In Gaowu, there is a big fantasy world

Chapter 386 The bait is successful

Emperor Ji understood that in this situation, he had no room to escape.

However, his mission itself is a bait, to attract the attention of the Warrior Alliance as much as possible while struggling with all his strength.

In this case, he has actually completed his mission.

Next, it depends on who it is.

"Nice spaceship."

The strong man holding down Emperor Ji's spaceship at this moment is named Ran Yi, but he is a warrior in the fourth stage of the Eighth Realm of All Women.

He looks about thirty years old, which means his mental age is not that old.

So, aesthetically it’s the same.

She admired the appearance of the void spaceship in front of her with just one glance. Compared with the void spaceships of the Warrior Alliance that only care about performance, the void spaceship built by the Human Federation is obviously different. The designer of the appearance is not even Sun and Moon, but in many It stands out among the design drawings and has a unique beauty derived from inspiration. This kind of thing is naturally unimaginable in the Warriors Alliance that purely respects strength.

Therefore, crushing in appearance is inevitable.

And it’s not just about appearance either.

As his consciousness continued to deepen, the more he probed, the more surprised Ran Yi was.

It is not that we have not found void spaceships made by other martial arts worlds in the past, but those void spaceships were basically modified on the void spaceships of their warrior alliance, and there are almost no worlds that can imitate them!

But the ship in front of me is not just a replica!

Naturally, this does not refer to the appearance, but to something deeper inside!

For example, the inscription engraving technology on this spaceship far surpasses theirs!

Yes, far more than that!

Ran Yi has been alive for who knows how many years, so he is no stranger to things like weapon refining. Even the best weapon refiner in the Warrior Alliance cannot do this intensive level at all! Not only can they ensure the operation of the inscriptions, but they can also overlap each other to achieve higher intensity effects in some unimaginable fields!

Ran Yi felt dizzy and dizzy just by looking at it with his spiritual consciousness. He couldn't even imagine how complicated this was!

Who could design such a complex inscription, or even inscribe it on such a void spaceship!

This is also natural. The information computing technology of human civilization, even if it reaches this world and an extremely powerful level like the Eighth Realm, it is still the pinnacle of another field! It’s a level that these so-called top experts can’t even imagine!

The more he probed, the more surprised Ran Yi was!

Although this void ship is only a third-level void ship, it has completely surpassed the technology of their fourth-level void ship on many levels!

Yes, totally beyond!

"This is not a simple anti-alliance organization!" Ran Yi immediately realized that this organization was indeed not simple. It could even be said that it was a bit too powerful! It was completely different from any anti-alliance force they had encountered before!

"Ran Yi, why do you stay here?"

At this time, another fourth-level void ship suddenly appeared around.

It was the other three strong men from the fourth stage of the eighth realm who came to intercept Emperor Ji!

They were just a tad slower.

However, facing this situation, Emperor Ji's expression did not change at all.

For him, it makes no difference how many fourth-stage warriors successfully surrounded him, one or two. Anyway, he has no ability to resist!

"Ran Yi, if you don't move, I won't be polite." Although the new fourth-stage warrior was also a little surprised by Ran Yi's silence, he was even a little wary.

However, he himself came a step late. Now that he has the opportunity to gain the greatest credit, he will naturally not let it go.

Take action directly.

The mighty Yuan Power rushed towards the void spaceship crazily, as if it wanted to completely crush the void spaceship and force Emperor Ji out of it.

However, another source of energy suddenly emerged.

Surprisingly, it was Ran Yi who took action!

"What are you doing?" This newly arrived warrior at the fourth stage of the Eighth Realm seemed to be very angry, "Even if you want to take the credit from me, you shouldn't stop me. This is the person that Lord Rihao wants! "

"Zuozhou, take a good look at this spaceship! Say this to me again!" Ran Yi was also rude.

"It's just a third-level void spaceship, even if it's a replica." A strong man named Zuozhou swept his consciousness towards the spaceship.

Just for a moment, all the sounds of the whole person disappeared!

Obviously, he was also aware of the power of this spaceship!

First there was shock, but then there was bursts of ecstasy!

"Ran Yi, this is a great achievement beyond imagination! I really didn't expect that there are still forces that can achieve such an extent!"

Yes, I didn’t expect that at all!

But as Zuo Zhou said, this is indeed a great achievement, and it is also a great achievement that is beyond their imagination!

With such a great contribution, divided among the six of them, everyone can have a full meal!

After all, the development of the entire Warrior Alliance on the void spaceship has actually been at a standstill for a long time!

For countless years, all the strong men have tried every means to further optimize the void spaceship, the most powerful weapon and magic weapon in the void, but they can't do it at all!

Many people think that they have achieved the ultimate!

However, everyone knows the significance of this to the entire Warrior Alliance.

The void spaceship is the basis for their ability to continuously expand, occupy world after world, and continuously enhance their strength!

If they stagnate, they may be caught up by other civilizations sooner or later!

This problem has troubled the entire Warrior Alliance for too long!

No one thought that here, on such a void spacecraft that was already in their hands, they could really see the hope of solution!

Hope lies here!

"Come out." Ran Yi said, but this sentence was addressed to Ji Di and others inside the spaceship, "You can't escape anymore. Even if you don't want to damage this spaceship, you haven't escaped." possible!”

Ji Di didn't reply.

He is waiting, waiting with hope.

I hope that this bait of mine is not an abandoned pawn.

In fact, Ji Di still has a certain degree of confidence in his heart. To put it bluntly, if he is just a chess piece, then there is no way at all. As an abandoned piece, what value does he have?

