"you....Do you know each other?!"

Seeing the conversation between the two, Paimeng naturally understood that the two people obviously knew each other before.

And it seems that the relationship between this Liyue opera master and Jiang Xun is not just that of ordinary friends.

Thinking of this, Paimeng's heart was pounding. She suddenly remembered that she had just said a lot of bad things about Jiang Xun to the other party.

She didn't know if Yun Jin would sell her out.

She immediately hid behind Ying in fear and grabbed her hair tightly.

Ying saw that this guy didn't know what was wrong with him, and he was so jumpy these two days.

Jiang Xun ignored Paimeng, and turned to Yun Jin and asked:"Mr. Yun, have you found what you want?"

Yun Jin's eyes lit up when he heard it, as if he heard something interesting

"Thanks to Mr. Jiang Xun, on the night I said goodbye to you, I had a dream"

" The content of the dream is just as you said, Mr. Jiang Xun, experiencing it from the perspective of an immortal."

Yun Jin became more and more excited as she spoke, and she kept thinking about the dream she had not long ago.

After all, the dream was too real and too shocking. A mortal could actually experience the power of an immortal one day.

No one would believe it, but such a seemingly impossible thing actually happened to her. Many people who wanted to seek immortality with this wish did not have the opportunity to experience it, but she did.

This made Yun Jin think of Jiang Xun involuntarily. Was all this related to the mysterious Mr. Jiang Xun?

" It is naturally a happy thing to gain something"

Jiang Xun nodded. He didn’t know whether Yun Jin had obtained what she wanted. After all, only she could understand this.

" So Miss Yunjin came here today to look for the so-called Star-Breaking Iron Ore and Secret Hua Stone?"

Yunjin felt a little embarrassed when she heard this, but she nodded in the end.

" I don't know if Mr. Jiang Xun has any clues, but don't worry, in return, as long as I can do it, you can ask for anything."

Jiang Xun looked at the three people in front of him with a strange expression.

They should have known each other for a short time, but Yun Jin was actually working so hard to help them. Could it be that they had some brainwashing ability?

"Actually, this is also for myself"

Noticing Jiang Xun's curious gaze, Yun Jin began to explain

" Because I also have some questions that I would like to ask Miss Ningguang, so......"

At this point, Jiang Xun also understood why the three of them were together.

But you can make any request.......

Jiang Xun thought about this and took a closer look at Yun Jin. She was cute, elegant, and had a good background. She was also well-known.

However, these things did not appeal to Jiang Xun. After being a demon god for a long time, although he had maintained his previous life, his mentality would change uncontrollably. He no longer cared about the things he liked before. This should be the so-called indifference.

"Well, then Mr. Yun, please give me a few more tickets."

Jiang Xun thought about it and found that he didn't want anything, so he just asked for a few tickets.

Yun Jin was a little surprised to hear this answer. She thought that the other party would seize this opportunity to make a fortune.

But she didn't expect that it was just a few tickets that were not worth much to her.

This also made her feel a little guilty about what she had just thought Jiang Xun might say.

" How about this, Mr. Jiang Xun, you don't need a ticket to come to my performance in the future. I will reserve a seat for you."

Perhaps it was the gratitude for"becoming an immortal" before, Yun Jin continued.

Jiang Xun suddenly thought of something when he heard it, and asked:"Does Zhongli have this privilege?"

Jiang Xun's sudden question caught the other party off guard.

After a moment of hesitation, he responded:"Mr. Zhongli doesn't have"

"Then do as you say"

Jiang Xun was secretly happy when he heard that Zhongli did not have this power. He still remembered how quickly this guy changed his face when he saw the ticket a few days ago.

Now that he had a permanent ticket, he was really looking forward to how the other party would react after knowing this.

Jiang Xun could already imagine Zhongli's expression of envy in his heart but pretending to be indifferent on the surface.

Rocks will also change one day. This change may be weathering, may be broken, or may be a change of face.

" The location of the Star Crusher Ore and Secret Hua Stone is probably near Tianheng Mountain....."

Jiang Xun then began to point out the locations of the two ores for them.

He had learned a lot from chatting with Zhongli, including the locations of these ores.

"Thank you for your help"

After listening to this, the three of them hurriedly thanked him.

Then the three of them set out on the road to look for materials.

It is true that it is a rare ore. Even though Jiang Xun has told them the location, it still took a lot of time to collect the ore.

After all, rare ores are rare not only because of their small quantity, but also because the location where they are formed is very remote.

Some are even only formed on the edge of a cliff.

However, one of the three can fly, and the other two are good at it.

In the end, the task of collecting materials was completed without any danger.

At this time, Jiang returned home, and he was going to take the two people in his family out for a walk.

After all, one is the Demon God of Mondstadt, and he fell asleep in the middle of the year before last. The situation of the Liyue Lantern Festival must have been unprecedented.

And the other one.....Qiqi seems to have not been to the Lantern Festival for nearly a hundred years.

Jiang Xun once asked her why she didn't go, and she replied:"I don't know, I just don't want to go alone."

Jiang Xun understood that this should be related to him.

He just didn't expect Qiqi to still remember the promise he made.

Then this time, I will go with you.

Qiqi, who was playing with the little sparrow in the yard, thought that she would still have the kind of almost instinctive escape in her heart when she heard Jiang Xun's proposal.

But what she didn't expect was that the feeling did not appear, but a voice in her heart urged her to agree urgently.

In the end, Qiqi did not reject Jiang Xun's proposal and nodded slowly.

Unexpectedly, she had a faint expectation for the arrival of that day.

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