"Tillage machine?"

Everyone present except Ying and Paimeng was curious about the name. What did Kanriya mean by naming the weapon a tillage machine?

"You may not believe it, but the so-called tiller is the giant robot that we see everywhere."

Paimon explained, while gesturing with her hands, trying to describe its appearance. However, due to its size, the notorious robot looked like a small robot in her hands, and it was impossible to describe its horror.

However, Shin and Yae Shinko were not stupid and had a lot of experience. After her explanation, they roughly understood what the so-called tiller was.

"That robot? I have seen quite a few in Inazuma, but they don't seem as powerful as you describe."

Yae Shenzi had seen it before, but in her impression, the robot was very weak, and it was not as powerful as the demon god described by Paimon.

"Alas, those are just replicas, the real prototype......"


Paimeng was about to explain, but was stopped by Ying before he could finish........

"Is this a secret? Well, since the little guy doesn't want to tell, forget it."

Yaezamiko didn't come up with any bad ideas this time, it seems that he is really not interested.

After finishing this topic, Yaezamiko asked Raidenjin next to him

"Really, when are you going to see Ying?"

"Ying, I'm actually not ready to face her yet."

It's really distressing.

She had been away for so many years, and although there were reasons, as a sister, she still felt a little guilty towards Ying, who took over her job without any preparation.

For Ying, who has always been obsessed with martial arts, the difficulties can be imagined.

This also led to Inazuma's seclusion, and Ying began to ignore worldly affairs and only wanted to pursue the illusory eternity.

"Haha, no matter what, let's go meet her."

Yae Shenzi persuaded again.

After thinking for a moment, Zhen agreed.

"Why not take advantage of the moment? I believe she has noticed the noise from the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons just now, and who knows where she is now, missing her sister......."

Yae Shinko said without hesitation, without any awareness of being a dependent. In terms of relationship, the two are more like good sisters.

"film.....Would she really be like this?

Although Zhen knew her sister, that understanding was limited to five hundred years ago. She didn't know what Ying had become in the past five hundred years.

In her opinion, the quiet and strong Ying should not be like what Yae Shinko said, right?

"Five hundred years have passed, what changes have she made? You should judge for yourself."

Yae Shenzi is like a life mentor, constantly instilling chicken soup into Zhen.

Zhen feels that Shenzi has also changed.

"Son of God......You have become unlovable. You used to lie in my arms and act like a spoiled child......"Woo woo" said faintly

"Really, there is no need to talk about this kind of thing!"

Yae Shenzi quickly covered the other person's mouth. If she continued to talk, the image she had always maintained would be ruined!

Unfortunately, there were more than just the two of them present.

"Little guy and little Paimon, you didn't hear anything, right?"

Yae Shenzi asked the two people next to him with a kind face.

The two people who were still laughing at the side suddenly changed their expressions and shook their heads frantically.

"And Mr. Jiang Xun, please pretend that you heard nothing, okay?"

"Not good."

Almost everyone could see the hidden threat from Yae Shinko, but it was effective for the two people beside him, but for him, it was a completely ineffective attack.


Obviously, she had no way to deal with Jiang Xun.

"Okay, we're leaving first. Son of God, do you want to come with us?"

Zhen smiled for a moment and prepared to leave.

"I won't go. Although the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons has ended, it still needs to be wrapped up."

"What about you two?"

Seeing that Yae Shinko didn't go, Shin then asked Ying and Paimon who were standing by.

However, the two of them felt a little sleepy from the beginning and also refused.

"Let's go, Jiang Xun.

Zhen grabbed Jiang Xun's wrist and prepared to leave.

"Wait, I don't want to go either......"

Jiang Xun wanted to go back to sleep, but he didn't expect Zhen to grab him. It seemed that she saw his intention to escape and took action in advance.

"Oh, but I'm a little scared."

Zhen held Jiang Xun's wrist tightly with both hands, fearing that he would really run away.

Jiang Xun looked very distressed after hearing this.

"What are you afraid of?"

"What if Ying sees me and blames me for not seeing her for so long and wants to beat me up? You know I definitely can't beat my sister......."

Zhen said with a wronged look on his face, as if this incident had already happened.

Jiang Xun heard this and felt that it made some sense.......No way.

Your sister missed you so much, and now she is so happy to see you, how could she possibly do something to you?

If the two of them went over, it would be more likely that Ying would do something to me.

""Forget it, let's go."

Jiang Xun sighed and said helplessly.

Seeing that Jiang Xun agreed, she smiled and then took Jiang Xun away.

But soon, Jiang Xun found something wrong, because the direction the other party took him was not to the castle tower at all, but to a small hill.

With curiosity, Jiang Xun followed Zhen here. At this time, tables and chairs were already set up under the cherry tree, as if the owner had known that someone would come.

"Aren’t you going to see a movie?"

"We haven't seen each other for five hundred years, but now is not a bad time. It's been a long time since we sat down and talked. By the way, can you tell me a story, just like before?"

Jiang Xun nodded when he heard it. It was not bad to sit with Zhen for a while. As for Ying, her sister didn't care about her. What did he care about? Let her cry first......

Jiang Xun habitually picked up the cup and took a sip, preparing to start telling a story, but he stopped instantly. He looked at the cup in his hand with a strange expression.

"This is....Wine?"

Jiang Xun thought it was tea, but he didn't expect that Zhen actually prepared wine this time. Did he take the wrong one?

"I heard that in Liyue, when two friends who haven't seen each other for many years meet again, they will choose to drink."

The truth made Jiang Xun dispel his previous guess. It turned out that it was intentional, not accidental.

That's fine, but the power of this wine seems to be a bit strong.

Jiang Xun also felt a backlash at this time. The wine that could affect his body a little bit, this power is really not ordinary

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