Jiang Xun and Xiao looked at each other for a while.

There was a hint of doubt in their eyes.

"Well, goodbye!"

Xiao is not good at speaking. Seeing that his brothers and sisters have left, although he doesn't know why, he still thinks it's better for him to learn from them.

Finally, after saying a few words, he disappeared with a"xin". In an instant, only Jiang was left on the field, blowing in the wind without knowing why.......

The next day, Jiang Xun went to the place where Wu Yaksha usually lived, thinking of asking why.

However, he did not find anyone. He thought he was out on patrol.

Seeing that the search was fruitless, Jiang Xun no longer insisted. He decided to ask this question next time he met.......

Time passed by little by little, and the Lantern Festival was about to come. But at this moment, Jiang Xun suddenly heard an interesting thing.

Tianquan Star Ningguang seemed to be searching for materials to build the Qunyu Pavilion. What is the Qunyu Pavilion? Something that can directly smash the demon god Osel back into the sea.

Regardless of whether there are any other abilities, its weight and building materials are naturally needless to say. Such a huge material must be very difficult to find.

So Ningguang also held a competition for this purpose. Whoever finds three important materials to rebuild the Qunyu Pavilion first, quickly and well, will be the champion.

And the champion can ask Ningguang three questions.

As soon as this news came out, the whole Liyue exploded, and they all used their greatest connections to find the floating stone.

After all, the reward for the champion is too tempting for them.

You know, Ningguang is Tianquan Star, in charge of Liyue's commercial trade. In the past, just a little scrap of paper on its intelligence board could cause countless people to scramble.

Not to mention asking Ningguang questions in person.

If used properly, this can bring them immeasurable benefits.

However, Jiang Xun himself did not have much hope for this. After all, the materials she wanted had nothing to do with his current status.

Immortal Talismans, Qianqi Cores, Mingxia Floating Stones, how could an ordinary resident of Liyue get these things?

Why bother to wade into this muddy water?

Jiang Xun drank the tea he made and thought to himself.


" Liuyun let her disciple down the mountain?"

Suddenly, Jiang Xun saw a familiar figure, and recognized the other party's identity almost instantly.

It was the disciple of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun.

The other party seemed to be entangled by someone at this time. Jiang Xun wanted to go over to take a look, but then he found that he didn't seem to need to go.

Because the yellow and white combination had already stepped forward to help.

It seems that Inazuma's problem has been solved, which is much faster than he expected.

Jiang Xun took another sip of tea, and then saw that they had stepped forward to mediate. In the end, the two of them still brought the Qianyan Army to resolve the dispute.

Jiang Xun was amused. This combination was quite powerful. They chose the most labor-saving and safest way.

Jiang Xun saw that the matter was over and no longer paid attention to the other party, but focused on his own affairs.

But sometimes some things will not come if you don't want to encounter them.

" Good morning, senior. I didn't expect to see you here."

Shen He's calm voice came from behind. Jiang Xun was about to respond, but he didn't expect that the two people behind him also followed him.

" Jiang Xun, I didn't expect you to be here. You actually went back to Liyue without telling us!"

Paimeng shouted with a dissatisfied look.

They had suffered so much in Inazuma. Not only were they hunted down, but they also participated in anti-Thunder General training to deal with him.

But this guy went back to Liyue after fighting with Thunder General.

The contrast between the before and after really made Paimeng angry.

"Wait, I am answering this openly. Besides, it was your idea to save that yellow-haired boy, and I saved him in time."

Jiang Xun immediately retorted after hearing this

" This is true, but....but...."

Paimeng was speechless because the fact was just as Jiang Xun said, saving people was purely their own idea. Strictly speaking, they and Thomas owed Jiang Xun a favor.

" Paimeng, stop talking, even I think what you said is not reasonable!"

Ying said to Paimeng.

Although they are good partners, Ying is not unreasonable and did not blindly favor Paimeng.

"Okay, I'm sorry, it's all my fault"

Paimeng also realized that what he had just said was wrong, and apologized very straightforwardly.

Jiang Xun certainly would not argue with this little girl, and nodded to show that he forgave her.

" So, when did you two come back?"

Jiang Xun asked Ying

" It's been a while since we participated in the Ningguang competition and are preparing to look for materials! Shen He just said he would come to help"

Paimeng rushed to answer.

Shen He nodded after hearing this.

" I came down the mountain originally to repair the Jade Pavilion. It happened that these two helped me out of the difficulty, so I helped them win the game."

" Well, that's not bad, you can take care of each other"

Jiang Xun didn’t say anything after he finished speaking, but he thought the three of them would just leave......Why are you staring at me?

" Is there anything else?"

Seeing the look on Paimeng's face, Jiang Xun guessed that the two guys must have something else they needed his help with.

"Hey, we want to ask you if you know the whereabouts of Mingxia Fusheng Stone"

Jiang Xun guessed correctly, Paimeng immediately told them their difficulties.

Good fellow, you really didn't prepare anything before participating, did you really think that there would be an NPC with a golden mark on his head to tell you the answer?......

Wait, the NPC is actually me?

" That thing has basically been mined out now, and it basically has an owner,"

Jiang Xun had read the report on this thing and immediately replied

"Will we not be able to complete the mission then?"

Ying and Paimeng were somewhat disappointed when they heard this.

" Hehe, that's hard to say. Although it does belong to someone, I didn't say whether the owner is still alive." Jiang Xun suddenly added a sentence, which rekindled Ying's hope......Paimon seems to have misunderstood

" Do you mean....Murder and robbery?!"

Jiang Xun:?

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