In Gaowu, there is a big fantasy world

Chapter 298 Sword Tomb Saint Son

If you want to give it a try, you naturally have to find someone to fight.

In fact, it is not just testing the armor, but also testing the strength after the mountain and sea realm.

The best target right now is naturally the Ancient Sword Sect.

Shen Xing put on his armor and did not bring Sword Girl with him. Instead, he appeared directly in the "Sword Domain" where the Ancient Sword Sect was located. From the beginning, he unleashed his momentum unscrupulously, and the mighty dragon power covered the area condescendingly. above the earth.

No matter whether they were humans, birds, or beasts, they all trembled under the indescribable power of the dragon. No one could stand and no bird could fly wherever it passed.

Even in the mountain and sea realm, it is the same.

So much so that in a short period of time, there were countless exclamations.

"Sun and Moon! This is the Sun and Moon Realm!"

"A true dragon from the sun and moon realm is here!"

"Has the Dragon Clan returned?"

"The person behind Xuanlong Palace Shen Xing?"


There are various speculations, but no one has guessed it about Shen Xing.

After all, after the last battle between fourteen and fourteen, who in the entire region didn't know Shen Xing's reputation? Almost everyone knows that this young prodigy who is suspected to be a member of the dragon clan is only in the spiritual realm. He relies on an extremely powerful divine armor to compete with the mountain and sea realm.

A pair of fourteen, and winning the battle is scary enough, but in the end it was with the help of the power of a magic weapon.

But now, it is the sun and the moon who are condescending!

That's right, just talking about the power of the dragon, anyone would think that it is the power of the sun and the moon!

No matter what kind of strength Xuanlong Palace Shen Xing has, even if he breaks through the mountains and seas, even if he uses treasures, he should not have such momentum. This is the subconscious understanding of many people.

However, among those mountains and seas, there were people who had seen Shen Xing or felt Shen Xing's aura.

These talents are the most terrifying in the entire Sword Domain.

They couldn't believe their own perception, but they could clearly sense that this dragon's power was exactly the same as that of Shen Xing in the past!

"How can it be!"

"The spiritual realm can compete with mountains and seas, and mountains and seas can be compared with the sun and the moon?"

"Even if it borrows the power of a magic weapon, what kind of magic weapon can have such great power!"

"It's not that the divine weapon comes with him, it's clearly his own power!"

"Notify the Ancient Sword Sect quickly!"


Obviously, everyone can see that Shen Xing is an enemy rather than a friend this time.

The last time he had a tacit understanding with the people in the "Sword Tomb Holy Land" behind the Ancient Sword Sect was just a guess, and only he knew it. In the eyes of everyone else, he was undoubtedly here to execute his plan this time. Declaration of destruction of the Ancient Sword Sect!

Some of them are related to the Ancient Sword Sect.

However, there was actually no need to notify him. With Shen Xing's grand display, it was impossible for the Sword Grave Holy Land not to notice.

At this moment, at the core of the Ancient Sword Sect, a handsome but white-haired Riyue was looking at Shen Xing who was constantly exerting his power.

It was the sword puppet of the Holy Son of Sword Grave.

His heart was also full of wonder.

Obviously, the power Shen Xing displayed at this moment was also beyond his knowledge.

"The divine armor is obviously different from before." Jianfen Shengzi said, "It has been re-forged, which shows that they have the technology to forge such divine armor."

"Go back to the Holy Son." Beside the white-haired Riyue, there is another old man Riyue. Looking at his eyes, he is also a sword puppet. At this moment, the controller behind it is respectful, even with a hint of respect. He said enthusiastically, "Looking at its appearance, the inscriptions used in this divine armor are only of the fifth level, but it can be so powerful. This is really amazing!"

That's right, the warriors in this world don't lack vision either.

Naturally, they could see how powerful Shen Xing's armor was.

Although they didn't know what "technology" was, they could only see from an extraordinary perspective that Shen Xing's suit of armor belonged to the "Five Realms" in terms of level. However, the terrifying effects it could exert exceeded Six realms.

This is not to say that the Six Realm Divine Weapons are weak, but that if the Six Realm Divine Weapons are controlled by mountains and seas, they will not be able to exert such power!

Except for the puppets with their own vitality crystals.

Therefore, this kind of armor can exert such terrifying power at the level of the Five Realms. Even here, it is enough to cause great changes!

At least, this so-called Saint Son of Sword Grave is completely unable to calm down.

"He shouldn't be from the Dragon Clan." The Holy Son of Sword Grave suddenly spoke again, "I once checked the classics and found that the Dragon Clan is naturally powerful, only based on bloodline theory and disdains external forces. How could such a powerful weapon refining method come from."

"That's better!" Another Sun and Moon puppet suddenly said, "If it's a dragon, even if it only has one percent of its former strength, we can't spy on it. But this person is different. No matter how many people are behind him, He is strong, but he is alone after all. If we can restrain him and obtain the refining method of this kind of divine armor, it will be of great use to our Sword Grave Holy Land!"

