All in all, Shen Xing's new arrival in Shanhai has brought about considerable changes in many things.

However, after a period of studying the artistic conception of martial arts and gradually adapting to this change, Shen Xing has also realized that breaking through to the mountains and seas will not fundamentally change the difficulties he faces.

There is nothing we can do about it.

The problems he faces have always been beyond his realm. After all, his needs have also exceeded his realm.

So much so that his need for force never came from himself.

But now, even in the Human Federation, there is no weapon that can fight against the saint.

Unless you really want to drag a few Seven Realms to that world.

This is indeed the only solution that Shen Xing can think of at the moment, to deal with those holy places in other worlds and collect further resources.

But the risks involved cannot be ignored.

Even Wenren Caifeng, who seemed to have a good relationship, could not guarantee that he would be able to protect his core interests after taking her to another world.

Just relying on yourself to grasp the passage is still not enough.

Shen Xing stayed on the spaceship for almost three months. In the past three months, he has been studying various five realms of dragon martial arts. There are almost more than seventy earth skills and hundreds of character skills. He has mastered the Wanlong method. Quality is preserved in Tianpin.

Five realms of heaven.

In fact, after practicing the Five Realms Ten Thousand Dragons Dharma, Shen Xing could clearly feel that his strength had been further improved.

Even without relying on any martial arts artistic conception, one can successfully fight against ordinary mountains and seas.

If he puts on armor, even if he is still no match for Sun and Moon, ordinary Sun and Moon should not be able to do anything to him.

This kind of strength, as long as it is not against the Seventh Realm, actually has the power to protect itself.

Therefore, Shen Xing decided not to expose the existence of the other world for the time being, and first try to see if he can achieve his goal. Anyway, there are two Seventh Realm Jade Talisman as a safety guarantee.

He came to another world again.

In the past three months, he sent out many people to find the so-called "Holy Land of Alchemy". Even the ancestors of the Dashang Dynasty sent people, and indeed they found the boundaries of that area, but , no one can enter.

According to the Great Shang Ancestor, even the Sun and Moon Realm cannot enter that place.

So he never thought about going back.

However, Shen Xing has not gained nothing in the past three months.

Although no one went in, the detection device he sent out has been detecting the terrain in the fog, using technology to survey and map the position, trying to find a way to enter in the fog and the formation.

It has to be said that although its formation is powerful, it is more aimed at living creatures and even souls.

Facing this kind of detection device, you will really encounter a nemesis.

If Shen Xing hadn't been careful enough, he would have cracked the fog a month ago.

And no matter how careful you are, at this moment of three months, it is almost the same.

At this time, Shen Xing stayed in the base station he had established, looking at the monitoring device in front of him.

He's not alone.

Shang Lian and Bai Yu also stood behind him.

Yes, these two are also his assistants, and they are very interested, especially Shang Lian. Because of the relationship between the great Shang ancestors, Shang Lian yearns for this place extremely.

Considering that they would be needed, Shen Xing didn't mind letting them participate.

In fact, with his current strength, it is logical to directly annex these two forces and completely regard them as his subordinate organizations, and they themselves have decided to embrace his thigh.

"The fog has dissipated!" Shang Lian suddenly shouted with excitement in his tone.

In the picture, the fog that was originally so dense that it even gave people a sticky feeling finally dissipated completely.

A huge world appeared in front of all of them.

What surprised Shen Xing a little was that the entire sky was completely covered by thick fog, but the sky that should have been dim and lightless was actually dotted with more than a dozen huge "suns" hanging high in the sky, constantly emitting light. with heat.

"It's the Xuantian Furnace Fire!" Shang Lian became even more excited, "There are seventeen of them, six more than when our ancestor was there six thousand years ago!"

Shen Xing had already heard this from Shang Lian.

It is said that it is a furnace fire hanging high in the sky. Anyone, regardless of their cultivation level, can directly bring it down from high altitude when refining elixirs or refining weapons.

At the same time, these fires are also an important source for infusing and cultivating the ground elixirs in conjunction with the earth spirits.

However, even though he had known it for a long time, Shen Xing could not help but be a little surprised when he actually saw this scene.

Because these things are not as simple as nuclear fusion or artificial sun. They are pure extraordinary technologies. The scattered light is filled with special energy, not to mention that it can be activated at will.

