In Gaowu, there is a big fantasy world

Chapter 383 More resources!

Catching the traitors did not consume much time of the Holy Emperor. At this time, everyone understood that they had miraculously reversed the war against the Warrior Alliance.

Under such a reversal, the traitor was easily caught.

He is also an Eighth Realm warrior.

The Holy Emperor originally planned to execute the traitor on the spot in front of Lin Chaoyang, but was stopped by Lin Chaoyang.

"We need a sufficient number of eighth realm warriors, the more the better, to survive."

"That's it." The Holy Emperor nodded.

He has actually guessed that the other party spent so much energy to capture those warriors in the second stage of the Eighth Realm, not just because of him, but probably more because of the other party himself.

But so what?

The great strength lies here.

It even made the Holy Emperor more interested in the other party.

"When can I meet your great emperor?" the Holy Emperor said. "If you need us to give a certificate of surrender, just say so!"

He is also very confident that he may not be able to do it to the extent that the other party said for the time being, but if he is just dealing with the warriors of the warrior alliance remaining in this world, then there will be no pressure on him.

However, Lin Chaoyang just said with a smile: "If you want to meet, you can do it at any time. Our man should be here soon."

The moment the words fell, Shen Xing's figure appeared directly in front of them.

This move alone made the Holy Emperor, and even all the Eighth Realm warriors present, shrink their pupils.

Because they didn't notice it!

You must know that there is indeed a huge strength gap between the five stages of warriors divided into the Eight Realms. Warriors at almost every stage can easily kill the warriors at the next stage. However, this gap But it is not essential.

Otherwise, we would not always add the prefix of the Eighth Realm, and not think that this is the legendary Ninth Realm!

Under such circumstances, such a completely invisible sense of mystery should not have appeared!

But that’s what happened!

After the Holy Emperor was silent for a while, he did not even sit on the main seat anymore. Instead, he stood up, walked to Shen Xing, and saluted proactively: "Emperor Ji, I have met Your Excellency."

Ji Di, this is his real name.

The rest of the people were completely stunned at this moment, even Emperor Ji's most favored daughter.

In their knowledge, their emperor has never faced other people with such an attitude, never before!

Even when he was still very weak, he was still very arrogant!

If it weren't for his amazing family background, he was destined to become a strong man who dominated the entire world from the moment he was born, and he wouldn't even be able to live to this point.

However, such Emperor Ji, such a king, actually showed a hint of surrender at this moment?

Even a trace of it was enough to shock these powerful men.

However, how do they know?

It’s not that Emperor Ji won’t surrender to others, it’s just that all the people he’s met in the past are not worthy at all, because he has the confidence to surpass them, even the three eighth-level fourth-stage warriors from the Warrior Alliance. In Ji In the emperor's eyes, as long as he is given enough time, he will surpass these three people sooner or later!


How can it be?

However, the person in front of him was different.

He has a unique ability to see people. With just one glance, Emperor Ji can confirm that this person is very young, very young!

Not young in terms of mental age, but young in actual age!

Yes, this person's youth is far beyond his knowledge, and this person's strength is also beyond his knowledge.

At least, compared with this one, the three so-called strong men in the Warrior Alliance are nothing at all!

At this moment, Emperor Ji was also shocked, and it was still a huge shock.

"Good eyesight." Shen Xing was a little surprised, because he had discovered that the person in front of him seemed to have a slight understanding of his background.

This is something that even the warriors in the fourth stage of the Eighth Realm in the Warrior Alliance were not able to see.

This is somewhat unexpected.

However, there are more surprises.

This means that this is indeed a warrior with full potential.

The current human federation still lacks such warriors.

Although the potential of Lin Chaoyang and others is also very strong, their growth time is still too short after all. In such a short growth time, it is not that simple to improve their strength.

But this person in front of me is different.

This kind of potential, coupled with this kind of strength, only needs a little training to become a warrior at the fourth stage of the Eighth Realm!

When the time comes to refine a decent void spaceship for him, he will be considered a truly strong man even if he takes it to the battlefield with the warrior alliance.

There are only a few hundred warriors of this level in the entire warrior alliance.

He alone can bring more prisoners and resources with impunity.

At this time, Emperor Ji didn't know that he was already the strongest worker in Shen Xing's mind. He was even lamenting in his heart. This was the first time in his long life that he had seen someone stronger than himself. Someone who was more talented than himself, someone who, even just by looking at him, made him feel that he couldn't surpass him.

"How long will it take for you to capture all the eight realm warriors in this world?" Shen Xing suddenly asked.

"No more than a hundred years." Ji Di said confidently, "Hundreds of the eight realms are my former ministers. They may have betrayed me, but when I appear again and no one can stop them, they They will kneel before me again because they know my character."

Yes, although Emperor Ji is unparalleled in domination, as a king, he is not actually cruel.

And very true to his word.

If he promised to let Ruo go, most of his former ministers would come looking for him again.

In this case, there is indeed no pressure to deal with the remaining warriors from the Warrior Alliance.

Shen Xing nodded.

"Then leave it to you."

"Okay!" Ji Di looked like he couldn't help but want to have a big fight.

This was actually shown to Shen Xing. Although he had never been a courtier for a day, when he was an emperor, he knew that he would never want his courtiers to show their happiness and anger in front of him.

So when it was his turn, he could get into the state quickly.

Compared with being a minister to others, taking revenge on the Warrior Alliance is the happiest thing for Emperor Ji.

It was only after they all left that Lin Chaoyang asked with a smile: "Make sure that the Warriors Alliance will not receive any news?"

"It's impossible in a short time. I've just scanned it briefly." Shen Xing said with a smile, "What's more, we can evacuate first, and I can pick them up again in a hundred years."

