Shen He covered her chest, the pain from the wound stimulated her brain. The elemental force she output became weak, and the next moment the wound completely split open. She half-knelt on the ground, gasping for breath.

The waves that had been frozen had now broken free.

The crackling sound reached the ears of everyone present, making their hearts, which had been relaxed, rise again.

The motionless waves regained their power at this moment, and attacked Liyue Port with unparalleled power.

" Go back!"

Jiang Xun saw this and spoke softly.

These two light words showed great power at this moment. The huge waves hundreds of meters high actually turned back and hit

Ba Che directly.

Boom- like a nuclear bomb exploded, a huge amount of sea water hit him directly.

The huge kinetic energy gave the waves unparalleled destructive power, and it knocked the opponent's huge body into the bottom of the water.

This sudden scene surprised everyone and made them a little happy.

There was no delay, and they kept attacking in the direction of the seabed. Because the opponent was a demon god, this blow that could destroy Liyue Port might not kill her completely.

In an instant, countless streaks crossed the sky. Laser cannons kept flying towards the bottom of the sea, and roars of pain came from the bottom of the sea. The sound waves resounded through the sky, and the sound waves spread from the bottom of the sea to all directions. The dark clouds gathered in the sky were also blown away by the roar.

Jiang Xun heard this roar, and the anger in it was unforgettable.

After all, her husband was smashed back by the Qun Yu Pavilion, and then his body was stolen by the Abyss Cult. She came for revenge and ended up being beaten again.

From her point of view, this group of humans really didn't know how to live or die. If Morax was still alive, she wouldn't dare to retaliate even if she had ten lives.

But now Morax has suddenly passed away for some reason. What right do these humans have to fight her?

Rely on those immortals?

Although the immortals of Liyue are indeed strong, they have to... Knowing that she is now in the sea, which is her home ground, if she wants to run, the other party will not be able to stop her.

Ningguang and others supported the injured Ying and looked at the bottom of the sea with a serious face.

Ningguang frowned even more.

She still underestimated the existence of the demon god. She was not seriously injured under such intensive attacks.

Instead, she became more violent because of the pain.

Thinking of this, a trace of determination emerged in Ningguang's eyes. She decided to do the same and use the method she used to deal with Osel to deal with the demon god in front of her.

At this time, the other two heads of Ba Che had also floated out of the water, and now they are even more terrifying.

Facing the overwhelming attack, she just roared, and in an instant, countless tornadoes surged up and directly resisted her. blocked these attacks.

Ningguang took the opportunity to use magic, controlling the Qianqi Core to fly quickly to Bazhe's head.

However, this time was not as easy as last time.

Bazhe's resentment was mostly towards the Qun Yu Pavilion. After all, it was this thing that directly smashed Osel back.

Although she looked down on humans, she was still very wary of the Qun Yu Pavilion that had defeated Osel.

Immediately using her own magical powers, countless huge water swords attacked the Qun Yu Pavilion. Seeing this, Ningguang could only change the direction of advance. She narrowly avoided most of the attacks, but after all, the size of the Qun Yu Pavilion was there, and it was impossible to be unscathed.

Unfortunately, the power core of the Qun Yu Pavilion seemed to have been hit.

" Didn't the last method work?"

Paimeng was very anxious when he saw Ningguang's plan failed.

" She was on guard against the Jade Pavilion and could not get close to it as easily as last time."

" that....So what should we do?";

" This, let me think about it"

Ningguang was a little overwhelmed when she saw this.

The current situation was far beyond her expectations.

The biggest variable was that she still underestimated the existence of the demon god. The attack that she thought could completely kill the opponent did not have any effect at this time.

Could it be that she really had to ask the immortals for help?

Ningguang was a little unwilling. In this era of human rule, she still needed to ask for help from the immortals. This undoubtedly made her, who was very strong-willed, a little difficult to accept.

" Let me try"

Ying stood up and said firmly.

At this time, her injuries were almost stable, but her face was not good......

" No need. Thank you for fighting for Liyue, but this is Liyue’s calamity, and it will ultimately be up to the people of Liyue to resolve it."

Finally, Ningguang took out a talisman, which was used to summon immortals to help.

Now that they were unable to solve the problem, they could only place their hopes on the immortals of Liyue.......

" Master Liuyun, have you found any problems?

Jiang Xun suddenly asked Master Liuyun Jiefeng beside him.

"Yes, there is indeed a problem. Although this Ba Che is a demon god, he is not very strong among the demon gods. The huge wave just now will at least cause him some degree of damage."

"Yes, this Ba Che must have some secret"

"It seems that it is our turn to appear"

When Master Liuyunjiefeng saw Ningguang take out the talisman, he was ready to enter the arena.

After all, if the other party did this, it meant that they could not deal with the threat in front of them, so it would not be considered a violation of the agreement for the immortal to enter the arena to help.

" Don't worry, I'm interested in why this thing has become abnormal, leave it to me"

" Could it be that Mr. Jiang is going to do it himself?"

Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun mistakenly thought that Jiang Xun was going to do it himself, and was a little confused. After all, if the other party took action, the mortal image he had been pretending to be would inevitably be exposed.

" No, no, I called someone"

"Calling people?"

Zhang Yun Jie Feng Zhen Jun was puzzled by what Jiang Xun said for a moment. What does"Calling people" mean?

" Well, here he comes"

Jiang Xun had just finished speaking when a huge black shadow came down from the clouds, scattering them.

The moment the shadow appeared, everyone felt an extremely strong sense of oppression.

This feeling made them feel a little breathless, as if they were suffocating.

They couldn't help but look up and found a mountain-like black dragon flapping its huge wings, floating in the air, with huge and majestic pupils searching for something.

It wasn't until he saw Jiang Xun that he was happy.

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