Regiment occupied.

With his current strength, there is really not much room for development left for him.

Taking the trouble to occupy some territory may not be as good as just transporting some things from another world.

Therefore, it is better to go directly into deep space and fully rely on other worlds for development.

This is the best choice for him.

And another advantage is that after hiding in the deep space of the universe, you can come up with some "adventurous" things appropriately. Even if it attracts the attention of the Seventh Realm and even the Eighth Realm, it is not that big in the vast universe. Easy to find them.

When he reached the sixth realm, or even the seventh realm, he had nothing to fear.

"Let's go and see our new spaceship." After Shen Xing said hello to Longmen, he directly launched the current spaceship and came to the port with the research institute, which had expanded to 20,000.

But as soon as he came over, he saw his own spaceship.

It is the largest ship in the port!

Even in this place, it is rare to see a large spacecraft like this, and it is even worthy of the title of "space city", so there are many onlookers, and a group of people in the institute will watch this ship for a long time. The spaceship that has become their place of life and practice also has irrepressible excitement.

This is especially true for those who followed Shen Xing from the academy's home planet.

They chose Shen Xing because of its potential. However, no matter how confident they were, they could never imagine that the institute could have such a spacecraft in such a short period of time!

Normally, it would take at least a hundred years for Shen Xing to reach the Sixth Realm before this would be possible!

But no matter what, this is naturally a good thing and a big surprise.

A larger spaceship means more favorable conditions, as well as wealth and status. Even Shen Xing is only in the spiritual realm now, but starting from owning this spaceship, his name has truly entered the starry sky as a "strong man". middle.

"Let's go and see our new home." Shen Xing drove the spaceship directly into the new spaceship.

Yes, as a large spaceship, there are naturally parking warehouses inside, and there are even two medium-sized ports, which can accommodate up to ten medium-sized spacecrafts.

Shen Xing had come once before when checking, but he didn't investigate carefully at that time, but now he has time.

The entire interior of the spacecraft is divided into nine large areas.

The one in the middle occupies the largest area. It is a huge ecological circle with a simulated blue sky. Behind the simulated sky is a huge ocean upside down on the earth. This is also the entire spaceship. It is the core of water circulation, and you can even raise a variety of fish inside.

Of course, in addition to planting and animal husbandry, large-scale living cities can also be built on the land like "Wanshanghao".

However, there is not much need now, and the number of people is still small. Shen Xing just "primitive" it and planted many plants.

Everyone will only live in the other nine areas.

The total usable area of ​​each area is larger than that of the previous spaceship. Putting 20,000 people into it will still be a drop in the bucket, so seven of the areas must be temporarily empty, and only two areas can be used.

In addition to a series of technological products, the biggest difference between this spaceship and the previous one lies in the "vitality channel".

Yes, this spaceship has "energy channels" throughout the spaceship.

All vitality is uniformly supplied by the central department, and even the daily concentration of vitality in each room can be precisely controlled. It can be said that the role of the precious resource "vital energy" is brought into full play.

In Shen Xing's view, this kind of technical method is no worse than the "grand formation" from another world.

Of course, combining the two will undoubtedly play a greater role.

"The next spaceship will use the inscription technology from another world and be designed and manufactured by our own people." Shen Xing set a goal in his heart, then came to the core of vitality and put down hundreds of "vital energy crystals".

All of a sudden, billowing energy spread out and flowed throughout the spacecraft along the passage.

This kind of "vital energy crystal" was obtained by Shen Xing from another world, but it was not a mineral, but the product of some kind of large-scale condensation. Just like the "dragon crystal", it was the condensation and crystallization of a large amount of vitality.

This technology is very popular there. The difficulty is to select special vitality, such as dragon energy, but naturally it does not require special vitality to be used on a spaceship, so Shen Xing collected a lot of them.

In other worlds, this kind of thing will also be used as a driving energy source for some puppets and spaceships.

Especially puppets are indispensable.

At this time, Shen Xing was quite satisfied when he saw that the total amount of vitality stored in the spacecraft had soared to an extremely high level.

With a wave of his hand, he released an extremely high concentration of vitality to everyone, even much higher than the battlefield in another world.

In such an environment, the body training period and even the innate stage do not even need to take any elixirs, and they can still grow at a high speed. With the addition of elixirs, the effect is doubled. Even some battle groups in the Seventh Realm may not be able to grow at a high speed. To be treated like this.

