An angry roar came from the ice crystals formed by the shattering of the giant sword, as if it was hurt by the attack just now.

The pain stimulated the demon resentment contained in its body, and the huge and ferocious pupils of the demon kept flashing dazzling red light.

The next moment, it roared again.

A strong airflow spread in the forest with the roar, and dust filled the sky in an instant. Countless flowers, plants and trees were uprooted and flew backwards.

Hu Tao and Chong Yun tried to stand firm. Their faces were hurt by the strong wind, and they could hardly open their eyes.

Damn, it’s okay to have a bad body, but also bad breath?!

Jiang Xun couldn’t help but fan the air in front of him. The smell of blood and decay made him feel a little sick. It was so smelly!

Jiang Xun saw the demon in front of him, whose face was ferocious due to anger. At this time, its body had more than doubled in size. It was on all fours, and the saliva at the corners of its mouth was secreted wildly, dripping on the ground drop by drop.

Needless to say, it was another unhygienic creature.

However, as its body grew larger, the wounds on its body were all torn apart, dripping down like saliva.

This appearance, coupled with the dark environment of Wuwang Slope, was indeed a bit scary.

" You two, please leave first. I will take care of this."

Chongyun held up a big sword, stood in front of Jiang Xun and Hu Tao, and said firmly

"That won't do. Wouldn't it be dangerous for you to be alone? Running away alone is not my style!"

Although Hu Tao is a little unreliable in his daily life, he still cares about his friends. Seeing that the other party wants to face it alone, it will not be easy for him to

" Jiang Xun, please leave quickly. What happened tonight is all my fault. You shouldn't have come here. It was my selfish thoughts that put you in danger. I will try my best to hold it back. Please leave first."

Hu Tao's face was full of seriousness. The ancestral Homa staff in his hand was flashing with fire. He said to Jiang Xun with his back to him:

" I will not abandon my friends, so you should....."

Jiang Xun wanted to turn around and continue to nest dolls, but....I found that there was no one there. The ghosts had already disappeared without a trace, so I didn't even need to say anything. It ended here. How boring!.....Enough of the good show. If this guy is not dealt with, someone will get hurt.

In order to prevent this guy from continuing to cause trouble, Jiang Xun planned to do it quietly. With his means, it would be easy to hide this evil from these two people.

But just as he was about to make a move, he suddenly sensed the arrival of a breath.

He immediately gave up the idea of making a move, because....The professional is here, I can't take her job.

The battle changes rapidly. Just when Jiang Xun gave up, Hu Tao and Chong Yun had already bullied him.

However, the violent demon was much more ferocious than before, and stretched out its claws comparable to gold and iron to collide with the weapons in the hands of the two.

The weapons in the hands of the two were not ordinary things. Although they did not break after a confrontation, no matter how good the weapons were, they still depended on the strength of the users.

The two instantly felt a huge force coming from each other's claws, as if they could split mountains and rocks.

With a flick, the two were thrown out. Because the demon's power was too strong, the two could hardly change their movements in the air.

Just as they were about to hit the stone wall behind them, they suddenly felt a gentle force like water coming from behind.

The force was very gentle, but it offset all the power of the demon.

In the end, the two were gently put on the ground, and I didn't know what happened.

Looking up, I found that there was a girl figure on the battlefield at some point.

I saw her with blue hair like water, a pair of azure horns on top of her hair, huge claws covering her hands, and a blue tights on her body.

From the back, she must be a beautiful girl.

In fact, Fanan's quiet and beautiful face was full of indifference and calmness.

As a Yaksha, when enforcing the law, he must impose thundering sanctions. There is no better emotion than indifference.

However, in addition to indifference, there is a hint of fear on Fanan's face.

Fortunately, I arrived in time, otherwise someone would have died here.

"The...damn it...The Yaksha"

The evil demon saw the newcomer, and his ferocious face was filled with deep hatred. If it wasn't for this Yaksha, he wouldn't have been injured, nor would he have been forced to leave his hiding place where he had been hiding for decades.

He thought he had escaped, but he didn't expect that the other party was like a dog-skin plaster, and he couldn't get rid of it.

" Monster, you'd better be killed quickly, so you don't have to suffer any more!"

Fan Nan replied in a cold voice, with a very sharp tone.

" Humph, dream on!"

The evil spirit would not give up, and then rushed towards Fa Nan like a cannonball.

The noise was very loud.

" Stubborn!"

Seeing that the other party took the initiative to attack, Fanan snorted and rushed forward.

The demon and the yaksha immediately fought each other, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that Fanan was very relaxed and comfortable, and it was more like playing than fighting.

Every attack could leave a deep claw mark on the opponent's body, and soon the body was bleeding.

On the other hand, the demon that was so arrogant just now was forced to dodge like a stray dog.......

Seeing that the threat was lifted, the two who were just confused had already reacted. Hu Tao was relatively calm, after all, she was carefree and calm.

But Chongyun was not like that. When he heard the evil spirit call the woman a Yaksha, he could not calm down.

As a family of alchemists, they and the immortal Yakshas of Liyue all have the responsibility to slay demons and exorcise evil spirits.

However, compared with the thunder suppression of the Yaksha, the way of exorcism by the alchemists seems a bit cumbersome. Chongyun has always wanted the Yaksha to recognize the alchemist family.

Especially the Golden Roc General, one of the five guardian Yakshas, Xiao.

Although this female Yaksha is obviously not the demon-slaying great saint, she is also a member of the Yaksha clan. I just wonder if she has seen my demon-slaying method just now?

Just as Chongyun was thinking about the other party's opinion of the alchemist, the battle ended quickly.

As Fa Nan crushed the evil spirit's head with one claw, the other party did not even have the opportunity to wail, and then fell down powerlessly.

It fell heavily to the ground.

The ground nearby was shaken by this.

The two people watching the show thought that the matter was over, but seeing Fa Nan's expression, they felt that the matter was not simple.

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