As soon as the puppet finished speaking, the power of thunder began to fill his body, even more than at the beginning.

Jiang Xun also moved away from the other party.

""General, what's going on?"

Ying's voice came from the puppet. There was an inexplicable connection between her and the general. She also felt something about the battle just now. She originally thought it was just an ordinary battle, but she didn't expect that not long after, the general was about to self-destruct.

"This person is stronger than me, I can't let him destroy Inazuma," the puppet general replied calmly. She didn't show any emotion about the self-explosion, just like it was a trivial matter.

But it was precisely because of this that the shadow in the Pure Land was a little anxious. The general acted according to the original instructions. Even though her concept had changed, she couldn't modify the general's program unless she was willing to be modified.

"If you do this, the entire Ming Shen Island will be buried with you!"

"It doesn't matter, Narukamijima cannot represent Inazuma."The general still did not give up the plan of self-destruction after hearing this.

At this time, Jiang Xun suddenly felt that the space beside him was torn apart, and a purple line appeared in the air. Then the hole opened wide, and a figure came out of the hole holding a knife.

Then she rushed towards the general without saying a word. She needed to stop the self-destruction.

However, the self-destruction process has been over for a while now. It is extremely difficult to get close to the general if you go in now.

Ying was forced to retreat to Jiang Xun's side. At this time, she also saw the face of the person who was said to be stronger than Jiang Xun.

"Who are you?!"

Ying recognized the mask on Jiang Xun's face. It was the guy who saved people in Yixin Pure Land last time. He didn't expect that he was also the culprit who caused Jiang Xun to self-destruct this time.

"Oh, don't get excited, shouldn't we solve the problem of the puppet's self-destruction first?"

Jiang Xun turned his attention away from his fantasy.

"Humph, if Ming Shen Island sinks because of the general's self-explosion, no matter who you are, I will never let you go!"

After Ying finished speaking, he prepared for a second attempt.


Jiang Xun spoke, and the Word of Truth was activated.

The order and laws of the world obeyed Jiang Xun's order and began to rewind.

Jiang Xun's order was mainly aimed at the general. The power that could act on the high-level demon god could just work on the general.

In Ying's shocked eyes, she witnessed a very strange scene.

The scattered thunders returned to the general's body as if the rewind button had been pressed. The same thing was that the other party's injuries were slowly repaired under this power.

This magical scene surprised Ying very much. She looked at it all with disbelief, until the general was restored to his original appearance and fell to the ground, she realized that all this was not fake.

She hurried forward to check on the general's condition and found that the other party's consciousness was in a deep sleep at this time, but his body was completely restored.

"By the way, can you modify her program in this state?"

Jiang Xun asked curiously.

Unexpectedly, Ying really answered:"Yes, although I don't know who you are, you have helped me. I won't pursue this matter."

After Ying finished speaking, he began to modify the general's program.

"You have been pursuing eternity for five hundred years. Have you achieved anything?"

Ying was silent after hearing this.

"I thought I could fight against time on my own, but later I realized that it was just my wishful thinking."

Now she also realized her original problem. The eternity she wanted was not what the people of Inazuma wanted, nor what Inazuma wanted. If it could not bring benefits to Inazuma, then eternity would be a joke.

"In these five hundred years, you have really changed a lot, Ying."

Zhen walked out slowly from the back. She also heard the conversation between the two. As a sister, she was really happy to hear that her sister was no longer obsessed with this.

Ying stopped her movements after hearing this voice. Her body was trembling a little. She didn't know whether it was because of nervousness or fear. She turned around tremblingly. The person she thought she would never see again was now standing in front of her.


Ying asked with some trembling. She approached the other person and stretched out her hand to touch him, but suddenly withdrew her hand.

For the first time, her state of mind after staying in Yixin Pure Land for five hundred years changed. She was afraid. She was afraid that if she stretched out her hand to touch him, he would disappear without a trace, just like the time five hundred years ago, and never come back.

But at this time, Zhen stretched out his hand and held Ying's hand that was about to be withdrawn. Feeling the warmth in his hand, Ying realized that the other person was not her fantasy, and she was not in a dream.

She couldn't control herself and went forward to hug Zhen tightly, while the latter gently stroked her sister's head, soothing Ying's excited and uneasy heart.

The two sisters hadn't seen each other for five hundred years and hugged each other for a long time. Jiang Xun was a little bored, so she ran to the puppet general who fell to the side.

Dolls that can perfectly reproduce the gods of gods are rare products. This is obviously beyond the technology possessed by Kanreya. If Kanreya can really create gods, how could it be destroyed that year?

"You said, he is the storyteller?"

After a while, Ying's voice also reached Jiang Xun's ears. He had taken off his mask at this time. There was no need to hide anymore.

Jiang Xun heard that the other party was talking about him, so he turned around and said hello.

Jiang Xun thought that he and her had at least met before. After not seeing each other for so long, even if he didn't give her a hug, at least he wouldn't say bad things to her. But he was wrong in the end.

"So it's really you?!"

"Who else could it be?"

"Why did you run away without saying a word?"

After seeing Jiang Xun, Ying seemed to have returned to five hundred years ago. After being beaten up by Jiang Xun, she had this attitude towards herself.

"Shadow, in fact......"

"Really, you don't have to explain for him, I want to see what he has to say"

"You are afraid that you will retaliate against me, so you ran away early."

Jiang Xun spread his hands and said something casually, but what he didn't expect was that this idiot actually believed it.

"So that's it."

Ying looked thoughtful. The logic was self-consistent at this time. Zhen went to Kanriya, and Jiang Xun, who lost Zhen's protection, was afraid that she would retaliate against him, so he ran away in advance.

Ying seemed to agree with this theory. She seemed to have forgotten who was playing a trick on whom at that time.

But it didn't matter.

""Oh, this puppet is about to wake up, why don't you hurry up?"

Jiang Xun reminded.

Ying hurried to modify the program. If the general woke up, he would have no chance.

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