\"Task three, the lonely king's final song has been completed\"

\"The mission reward is the wisdom of the Age of Gods. In view of the high difficulty of this mission, an additional reward will be given. First come, first served\"

The familiar voice of the system reached Jiang Xun's ears, and he felt a little dizzy at this time.

After all, he was so disappointed that he had to drink some carbonated beverages.

Jiang Xun recovered after a while. After all, his physical fitness was there, and his blood production and recovery speed were far superior to those of ordinary people.

He also noticed that the reward for this mission was different.

He didn't find it strange that the wisdom of the Age of Gods could be preserved.

After all, after the last devouring, Jiang Xun also roughly understood the reward mechanism of the system.

If the mission is completed, the random ability in this mission will be used as a reward and awarded to himself.

But what surprised him was that there was an additional reward this time?!

But thinking about it, it makes sense. There are two conditions for this mission. One is to ensure that Diekarapian is alive.

The other is not to violate the original historical trend.

If it is not handled well, Mond's wind god may have to be replaced.

But fortunately, the mission was completed, but it was painful. Next time, I will try to find a solution that doesn't hurt.

He doesn't have any special hobbies. He always seeks trouble......

Jiang Xun then learned about the effects of this additional ability.

First before the first: The highest level of predictive ability, which can predict the opponent's attack sequence in advance.

Good guy, it's really a pillow for a sleepy person.

This ability can just make up for the shortcomings of his lack of combat experience.

After all, I know the opponent's moves, so how can I lose?

Just rush over!

Mom doesn't have to worry about me losing in rock-paper-scissors anymore!

Jiang Xun was a little excited for a while, this trip was really worth it!

Then he stood up, but found that his position at this time was different from before the mission started.

He woke up from the throne, and he was still wearing the clothes of Diekarapian.

Jiang Xun looked at the side again and found a blue-haired queen leaning against the throne.

The pupils were closed, and she seemed to be asleep.

Oh my god!

Is my brother a corpse this time?

What happened after he lost consciousness?

But he felt that now was not a good time to carry forward the spirit of exploration of the new youth.

Now I should run away!

Although he didn't know what happened later, Diekarapian should not remember him now.

If she wakes up and finds herself here, there will be some bad consequences.

Then Jiang gently put his clothes on the other person.

Then he picked up his things, tiptoed and slowly walked out the door.

From time to time, he looked back, fearing that the other person would suddenly wake up and attack his kidneys.

Fortunately, the other person seemed to be asleep, and finally left safely.

This made him feel relieved.

Jiang Xun left the castle, and there was no change outside.

It was still as dilapidated as before, and it must have experienced something.

He got out of the ruins according to the method he used to come here.

Jiang Xun took the container filled with poisonous blood and set out on the road to the snow-capped mountains.......

After Jiang Xun left, Diecarpian, who was sitting next to the throne, moved her eyes and then opened them. Her azure eyes looked around in confusion, and at the clothes that had landed on her body.

She had a dream in which a human who had a good relationship with her died in front of her, but she could not remember his name. She could not remember the appearance of that human either, as if something had deliberately erased it.

Then she seemed to remember something and hurriedly looked at the throne beside her.

She found that the throne where a person should have been lying was already empty.

Although she did not remember the specific features of the other person, she remembered that the human finally fell on her throne!

Seeing this, Diecarpian's first feeling was despair, thinking that his body had rotted into ashes.

But then she remembered that her clothes had a protective function, which could prevent all external creatures from touching her body.

It could keep the body from rotting.

Then why did the other person disappear?

Why did the clothes return to her body?

An idea emerged in Diecarpian's mind, that human, was he not dead at that time?

She couldn't remember his name, but she only knew that he was very important to her!

Decarabian stood up and looked at the environment that was different from the magnificent palace in his memory.

Without a trace of nostalgia, he walked out directly.

When he arrived outside the ruins, Decarabian saw a vibrant land and was shocked.

Then he felt a little sad.

His era has finally come to an end.....

But she soon let it go. Now she has no idea about the position of the God of Wind.

She just wants to find back the erased fragments of her memory and the humans who are lost in her memory.......

After several days of traveling, Jiang Xun went straight back to the snowy mountains.

However, Albedo probably went out to look for materials again, and the camp was still empty.

He is really not afraid of thieves!

Jiang Xun sighed, someone like Albedo would just sing a song"Welcome to the Camp" to the thieves. He was totally defenseless.

Jiang Xun put the poisonous blood on the table and began to wait boredly.

Because he was too bored.

Jiang Xun began to observe some of Albedo's experimental equipment.

He accidentally saw the notebook exposed outside.

\"Show me the truth of the world and its meaning\"

This sentence seemed to be endowed with magic.

After Jiang Xun saw this sentence, his eyes were fixed on the book.

His brain was thinking frantically, and his wisdom that surpassed all the demons was constantly being stimulated.

Jiang Xun was like a demon, and he kept muttering something in his mouth.

\"It's almost there. It's almost there.\"

But suddenly he stopped, covered his head, and roared in pain. It took about half a minute for him to come to his senses.

���He was covered in cold sweat, but he didn't care. Instead, he kept thinking about what had just happened.

Just when he was about to get close to the truth, he felt an extremely terrifying breath.

He had a premonition that if he continued to explore, unimaginable consequences would definitely occur.

Jiang Xun was not the kind of person who would seek his own death.

Then he sat on a chair and let his brain rest for a while.

\"Jiang Xun, you're back? \"

Albedo also came back at this time, and saw Jiang Xun sitting on the chair and asked

\"Well, I got the poisonous blood you wanted back for you.\"

Jiang Xun adjusted his state and replied....

\"Well, this is indeed of research significance.\"

After Albedo examined it carefully, he spoke.

He had seen poisonous blood before, and it was indeed like this.

\"Thank you for your hard work. Are you hurt? I see you seem to be in pain.\"

Albedo brought the topic back to Jiang Xun.

According to his observation, Jiang Xun's condition was not right at this moment......What have you experienced?

\"It's okay, I'm just a little tired\"

Jiang Xun shook his head and did not tell what he had just experienced.

\"Really? Then you should have a good rest and call me if you need anything.\"

Seeing that Jiang Xun was indeed fine, Albedo stopped asking questions.

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