"How can we limit the magic weapon that can span long distances at will?" The Holy Son of Sword Grave asked again.

Everyone could see that Shen Xing dared to act unscrupulously on his own, and the most important thing was the powerful means that could reach hundreds of thousands of miles away in an instant.

No matter what it is, at least it must be difficult to limit by ordinary means.

Therefore, when faced with this problem, the two controllers behind the Sun and Moon Sword Puppet remained silent.

It's not that there is no way to try. The problem is that this method may not be successful.

If you speak up now, if it doesn't work, it will be your own fault.

Fortunately, the Holy Son of Sword Grave is more or less decisive.

Since his heart was moved at this moment, he said directly: "Try to pass the Soul Sword Domain, but don't expose it too much. If it doesn't work, then use other means to cooperate. If nothing else, if this person wants to try it, I, Sword Grave There is no shortage of sword puppets either.”


The two responded in unison.

This so-called "Soul Sword Realm" is naturally the same large formation, but it is also a magic weapon, and it is also a seven-level magic weapon. It is one of the most important means of the Sword Grave Saint Son himself.

Being willing to take it out at this time is enough to confirm his determination.

But this needs to be sent from the Holy Land, which takes a lot of time, and it also requires sending a real person from the Sword Tomb Holy Land - just a sword puppet, but it is not guaranteed enough.

This kind of treasure is enough for some people to defect. Even the sun and the moon cannot be relied on unless they are imprisoned.

However, these are small things.

And after Shen Xing had been acting unscrupulously in the Sword Domain for a while, he found that someone was coming, but the people who came were from mountains and seas.

Even if the mountains and seas are perfect, in front of him at this time, it is like chopping melons and vegetables.

"Where is your Sun and Moon?" Shen Xing frowned slightly and looked at the Shanhai Sword Puppet in front of him, but he didn't hide it.

"Haha, Mr. Shen, don't be anxious." This Shanhai sword puppet was obviously extraordinary, but his tone was relaxed, "Since you are coming with such a big fanfare, why not let us prepare for a few days?"

"Okay!" Shen Xing narrowed his eyes, and without saying much, he killed the sword puppet with one blow and then fell to the side.

As expected, he was waiting here openly.

It's not that he is really that domineering, but the new armor and the strength of the Mountain and Sea Realm really need to be tested.

As for safety.

If the two Seventh Realm Jade Talisman and the shuttle that can be teleported without any trace of light so far are not safe, then even if you hide in other places, it will still be unsafe.

After reaching this point in his cultivation, Shen Xing naturally has no shortage of courage.

Seeking 100% safety in everything will only block your own martial arts path.

However, he did not expect that the wait would actually last more than a month.

This made him immediately realize that he was afraid that the other party really had some means or was sent from the Holy Land.

Otherwise we wouldn’t have waited so long.

However, this did not make him uneasy, but instead made him more hopeful and fighting spirit.

There is even some expectation that Seventh Realm will really take action!

They are all starting to think about which jade talisman he should use if Qijing really takes action.

Is it Wenren Caifeng's or Ji Long's?

No matter which one it is, there is no doubt that these two are the Seventh Realm Perfection, or the Seventh Realm Perfection of the Human Federation. In terms of strength, compared to any Seventh Realm in this world, they are definitely stronger! It's not that strong!

Shen Xing does have this confidence.

Finally, after about ten days of the second month, the mighty momentum of the three suns and moons surged from the sky, as if there were countless small and sharp swords pouring down like heavy rain.

Just at this moment, countless extraordinary beings who were paying attention to this place hundreds of miles away were terrified.

Three suns and moons appear together. This is an unimaginable scene for most people!

But even so, Shen Xing remained unmoved.

This is just a hello.

Although the power was scary, it was not actually directed at him at all.

It would be better to say that displaying such power is more like worrying that he will take action when he comes up.

Later, Shen Xing's guess was confirmed.

As the rain of swords fell, a white-haired man stood above the clouds, the sun and the moon, and a mighty voice came down:

"I am the Holy Son of Jianfen."

"Ha." Shen Xing sneered, "It's the sword puppet again."

"If Mr. Shen wants to meet the people of my Jianfen, that's fine." The Holy Son of Jianfen stood with his hands behind his back, "But, you have to show some ability. No matter whether you are powerful behind the scenes or you have great power yourself, you must have one thing." ”

This is quite straightforward.

However, Shen Xing had already expected it.

For the forces at the level of the Holy Land, they should know a thing or two about the entire situation of this world. They cannot be fooled by just saying "the forces behind it".

Even if they also believe that Shen Xing's "forces behind" must exist and must be powerful, as one of the most powerful forces in the entire world, they will not be as awed by it as the previous forces, not even the slightest bit. Don't dare to take any risks.

For the Holy Son of Jianfen, whether Shen Xing can achieve the two points he mentioned is the only variable that determines his attitude.

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