Jiang Xun didn't know how he was described by others, and he continued to do his job as usual.

This went on for a few months, and Jiang Xun's status gradually rose.

But this was understandable, after all, he was such a capable and hardworking subordinate, and the superiors naturally wanted to keep him.

What if the other party suddenly resigned?

Because of Jiang Xun's existence, their workload was reduced a lot.

The pressure from the king also dissipated a lot.

How could Jiang Xun not see through their ideas, but he still followed their ideas.

Because he also urgently needed achievements to prove himself.

Both parties were just using each other.

Although Jiang Xun's position was promoted, his reputation among the grassroots people became worse and worse.

There were voices scolding him everywhere.

The reason was simple, just because they thought Jiang Xun was helping the tyrant oppress them.

The lonely king was eccentric and paranoid, and he could not tolerate resistance.

All decisions were made by her personally, and they were only responsible for implementation.

But Avalanche���No snowflake is innocent, and so is he.

It is normal to be scolded.

\"Lord Jiang Xun, I have a letter for you.\"

Today, Jiang Xun was finishing his work when a guard handed him a letter.

\"Is it an anonymous letter? If so, throw it away.\"

Jiang Xun looked up, then lowered his head and continued to do his own thing, saying casually.

Recently, someone has been sending him anonymous letters, and the content is just some greetings.

\"Um, no, it looks different than before.\"

The guard spoke nervously.

For some reason, when the other party looked at him, he felt as if he was seen through.

\"Okay, you put it here first.\"


The guard left in a hurry after placing the letter.

Jiang Xun quickly finished his work and picked up the envelope.

The envelope was beautifully wrapped, and it was indeed unlike the previous poorly wrapped anonymous letters.

Although it was unsigned, it at least proved that it was different.

Jiang Xun opened it and looked a little stunned at first glance.

\"The evening breeze blows through Mondstadt.

God has given us a chance to live. But the people passing by do not have the joy of life on their faces.

When will the days of drinking and playing the piano come again?

Although wine can make people forget their troubles and pains, it cannot change the status quo.

But please believe that everything will return to the beginning.\"

Jiang Xun was a little confused after reading this paragraph.

It looks like a poem, not sure, let's take a look again.....

These words are like an ordinary person expressing the current situation and his vision for the future.

But is it really so? That is definitely impossible.

He doesn't believe that someone would be so idle as to write a poem to express his emotions.

However, with the wisdom of the Age of Gods, he quickly understood the meaning of this text.

Then he folded the envelope and put it in the drawer, then went out.

When night fell, Jiang Xun stood on the top of the castle and looked up at the sky.

But he could not see anything. The strict and strong wind even blocked the starlight from the outside world.

Looking up, he could only see a gray haze.

Taking out the pocket watch he bought with his salary, Jiang Xun looked at the time.

\"about there....\"

Then he turned and walked towards the outside of the castle.

Soon, he came to the place where alcohol was sold, let's call it a bar.

Jiang Xun found his spot and walked in.

People passing by made way for him.

Although they hated him, they could not show it on their faces.

The reason was simple, because Jiang Xun represented the will of the tyrant.

Jiang Xun didn't care how these people viewed him, he just looked for people.

Finally, his attention was focused on a young man.

Is this, Wendy?

No, it should be that young man now

\"Boy, are you interested in having a drink with me?"

Jiang Xun then said in a somewhat arrogant tone.

The boy and Wendy beside him were a little confused at first, but they quickly reacted after seeing Jiang Xun's gesture.

\"good...Yes, sir.\"

There was a hint of fear in the boy's voice.

Jiang Xun then bought a few bottles of wine and took the boy out.

When they reached a deserted place, Jiang Xun stopped moving forward.

\"Good evening, did you send that letter?

Jiang Xun said casually.

\"Haha, the fact that you understand what I mean proves that you are really awesome.\"

Oh, isn't it just hiding the head?

And the last sentence also reminded me that my brother is not really 12+

\"Tell me, what do you want from me?\"

\"Haha, before that, I want to ask you a question.\"

The young man replied mysteriously.

\"You don't have to call me Sir, just call me Jiang Xun\"

\"Well, I would like to ask Mr. Jiang Xun, how do you feel about Mondstadt under the king’s governance?\"......

\"Depressed, dull, lifeless\"

Jiang Xun thought for a moment and then spoke.

Jiang Xun's frankness was beyond the boy's expectation. He thought the other party would be more tactful.

\"Does Mr. Jiang Xun want to change this situation?\"

\"As I described in my letter, people today are eager for change.\"

The boy's tone suddenly became excited.

Jiang Xun glanced at him and then took a sip of wine.

Bah, it doesn't taste good!

\"Do you want to rebel?

Jiang Xun pointed out the boy's intention and stared at him.

The boy's face became a little nervous.

The wind elf Wendy was on guard to prevent Jiang Xun from making any dangerous moves.

\"Yes! I want people to be free\"

The boy's tone was firm, even though he knew it was difficult.

Jiang Xun did not respond, but looked at him quietly.

About half a minute later, just when the boy felt that he had made a wrong bet,

Jiang Xun suddenly stretched out his hand.

\"Happy cooperation\"

Jiang Xun's smiling voice reached the boy's ears.

At this moment, the boy knew that his wish had a chance to come true!

\"Thank you, Jiang Xun\"

\"So, what are you going to do? \"

Jiang Xun asked again

\"I plan to unite the people to fight against the tyrant!"

After listening to the other party's words, Jiang Xun shook his head in his heart.

After all, a boy is just a boy. Although he has a passion, he will eventually be out of touch with reality.

How could the demon god Diocletian, who can build this Windy City with his own strength, be defeated by an army formed by mortals?

\"Good idea, I'll help you.\"

Although the other party's idea was a bit naive, Jiang Xun did not discourage him. After all, it had been done once in the original history.

He was just a spectator and could not decide for them. Moreover, the mission required not to change history.

Then he had no reason to stop him.

\"Well, the first step is to gather the people's hearts. Since you want to complete the formation of an army, the people's hearts are indispensable! \"

Jiang Xun gave a suggestion

\"Yes, Jiang Xun is right. This is also what I am considering now. However, it seems a bit difficult.\"

\"This is easy, I tell you......\"

Jiang Xun then told him his solution

\"No, I can't.......\"

After hearing this, the boy decisively refused.

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