Naturally, it sparked cheers from many people.

They may not have a high sense of belonging to Shen Xing, but after signing the contract, they are already bound to Shen Xing.

The better the conditions, the higher the sense of belonging will naturally be.

Especially compared to the rest of the group.

"Xiaoling, Jinyi, come to the captain's room." Shen Xing's voice passed along the internal communication channel, and at the same time, he ordered the spacecraft to slowly leave the Jura battlefield and go deeper into the universe.

Soon, two people appeared in front of him.

"I believe you have all guessed it. Next, I plan to vigorously develop the research institute." Shen Xing went directly to the topic without too many polite words. He looked at Nangong Jinyi and said, "Jinyi, inscribed weapons can be directly launched for innate weapons. The level of the strong.”

"Okay." Nangong Jinyi nodded lightly, "There are a total of one hundred and twenty-six models. However, our productivity is limited. If we need to expand production, we must first purchase sufficient production equipment."

"These are not problems." Shen Xing smiled, "Just leave it to me."

"Then do we need to hold a press conference?" Nangong Jinyi said again, "Although with the cross-generational characteristics of our products, we can gradually create a sensation without a press conference, but if you use your name to release it, the spread will be faster. Faster."

"No need." Shen Xing shook his head, "What I want is not money, but status and influence."

"I understand." Nangong Jinyi smiled, "With the inscription technology, we will not lack partners. However, risks will also come with it. The next period of time is the most critical, and we have to hide it."

"It's not difficult." Xiaoling interjected at this time, "With this kind of spaceship, it has very strong concealment. The transportation of goods can be carried out by relying on the backup spacecraft. The relevant concealment procedures are already very mature. We can directly Just apply it.”

As Xiaoling said, with such a large spacecraft, there is capital as a "hidden force".

At least, as long as the process is more secure, you are less likely to be caught.

Of course, this means that you can no longer go to other worlds, which is a serious problem for most warriors. This is why most of the "hidden forces" are of a research nature, and they have almost given up on themselves. The growth of martial arts.

But Shen Xing is obviously different.

Both Nangong Jinyi and Xiaoling knew that Shen Xing had a stable source of resources and even testing methods.

Before going to Jurassic World, apart from trading with Longmen, he had no interest in Jurassic World itself, and had never even left Longmen Base. But even so, he still reached the Fourth Realm in such a short period of time. mid-term.

Yes, after learning that Shen Xing had reached the middle stage of the Fourth Realm, Nangong Jinyi showed a rare expression of gaffes.

Even after he came to his senses, he told him not to reveal his strength easily.

At least you can't leak it at will until you enter deep space and hide yourself.

In just one year, he has entered the middle stage of the Fourth Realm. This speed is even more terrifying than his previous performance.

The cultivation in the spiritual realm and the cultivation under the spiritual realm are completely different in terms of strength and difficulty. This is no longer something that can be explained by resources. This means a huge secret, a secret that is enough to make many warriors crazy.

Because of this, they 100% agreed with Shen Xing's decision to leave the other world and go to deep space.

"You two will be responsible for this matter." Shen Xing briefly understood the situation and said with a smile, "Jinyi is responsible for the product, and Xiaoling is responsible for the promotion and sales. If you need anything, just tell me. Other than that, I will be a hands-off shopkeeper.”

"Don't worry, boss, we'll leave it to us." Xiaoling also had excitement on her face.

Compared to Nangong Jinyi, she undoubtedly cares more about the development of the research institute, and now this is an opportunity for the research institute to truly get on the right track and move towards glory!

Previously, they had been relying on blood transfusions from their boss, but now it was finally time for them to become stronger.

For Xiaoling, this day has been anticipated for a long time!

The emergence of inscriptions will definitely cause a sensation in the entire human federation!

Although Nangong Jinyi was not as exaggerated as Xiaoling, she was still looking forward to it.

There is no doubt that the stronger the institute, the more it can prove the correctness of her choice.

As for Shen Xing, although he said he wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper, in fact, he was required to do a lot of things.

First of all, he went to the Wan Chamber of Commerce with the production list, and used the rented spaceship to go back and forth four or five times before bringing all the production equipment back. Thanks to the fact that the entire spaceship belonged to him and was very empty, otherwise it would have been It's not easy to explain why there are suddenly a lot of equipment on the spacecraft.

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