Jiang Xun couldn't wait to test the power of the upgraded Word of Truth, but he couldn't find a worthy subject for the experiment.

The Demon God War was over, and those who had a little strength and didn't want to be ruled by the law of nature had gone to the Dark Sea. Jiang Xun couldn't go to the Dark Sea just to test his abilities. He could only suppress his excitement and save this opportunity for later.......

Jiang Xun had already left Inazuma City. Now that he had determined the location of the Kitsuzai Palace, he could do what he wanted without any hesitation. He had to find the source of the monsters that invaded Inazuma this time. As long as he solved the source in advance, even if he couldn't completely end the black disaster, he should be able to hold on until Ying returned from Kanreya......Jiang Xun still had no idea where the source of the disaster hidden in Inazuma was.

Now all he could do was walk and watch.

"Go, the monsters are coming again!"

"Girl, you organize the elderly and children to go first, and the rest of the people will stay with me to cover the rear!"

Suddenly, there was a noise in front, and Jiang Xun's figure flashed and appeared next to the scene.

"Another monster attack?"

Jiang Xun's eyes were not surprised at all. He had encountered many such situations along the way. These monsters seemed to have a plan and a purpose, and they could appear accurately in all places where life appeared.

For these guys with low average IQ, this accuracy was simply incredible.

Unless.....There is a leader among them!

Thinking of this, Jiang Xun disappeared from the spot, and appeared in the air the next moment. The monsters and the people of Inazuma below did not notice that a person suddenly appeared in the sky.

Jiang Xun used magic to act on his eyes, and his pupils emitted a faint golden light. After a while of observation, he finally locked on a short monster standing in the woods a few kilometers away from the scene.

At this time, it was looking at this side motionlessly, muttering something in its mouth, as if chanting some spell.

It's hidden so secretly!.....

No wonder he didn't find him the last few times. He was so far away and was the sixth one!

Jiang Xun immediately locked onto the other's breath to prevent him from escaping.

Then he dealt with the monsters below. He slowly condensed a small needle made of thunder in his hand and threw it towards the center of the monsters. Then he rushed directly to the position of the Abyss Mage.

Many people below saw a ray of purple light in a trance, and then the purple light became more and more obvious. As the distance to the ground got closer and closer, the purple-black light, which was only a little, instantly grew into a three- or four-meter-long thunder spear.

The monsters who were about to start killing suddenly felt a palpitation, and then heard the sound of thunder hitting the air from their ears. Looking up, they found that a giant purple-black spear appeared in the sky at some point, and there were countless thunders around the spear body following closely.

Before they could react, it was inserted directly into the group of monsters. The moment the spear touched the ground, countless thunders also came into the world and exploded directly in the group of monsters.

Thunder snakes surged, ground fires surged, countless monsters only had time to let out a scream before their bodies were shattered by the powerful thunder. Then the spear shattered, and even more terrifying lightning power burst out. The spear formed a field of lightning within a radius of 100 meters. The monsters that were still resisting were also reduced to ashes in an instant, without even a trace of residue left.....

"It is the General who is protecting us!"

"Thank you, General, thank you, General!"

The people who were still determined to die were stunned by what had just happened. They all kowtowed and knelt towards the sky. Obviously, they believed that everything that had just happened was the work of General Lei Dian.

After all, apart from General Lei Dian, they had never heard of anyone who could control the Ten Directions Thunder.

"How is it possible? Did the God of Thunder not leave Inazuma?!"

Everything that happened in the monster group just now naturally did not escape the eyes of the special monster who had been observing from the side. He was about to leave here, but suddenly found that a young man appeared behind him.

This person was naturally Jiang Xun.

"So it was you who gathered the monsters together?"

Jiang Xun crossed his arms and said in a slightly sarcastic tone.

The monster ignored Jiang Xun and started chanting a spell the moment he saw him.

A series of strange syllables came out of his mouth. As the spell was chanted, the space around him began to distort slowly, and the figure of this strange monster began to become blurred.

"This skill is somewhat similar to that of the Abyss Mage. It's a pity that there is no Abyss Mage yet. However, it always feels like something is missing."

Jiang Xun pinched his chin and looked at the monster in front of him, analyzing it calmly, with no intention of stopping it at all.

With the fall of the last syllable, the spell was completed. Seeing that the person in front of him had not responded, the monster thought that the other party had no way to stop him, and suddenly became bolder. He looked at Jiang Xun with a playful look, as if he was mocking him. Before leaving, he made a face at Jiang Xun.

Damn, I gave you face?!

The monster thought he had succeeded, but just as he entered the transmission, he suddenly felt an irresistible huge force coming from behind him, and then he was pulled out abruptly.

He fell on his buttocks on the ground, and the monster's expression was still confused at this time, until he saw Jiang Xun, who had just been mocked by him, appeared in front of him at this time, looking at him with a playful face.

"What's wrong? Can't bear to leave me?"

Jiang Xun asked with a smile

"you.....What do you want to do?"

Seeing Jiang Xun getting closer, the monster finally spoke, and a hoarse and sharp voice came out of its mouth, like glass scratching its throat.���Sample

"Don't be afraid, I'll just ask you a few questions.

Jiang Xun explained with a smile on his face.

But he didn't know that his smile was even more terrifying than those huge beast hounds in the eyes of the monster in front of him.

"I don't remember anything, it's no use asking me."

The little monster quickly replied.

Seeing that the other party was still playing the amnesia trick on him, Jiang Xun smiled even brighter.

"Don't worry, I have a lot of experience dealing with people with amnesia."

Then, screams came from the woods........

"That's all I know, please....Please give me a quick death!"

The monster who had just pretended to have lost his memory seemed to be dying at this moment. Not only that, it was like black charcoal at this moment, with burn marks all over its body.

Jiang Xun sorted out the information he got from the opponent.

As for the authenticity of this information, Jiang Xun was not really worried.

After all, he had just issued a rule to this monster that it would be burned by flames for three minutes every time it told a lie.

And now there is no reaction, which can also explain the authenticity.

The words of truth that can work on high-level demon gods are naturally more than enough to deal with such low-strength monsters. Jiang Xun felt that the value of this guy had disappeared, and he was ready to kill him directly.

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