And the fact is indeed so. Guizhong does not understand the rules of the chef world.

Although he feels strange, he does not doubt it.

Seeing this, Jiang Xun casually sent the dish to Jiang Ruoli who was watching the show, which made her smile brightly.

" You must be hungry after watching for so long, so I'll leave the rest for you"

Jiang Xun said with a fake smile, completely ignoring the other party's aggrieved look.

Hey, little girl, you are still a little naive to fight with me!

"Remember I said your dish still has room for improvement? I think I have an idea to help you."

" Revenge" After that, Jiang Xun turned to Gui Zhong and said.

He planned to stay here for the next period of time to teach her how to cook.

After all, his cooking skills were decent, and the five Yakshas all said they were good. There was no problem in helping Gui Zhong improve his skills.

At least he had to improve his cooking skills to a level that was edible.

"Really? That's great!"

When Gui Zhong heard that Jiang Xun wanted to teach him personally, he was immediately delighted, and his face turned red because���The reason for the movement became clearer.

Because thousands of years ago, what she enjoyed most was discussing knowledge with Jiang Xun. Although most of the time he taught and she listened, she enjoyed this feeling very much. She thought there would be no chance again, but today, with this opportunity, she actually had the opportunity to discuss again.

"But, since you want to cook by yourself, why do you ask Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun to borrow an automatic rice cooker?"

Jiang Xun had another question at this time.

Logically speaking, since she wants to cook by herself, why does she need to find a machine that can cook automatically?

Isn't this unnecessary?

" Is that Master Liuyun's rice cooker? I borrowed that for Ruoli."

Gui Zhong heard this and pointed at Jiang Ruoli who was looking at the food in front of her and lost in thought.

" Maybe Ruoli wants to eat something different, but doesn’t want to go out"

Gui Zhong then expressed his thoughts.

However, Jiang Xun understood the reason after listening. The real reason must be that he didn't want to lose his love for food.

Recalling the taste just now, Jiang Xun felt that if he ate those things for a long time, he would probably declare a hunger strike from now on.

After feeling sorry for Jiang Ruoli for three seconds, Jiang Xun began his own cooking improvement plan.

Only this can fundamentally solve the problem.

Well, it's definitely not because he is still obsessed with the automatic rice cooker.

Cooking skills cannot be improved overnight, even for Gui Zhong, the demon god known for his wisdom.

After all, although the theory can be learned quickly, it still takes time to practice.

Jiang Ruoli found an excuse to go out, and Jiang Xun knew without thinking that the other party didn't want to be tortured.

So the food tasting work was finally completed by Jiang Xun.

Although there was not much progress at the beginning, the other party's progress could be clearly felt.

A few days passed in a flash. Jiang Xun was almost always with Gui Zhong. During this period, he not only practiced cooking, but also accompanied her to many places.

It's not just for exercise, but also to make up for the thousands of years of waiting......

On an unknown mountain, Jiang Xun and Gui Zhong were quietly waiting for the sun to rise.

When the time came, when the first ray of sunlight shone through and illuminated the land of Liyue, Gui Zhong stared at the direction of the rising sun like a little girl.

Although this was not her first time to watch the sunrise, this time was different. The company of the person of her thoughts would always bring different fun to things that she had experienced many times before.

The girl felt happy, and Gui Zhong's mood at the moment could be seen from the other's constantly shaking thighs.

Jiang Xun was admiring the sunrise, but at this moment he found that there was some weight on his legs.

Looking down, he found that the girl had been lying on his legs without knowing when, looking at him with a smile on her face.

Jiang Xun smiled, then stretched out his hand and rubbed the other's soft and white face at will.

The girl slapped her hand angrily, but Jiang Xun still did not let go.

Seeing Jiang Xun's nonsense, Gui Zhong was not really angry, and her heart was still happy, because the other's behavior seemed to tell her: He has not changed, and has always been the guy who doesn't listen to his sister.......

This atmosphere ended until sunrise, and the two got up and returned to Guiliji.

After many days of training by Jiang Xun, Gui Zhong's cooking skills are now far different from before.

After all, flowers need green leaves to set them off. If Gui Zhong's cooking skills now are a flower, then the previous ones were not even green leaves, at most they were just a bunch of ole ge.

Fortunately, these days of hard work have not been in vain.

For this reason, Jiang Xun even brought Jiang Ruoli back.

Although the other party did not believe it, how could she escape from Jiang's palm. He immediately caught the girl back.

Looking at Jiang Ruoli with an unconvinced face, Jiang Xun repeatedly assured that there would be no problem this time.

Not long after, Gui Zhong came up with his own dishes, and the things in front of him made Jiang Ruoli's eyes light up.

Today's dishes are many times better than before in terms of appearance and smell. At least there is a desire to eat.

After tasting it, I found that it was true.

" Well, that's great"

This sentence was an evaluation from the heart, and Gui Zhong was very happy to hear it.

Then she secretly looked at Jiang Xun and clenched her fists secretly. She finally succeeded.

She was very happy in her heart because she knew what her previous dishes tasted like.

As a chef, how could she not even try her own dishes, even if Jiang Xun and Jiang Ruoli didn't say it.

But she knew it a long time ago.

But thinking that these two people didn't say it out loud for their feelings for her, she felt warm in her heart.

Especially Jiang Xun, the reason she learned cooking was because she wanted to cook a meal for him herself.

Today's achievements can be regarded as a recognition of her own efforts.

" Ruoli, how is it? I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Jiang Xun said proudly

" Yes, it is true"

Jiang Ruoli nodded, and the dissatisfaction in her heart disappeared

" In this case, you probably don't need the automatic rice cooker anymore, can you lend it to me for a few days?"

After hearing this, Jiang Ruoli took out the rice cooker of Master Liuyun Jiefeng and handed it over with some doubts.

She didn't know why the other party was obsessed with this little invention.

Jiang Xun just wanted to say that you don't understand the joy of slacking off.

Jiang Xun put it away, continued to play with the two for a few more days, and then prepared to return to Liyue Port.

"Mom, what do you think dad wants that machine for?;

" I don't have any interest in him...."

"Wait, you call him father?"

Gui Zhong asked hesitantly.

" Well, I remember"

Jiang Ruoli nodded as if nothing had happened, and then realized that she didn't seem to have told the other party about this matter.

" Ruoli";


"Can you call me more often in the future?"


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