Jiang Xun can find a chance to go out and find the source of the disaster.

He got a lot of information from the monster, including their plans. There are many leaders like it, and each of them leads a team of monsters.

Their ultimate goal is to devour everything in Inazuma, but it is still difficult to achieve this step with only these monsters. Although the current Thunder Ruler is not in Inazuma, there are still many powerful monsters and barriers in Inazuma. However

, what makes Jiang Xun curious is that they don’t know where they got the information, but they can find out the information of most powerful monsters.

The series of monster attacks that occurred in Inazuma in recent days are to distract the attention of these monsters.

The real purpose is to destroy the local barrier.

As long as the barrier is damaged to a certain extent, the final disaster can bring monsters to Inazuma and give Inazuma the final blow.

The plan is clear, but it only knows some details about the location of the final disaster, and it is impossible to determine the specific location of the disaster with this information alone.

Jiang Xun still needs to spend some time to eliminate them one by one.


"Is this Mr. Jiang Xun? The palace master sent me to arrange your accommodation." After a while, the witch who was responsible for arranging food and accommodation found Jiang Xun.

Following behind the witch, the witch took Jiang Xun to a huge stone wall. As she chanted a spell, the originally hard stone wall slowly became illusory, revealing the cave inside.

Jiang Xun followed her into the interior and found that the space inside was much larger than he had imagined.

"This is a space specially opened by the palace master to accommodate the victims. It is very safe and has sufficient resources. Please let us know if you have any questions."

The witch patiently explained in a very kind tone.

"Thank you."

Even if he didn't need this so-called safe house, he deserved a thank you just for the responsible attitude.

After sending Jiang Xun here, the witch left. The stone wall that had been wide open was restored. From the outside, it was impossible to guess that there was such a large space hidden inside.

"Young man, what's the situation outside?"

Jiang Xun's entry naturally attracted a lot of people's attention. After the witch left, many people came forward to ask, most of whom were elderly people.

"The situation is not good. The monsters have damaged many houses and crops."

In response to their questions, Jiang Xun also told them what he saw.

Hearing this, these old people also showed deep loneliness and sadness on their faces.

For them, the place where they have lived all their lives has now been destroyed by monsters, and they don’t know how long this disaster will last. Even if it can end in their lifetime, will they still recognize their homes after they get out?......

"Don't worry, I believe this disaster will end soon, everyone should trust the Lord Palace Administrator!"

At the critical moment, a female voice came from the crowd, and everyone looked over. As fellow villagers, they also recognized the identity of this person.

"Lingyin is right. We must believe in the Palace Master and the General. He will come back to save us!"

As the inspiring words continued to spread, the faces of the people who were originally full of sadness also showed hope for the future. Jiang Xun couldn't help but look up to this little girl. It was very rare for a little girl like her to take the initiative to stand up and boost morale at this time.

After everyone left, the little girl took the initiative to walk up to Jiang Xun. She looked lively and cute.

"Hello, my name is Naganohara Suzune"

"My name is Jiang Xun. Miss Naganohara's performance just now really impressed me."

Jiang Xun replied with a smile

"Just call me Lingyin.....I just don't want the Lord's hard work to go to waste."

Naganohara Suzune answered truthfully.

In her opinion, if the person that the Lord's hard work saved gave up hope of living at this moment, she would definitely be sad!.....

After chatting for a while, the other party said goodbye.

"Well, I'm leaving first. If you have any unhappiness, please come and talk to me!"

After saying that, the girl left.

Jiang Xun just glanced at her and stopped paying attention.

He found a hidden place, and then used alchemy to create an avatar like himself, but the strength of this avatar was not strong. It was just a physical body equivalent to the user of the Eye of God, and had no other power.

This was to save time. After all, the purpose of this avatar was just to create the illusion that he was still in the shelter, and to monitor the situation for him.

"If there is anything, report to me at any time.

Jiang Xun instructed the clone

"Got it, the main body"

"By the way, while observing, try to blend in with them, so that it will appear more natural."

Jiang Xun continued, and then his figure became illusory and disappeared in this space.......

After leaving the shelter, Jiang Xun began his own investigation. According to the information he received, another team of monsters will appear in the southern part of Ming Shen Island. Jiang Xun plans to go there to take a look, and by the way, torture the leader of that team to see if he can get any useful information.

After a while, Jiang Xun crossed half of Ming Shen Island and arrived at his destination.

As soon as he arrived here, he could feel a large breath of monsters.

It seems that he found the right one.

These guys are about to attack the barrier.

Jiang Xun took the first step to hook the earth veins, guiding the fire elemental force and the lightning elemental force, which instantly acted on the monster group.

Extremely loud explosions appeared one after another in the monster group, and the originally powerful monster army was blasted into pieces.

The leader of the monster wanted to escape when he saw this, but was still caught by Jiang Xun.

After catching him, Jiang Xun gave orders to the leader of the monster in the same way.

"Now, I ask you questions and you answer them. I advise you to tell the truth, otherwise you will bear the consequences!"

But this leader seems to be different from the last one. Even though he was trapped by Jiang Xun, he still looked fierce.

""Huh? You dare to glare at me?"

Jiang Xun couldn't bear it anymore and slapped the monster in the face. He controlled the force to avoid killing it, but this slap still knocked out many of the monster's teeth.

This slap really confused the monster. This is not right. Shouldn't these monsters be exorcised directly after being caught? Why is it greeted by a big bastard?

""Huh? You still dare to look at me?"

Jiang Xun slapped him again, knocking out several teeth.

Feeling the burning pain on both sides of his cheeks, he no longer had the rebellious look he had just had. This guy in front of him seemed to be different from the witches and monsters he had encountered before. He was too violent!

"Huh? I'm talking to you, but you don't even look at me. Are you looking down on me?"

Another slap was thrown.

After three slaps, Jiang Xun felt his hands were no longer itchy, and he was ready to start the formal interrogation.


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