Are you just here to deliver a spaceship to this group of people?

After understanding the power of their spaceship through the unabashed conversations between these people, Emperor Ji was even more sure that he was definitely not an abandoned son!

Shen Xing will definitely come!

Even though he said this, if this situation can occur, that person's strength and ability are indeed far beyond his own knowledge!

"Just take action, let's all take action together to protect this spaceship!" Zuo Zhou seemed to be unable to wait any longer and said directly.

"Okay!" Ran Yi also nodded.

However, just when they took action together to protect the void spacecraft and at the same time force Emperor Ji and others inside!

Another extremely majestic energy suddenly emerged!

It was even so majestic that the expressions of both Ran Yi and Zuo Zhou changed drastically!

Because the intensity of this elemental force has reached the fifth stage of the Eighth Realm, which is also the recognized limit stage of the Eighth Realm!

But how is that possible?

Such a force could actually have warriors at the fifth stage of the Eighth Realm?

How long has it been since their warrior alliance encountered an enemy of this level?

It’s been so long that even they themselves can’t remember it clearly!

However, Ji Di and others all showed ecstatic expressions at this time.

"It's Master Shen Xing!" Some of Emperor Ji's subordinates even shouted excitedly!

Their trust in Shen Xing is not as strong as that of Emperor Ji. They don't even know that they are just undertaking a bait mission!

Under such circumstances, Shen Xing's sudden appearance was indeed no less than a miracle!

Everyone saw that what suddenly appeared in the void was an extremely huge spaceship!

"It's a fourth-level spaceship!" Zuozhou couldn't help shouting, with a hint of panic in his voice.

Because, if just a strong person in the fifth stage of the eighth realm appears alone like this, with the fourth level void spacecraft in their hands, there is still a high possibility that they can escape.

The greatest strength of the void spaceship is originally at this point!

However, the other party also owns such a void spaceship, and its properties are completely different!

What frightened them even more was that the design style of this void spaceship was the same as the design style of the third-level ship in front of them!

This means that the technology and capabilities contained in this void spaceship are more powerful than their void spaceship!

A force that completely surpassed their warrior alliance in the void spacecraft field has appeared!

Once this news spreads, they can all imagine what a huge sensation it will cause!

Whether it is themselves or the worlds they have conquered, they have actually become accustomed to their own invincibility!

But now, this invincibility has been broken!

However, Shen Xing did not give them time to prepare.

Directly mobilizing the power of the spacecraft, the extremely powerful space force swept across the two spacecrafts, and all the warriors above were struggling in fear.

They were horrified to find that they had been locked and could not even continue the jump!

"This can't continue like this!"

"We are not opponents!"

"Ask for help, send people back to ask for help!"

They never thought that just a moment ago, they were still thinking about capturing Emperor Ji and others, but in such a short time, they themselves would be captured!

This is completely beyond their knowledge!

However, it is what it is.

The rest of the spaceships in the Warrior Alliance seemed to have received the order, and they all dispersed in a hurry. Shen Xing did not care about them. There were too many of them and he couldn't control them at all!

In fact, these people were meant to make noise.

Only the Warrior Alliance knows what is happening here, can it really turn its attention to them. In this case, this "powerlessness" is actually just the right calculation.

What's more, Shen Xing simply accepted these two void spaceships!

What he is calling now is the first fourth-level void spacecraft that the Human Federation has exhausted all its power in these years to create!

There is only this one!

If you want to make more, the lack of resources is not a small amount.

However, if we can continue to capture the fourth level void spacecraft of the Warrior Alliance like this, we can directly dismantle it!

Then he built his own spaceship!

Every fourth-level void ship itself is an extremely rich resource wealth!

The final result was no surprise at all.

With the same fourth-level void spacecraft, Shen Xing's power completely crushed the other fourth-level eighth-level warriors!

Everyone on the two spaceships was restrained, and Shen Xing was very satisfied.

"Di Ji, you have done a great job this time!" Shen Xing said to Di Ji with a smile.

Of course, no one else heard it.

The bait matter still needs to be kept secret.

"It's all because Councilor Shen is so powerful." Ji Di said with a smile, feeling the same in his heart.

No matter how much he believed that Shen Xing would appear, when Shen Xing actually appeared, the shock in his heart was not small at all.

After all, he never imagined that Shen Xing had been lurking on his spaceship all along, and that he could pull out a real void spaceship at any time!

No one can think of it.

Shen Xing didn't even know how to explain.

For such external subordinates, it is still necessary to maintain a bit of mystery.

"Let's go, you don't have to go back now, just wander around here." Shen Xing then ordered the next thing, "I will stay next to you!"

"Yes!" Ji Di was still a little nervous when he heard the first half of the sentence, because it meant greater pressure.

But after hearing the second half of the sentence, I completely relaxed.

To be honest, he couldn't imagine what kind of power it would take to catch the person in front of him!

He has personally experienced the power of this kind of void spaceship, which is obviously much more powerful than the void spacecraft of the Warrior Alliance, and can even allow him to easily delay to such an extent surrounded by such a large number of void spaceships.

If the other party hadn't sent too many men and they were too powerful, there was a real possibility that he could escape safely.

So, how much manpower is needed to capture Shen Xing?

This is not a problem that can be solved by doubling the manpower, but the entire Warrior Alliance simply cannot produce such a number of fourth-level void spaceships!

Yes, this is what Shen Xing and others have already seen clearly.

They not only want the Warriors Alliance to look away, but they also want the Warriors Alliance to have no way to deal with them!

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