Jiang Ruoli seemed to be dreaming.

Just when she had made up her mind to fight to the death, a figure rushed out and instantly wiped out the people of the Abyss Cult.

That back figure made her feel familiar.

Especially the action of controlling the plants just now, which was exactly the same as the back figure in her memory.

Just at the moment when Jiang Xun turned around, it was as if the dream came into reality, and the last trace of barrier quietly disappeared with the other party's greeting.

She remembered.

Finally remembered, it was less than half a year since they met at this moment, but it felt like they hadn't seen each other for a thousand years.

But only Jiang Ruoli knew how subtle her mood was at this moment.

It was as if a sensible child saw his father for the first time. Even if he had thousands of words in his heart, he didn't know where to start.

" Hmm?"

Jiang Xun also noticed Jiang Ruoli's abnormality at this time. The other party's reaction did not seem to be like meeting a normal friend.

Instead, it was like meeting a relative who had not seen each other for a long time.

Suddenly, a guess came into his mind.

" Do you remember me?"

Jiang Xun asked tentatively.

Seeing the other party's reaction, Jiang Xun's guess became stronger. He looked at her expectantly, expecting her answer.

Jiang Ruoli looked at Jiang Xun's cautious look and suddenly found it a little funny. For some reason, she suddenly had a bad taste in her heart.

" Do you mean an irresponsible father who has been missing for a thousand years, or a demon god who likes to be a hero and fight against many enemies alone?"

Jiang Xun:?

" Maybe we can change it to something more pleasant"

He answered somewhat awkwardly, because if you think about it carefully, from her perspective, his image at that time was indeed like that.

But he could quibble....Oh no, I can explain it.

"So, you admit it?"

Looking at the other party's embarrassed look, it is impossible to connect the decisive demon god just now with the embarrassed Jiang Xun.

Seeing this, Jiang Ruoli couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

I thought the other party would be a serious guy, but now it seems that he is very easy-going.

"Haha, just kidding, but I'm curious now, what should I call you now? Father or dad?"

Jiang Xun quickly refused when he heard that. He didn't want to go out with a girl who looked about the same age chasing him and calling him dad.

Although this is true in terms of biological birth, Jiang Xun's thinking is not so old-fashioned.

At least now he thinks this name is quite awkward.

" No, no, just call me by my name"

" That won’t do. The Emperor taught me that there must be respect for elders and juniors. I didn’t remember it last time, but I can’t do it the same way this time."

Jiang Ruoli explained seriously.

Her beautiful face was full of seriousness, and it didn't look like she was joking.

Jiang Xun had a headache when he heard the other party's answer, and he began to blame Zhongli in his heart.

Why did he have to teach him so much? Now he has no room for maneuver.

However, Jiang Xun's wisdom also came in handy at this time. He reacted quickly and immediately thought of a good method.

"Why don’t you just call me Lao Jiang? I see many mortal fathers and sons call each other that way, so it doesn’t mess up the generations."

Jiang Xun then suggested that in his opinion this name was also very appropriate, and many fathers and sons also had similar names.

Jiang Ruoli thought for a while after hearing this, and finally nodded reluctantly.

" Well, although it is still a little inappropriate, it is my father after all....Lao Jiang's request, but in some formal occasions I will still follow my name"

" This, okay."

Seeing this, Jiang Xun could only agree. After all, his adopted daughter seemed to be deeply influenced by the old-fashioned Zhongli.

It was not easy to get her to agree to change the name.

"By the way, have you completed your investigation? If not, I can continue the investigation with you."

Jiang Xun then stopped arguing about this issue and changed the subject.

Jiang Ruoli nodded and said

" Well, I have finished the investigation. Actually, I should have gone back, but I found this strange ruin and wanted to continue to explore it, so I got stuck."

Jiang Ruoli felt a little embarrassed when she said this.

Gui Zhong always told her to be careful when she went out, but she didn't expect that she would be caught again this time. If Jiang Xun hadn't rescued her in time, she might not be able to go back.

" Pay attention next time"

Jiang Xun made up his mind that he must find an opportunity to train this girl...

" It seems that I don't need to take any action to solve the trouble here"

Just as the two were about to leave, Dainsleib appeared in front of them.

Jiang Ruoli saw the stranger coming, and his spirit, which had just been relaxed for a while, became tense again, staring at the stranger.

Jiang Xun did not move, and he was even a little curious about why the stranger appeared now.

"Aren't you afraid that I might suddenly attack you?";

" Unless you want to accompany them"

Jiang Xun said as he glanced at the lifeless members of the Abyss Cult, his expression calm.

" Oh, interesting person, I came here to thank you"

Dainsleb expressed his purpose directly

"Thank me? Why"

" Because you helped me ruin their plan, that's why I'm here"

" It would have taken a lot of effort, but because of you, I don't have to worry about the things here."

" Very good, then how are you going to thank me?"

Jiang Xun asked with great interest. He was curious about what the other party could give him.

" I can tell you about the nail, which is the fragment of Sky Island."

Jiang Xun looked at the stone nail still standing outside.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but the light of the stone nail seemed to be brighter than when he just came in.......

" Why did you tell me this specifically? After all, you could just walk away."

Jiang Xun did not nod immediately, because he knew that the other party must have his own purpose in coming to tell him about the reward.

Although it was their first meeting, he felt that this guy was not the kind of person who chased after him to give him a reward.

" I think we should meet again in the future, just think of me as someone who is here to make you familiar with me."

Although he didn't say it explicitly, Jiang Xun also caught the meaning.

He didn't ask any other questions and then got the information from him.

After he finished speaking, the other party left without any hesitation.

"Father....Lao Jiang, do you want to go back with me?;

" No, I have something important to do."

"What's going on?"

Jiang Xun looked at the sky which was already getting light.

" I should go back to work"


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