At least the Human Federation does not have such technology, and the Human Federation’s planting areas in other worlds do not have such technology either.

But Shen Xing has no doubt that if the Human Federation obtains such technology, it can even do better!

True expanded production, even intensification!

This made Shen Xing pay more attention to this place, because he finally saw a real civilization suitable for "production" in a different world.

For a long time, the martial arts civilization of the entire other world has been based on plundering. Even pills are plundering the resources of the world. All martial arts concepts, including inscriptions, are used to make weapons and everything related to combat. s things.

Only here did he truly see the extraordinary technology that could increase productivity.

From the perspective of the Human Federation, this is the most important thing.

It is not important to one person, but to the entire civilization, and it will eventually be fed back to the individual.

However, although Shen Xing paid more attention to it and was full of expectations, he was not too excited. After all, he had just begun to understand this place.

As the detection device went deeper, the first thing Shen Xing saw was a large number of fields stretching as far as the eye could see.

Yes, fields.

And it’s endless.

It's just that what is grown in them is not food, but various elixirs. The light with inscriptions is constantly surging. This is obviously not an inscription used for combat or protection, because there is clearly visible vitality in these spirits. There is a constant flow between the medicine and the inscriptions.

Obviously, this is a means of growing elixirs.

Shen Xing was not surprised when he saw such a scene, but once again sighed at the power of technology.

After all, it had been expected.

He paid more attention to those who were working in the fields. These people were apparently responsible for instilling Yuan Power into some inscriptions. Some even held various magic weapons that had no effect from their appearance but were obviously not used for combat. Magic weapon, perform various treatments on elixirs.

Judging from the detection results of the detection device, the strength of these people in the fields is at least as low as the spiritual realm!

In other words, this place clearly uses the spiritual realm to do the most basic hard work!

Shen Xing was indeed a little surprised this time. Even the Human Federation would not reach this level.

However, when the detection device arrived in the first city, he realized that it might not be what he thought, because in this city, there were obviously a large number of people under the spiritual realm, and even Occupy the main body, and they are wearing uniforms, most of them are walking in a hurry, looking attentive, and some are discussing something loudly with the others. Judging from some of the sounds collected by the detection device, they are all discussing alchemy and spiritual life. Knowledge about medicines.

Obviously, Shen Xing had already figured it out without Shang Lian's reminder.

These are all students and disciples.

Sure enough, those who are qualified to cultivate elixirs in the wild are those in the spiritual realm, while those below the spiritual realm can only stay in the city to study.

But this also shows that this place is indeed cultivating successors in a systematic way.

However, it remains to be seen whether this kind of training is the same as sect-style training, or whether it is a "school"-style training similar to that of the Human Federation.

However, as the detection deepened, especially the monitoring of various personnel's words, Shen Xing's brows furrowed.

Because, among the names of these people, this city is "college".

Yes, this is extremely clear.

But even though it has the name of a college, the teaching is not just a simple master-disciple teaching, but a course system. However, all the students in the college can only do things within the framework of this "furnace domain" and are not allowed to do whatever they want. leave.

This is another typical sect rule.

The sect cultivates talents for itself, but the school cultivates talents for the entire civilization and society.

However, this so-called "furnace domain" has already formed its own small society, so it looks so different.

At least among them, the development of martial arts civilization is indeed driven by artificial acceleration.

Shen Xing didn't say anything, and then he wanted to know more about how this place gathered so many talents who could refine elixirs and weapons.

It did take a lot of effort to investigate this matter.

After all, detection devices are difficult to interrogate.

But after several days of observation, Shen Xing still caught traces.

Some students are new here and have grown up in another place before. After being screened at all levels, their talents are selected and then sent here to build a foundation and enter the martial arts.

These students didn't know where it was, but it was obvious that it must be a place where "newcomers" gathered.

It is also the place where the seemingly completely isolated Lutian Territory communicates with the outside world.

"How did your ancestor get in in the past?" Shen Xing turned to ask Shang Lian.

"Thousands of years ago, the rules were different from now. It wasn't even called the Furnace Heaven Territory." Shang Lian participated in the monitoring process and was full of awe of Shen Xing's methods. After all, she was really watching Shen Xing sitting here, but You can explore everything in the furnace world without anyone noticing.

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