"Not bad." Lin Chaoyang nodded, then shook his head, "He's here to pick us up."

"Huh?" Shen Xing raised his eyebrows and naturally understood what he meant.

They want to stay, stay in this place, and hone their martial arts.

This was originally the reason why Ji Long, Wenren Caifeng and others came, but before that, they had no chance to take action.

But now, it is a good opportunity.

Most of the threatening warriors were taken away by Shen Xing, and the rest were naturally the most suitable opponents.

"Then I will go back by myself." Shen Xing didn't say much, "The gains this time are not small. After I go back, I will also start making our own fourth-level void spacecraft."

That's right, he directly named the void spaceship he obtained this time Level 4.

The naming is simple and intuitive, and you can understand it just by hearing it.

Lin Chaoyang and others naturally showed expectant expressions.

This time they have completely seen the significance of this high-level void spaceship. To put it bluntly, this thing is even a bit like the significance of the aircraft carriers in human civilization before the era of warriors began.

Each ship will bring a huge deterrent effect.

The gap between those who have it and those who don't has it is really not that small.

What's more, as warriors, their desire for this magical weapon is also instinctive.

Just the fact that it can greatly improve their combat effectiveness makes them unable to refuse.

"Hurry up and try to get one ship." Wenren Caifeng couldn't wait.

"Then you have to reach the fourth stage first." Shen Xing didn't tolerate her, "You haven't reached the third stage yet. In the first stage, isn't this the status of cannon fodder."

"." Wenren Caifeng glanced at him angrily.

To say he is cannon fodder is naturally an exaggeration.

Even in the Warrior Alliance, the Eighth Realm has a very high status, and more people under the Eighth Realm are the real cannon fodder, even if they are in the Seventh Realm.

However, the mere first stage does not make much sense when facing the entire warrior alliance.

The potential of the current eight realms of the Human Federation is actually very high. This is determined by the environment that the Human Federation has been in in the past. However, it also takes effort and time to transform potential into strength.

The most lacking thing now is time, and all we can do is work hard.

Even Shen Xing is actually the same.

After finishing these things, Shen Xing returned directly to his own world. This is the advantage of having a shuttle. Only the past takes time, and returning and passing again only takes a moment.

Even if the fourth-level void spacecraft has similar abilities, it cannot be compared with the shuttle. At most, it is similar to the jump ability in the universe of the Human Federation.

"Speaking of it, the jump in the void universe is not on the same level of difficulty as the jump in the federal universe." Shen Xing took out all the prisoners and struggled in the world, acting as a "vital energy battery." While starting to study this void spacecraft.

The more I researched, the more amazed I became.

Not only because of the inscription technology on it, but also because of the materials used in this spacecraft.

It's no wonder that the Warrior Alliance continues to invade one world after another, as if it is never satisfied. If nothing else, the extraordinary resources that this kind of spacecraft consumes are far beyond imagination.

Even in a world like Menghao World, where thousands of eighth-level warriors have been born, millions of years of resource accumulation may not be able to create such a spaceship.

The scale is indeed exaggerated.

It even made Shen Xing wonder if it was worth it.

"Although the void spacecraft is important and powerful, it seems that there is no way to reduce this consumption." Different thoughts popped up in Shen Xing's mind.

The main thing is to use technology and combine it with extraordinary things.

This is also the old routine of the Human Federation.

In the past few thousand years, Shen Xing has completely transformed into a spaceship expert, and he is still a comprehensive type. Although he does not have the energy and time to develop new technologies, and is more interested in learning and digesting, the Human Federation still has Countless people have invested in the development of science and technology, and new technologies are always emerging. Even in the years when the martial arts system has accelerated its development like pressing the fast forward button, the development of science and technology has not been completely left behind, but has always followed. behind.

This is also one of the greatest sources of confidence for the Human Federation.

Shen Xing even thought more and more deeply, even using the latest computer, and became more and more immersed in it.

At the same time, the various extraordinary resources he brought this time are also exerting amazing effects.

First of all, it is the concentrated breakthrough in the eighth realm.

In just one hundred years, more than ten warriors who were stuck at the bottleneck relied on these resources to focus on breakthroughs.

This is also the reason why the Warrior Alliance looks down on the ordinary Eighth Realm. Although this realm also requires a certain amount of potential, the resources are enough to make up for the lack of potential to a certain extent. For the Warrior Alliance, as long as they are willing to release resources, even Hundreds of thousands of eight realms can be accumulated in a short period of time.

But such a number of eight realms may not be as important as a powerful void spaceship.

However, the Human Federation is naturally different.

Even if resources are used to assist the breakthrough, the potential of these eight realms of the Human Federation is still very powerful. After all, all the eight realms today were broken through in a mere five to six thousand years.

The use of resources only accelerates the process. It does not mean that there is insufficient potential and you cannot make a breakthrough on your own.

"We still need more resources." Shen Xing also encountered resource problems in manufacturing spacecraft.

Maybe he can further reduce resources while ensuring performance in the future, but in the initial stage, the consumption of a large amount of high-level extraordinary resources is inevitable.

Where will the resources come from?

Naturally, Shen Xing is eyeing the Warrior Alliance again!

Once the hundred years are up, he will go directly to the vast world of Meng.

Even though only a mere hundred years have passed, the world of Meng Hao has completely changed at this moment. The Immortal Dynasty controlled by the Holy Land has spread its power throughout the world, and at the same time, it is digging into the world crazily and almost destructively. All the resources in the world were used, and even large formations were used to create Yuanli into Yuanjing on a large scale, and all warriors with good potential were gathered together.

"Even if my things are broken and taken away, they will not be left to the Warriors Alliance!" This is what the Holy Emperor has said the most in the past hundred years!

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