\"Robbery? Please show me your ID.\"

Jiang Xun's face was calm, and he didn't seem to notice the big shovel in the other person's hand.

\"What, you need a certificate to rob? \"

The young man from the treasure-stealing group was confused for a moment.

After all, everyone has their own expertise, and he really didn't understand.

Are all robberies so formal now?

\"Of course not. Don’t you know that Liyue now requires ID for everything? How can you have the nerve to come out and rob without ID?\"

\"But, but I am from the treasure-stealing group.\"

\"So, show me your treasure-stealing certificate.\"

Jiang Xun continued

\"this....When I entered the industry, I had never heard that treasure thieves needed a certificate.\"

This guy who doesn't look very smart seems to have been fooled.

\"Hey, hey, hey, I got the point. Now you know why you were caught by the Qianyan Army when you were trying to steal the treasure, right?\"

\"It's because you don't have a license, which means you are operating illegally!"

Jiang Xun's words made him suddenly realize

\"So that's how it is. No wonder that Yuhengxing is always against us.\"

Looking at this guy's reaction, Jiang Xun secretly laughed in his heart.

\"Then I'll do it now!"

Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Jiang Xun hurriedly stopped him.


\"What else?\"

\"You should have other colleagues, right? Wouldn't it be better to let them go together? \"

Jiang Xun had just finished speaking when the guy seemed to understand something.

\"Yeah, I'll tell them.\"

\"By the way, since you told me this news, I won't rob you this time, let's go!"

After saying that, the other party ran directly in another direction.

Jiang Xun looked at it and shook his head. This treasure-stealing group actually sent out such a two-armed person to rob.

Are they really not afraid of getting themselves into trouble?

Jiang Xun did not leave afterwards, but followed quietly.

The reason was simple, because he felt that the treasure-stealing group must have some purpose for appearing in Guiliyuan, a place where few people go.

Maybe there will be an unexpected surprise!......

\"Bro, I'm back\"

\"Hmm? You got something so soon?"

A thin member of the treasure-hunting team asked curiously as he looked at him coming back.

The other members who were resting also came over quickly.

\"No, I heard a piece of news.\"

Then he told his"big brother" the"rumor" he heard from Jiang Xun.

\"Haha, brother, how about we go now?.....Ouch!\"

\"Big brother, why did you hit me? \"

Dacongming looked at the thin member of the treasure-stealing group with some grievance.

\"You're going to apply for a prison residence permit, right?\"

\"What we do is illegal, why are you coming to our door?"

The leader of the treasure-stealing group said angrily.

If we go, what's the difference between that and a fugitive coming to our door and asking if we are fugitives?

\"This this\"

Obviously, this guy's brain hasn't reacted yet. Maybe the amount of information is too much for him.

The CPU is a bit burnt out......

\"Ah, damn, that guy actually played a trick on me?!"

After a while, he finally figured it out, and then said with an unhappy look on his face

\"I'm going to settle the score with that guy!\"

\"Don't look for me, I'm here\"

Jiang Xun's voice suddenly appeared in everyone's ears.

They were all startled. They quickly looked towards the source of the sound and found a handsome young man squatting on the top of the tent, looking at them with a smile.

\"Good afternoon everyone, have you eaten yet? \"

Jiang Xun greeted with a smile.

\"Yeah, I ate it.....No, you dare to come here on your own initiative, you are really courting death, quickly hand over all the valuables on you, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Da Congming shouted angrily

\"Don't be so angry. Before that, can you tell me what you are doing here?\"

\"Hehe, we..."Mmm!"

He was about to speak when the person next to him covered his mouth.

This guy's mouth was like a leak, he had to answer other people's questions before he could say anything harsh.

\"I don't know who you are. We offended you today. I apologize to you here. How about we put aside our grudges? \"

The big brother of the treasure-stealing group looked at Jiang Xun with a serious expression.

He heard that many of his colleagues were sent to prison recently. It seemed that it was done by a chivalrous man.

Although he didn't know what that person looked like, the guy in front of him didn't look like a good person.

Jiang Xun could appear here quietly, and he didn't show any fear in the face of so many people. It must be extraordinary. Maybe he even has the Eye of God!

\"This won't do. Tell me what you are doing here first.\"

Jiang Xun didn't want to let them go so easily.

The elder brother's face darkened after hearing this.

He looked at the people around him, as if he was giving a secret signal.

\"Go ahead and catch him! \"

He suddenly shouted.

The members of the treasure-stealing group all rushed towards Jiang Xun.

However, even in the face of these people's siege, Jiang Xun remained calm.

For these ordinary people, he didn't even need to use the first first first.

Their movements were as slow as a turtle in Jiang Xun's eyes.

But in their eyes, Jiang Xun was like a loach, calmly avoiding all attacks in the siege.

Only when fighting with this group of mortals could Jiang Xun realize how awesome he is now.

After all, the combat power of those demon gods before was unknown how many Big Ivans, and now he can only be regarded as above average.

Of course, if the first first first and the alchemy he just learned are counted, it is hard to say.

After playing for a while, Jiang Xun lost interest.

He subdued them directly while they were breathing.

These people just felt something flashing in front of their eyes, and then they felt their heads sink and fainted.

But Jiang Xun still left one awake.

Dacongming looked at Jiang Xun tremblingly as he walked towards him. At this time, in his eyes, this guy was a devil

\"Come on, let's have a good chat.\"

The big guy swallowed his saliva and asked hesitantly:"Brother,...You want to talk...What to talk about?\"

\"Again, what are you doing here?\"

\"We, we...\"

The big guy was still a little hesitant, but suddenly, he saw Jiang Xun's fists gradually clenched.

The whole person seemed to have an epiphany, and hurriedly said:"We are here to find treasure.\"


\"yes...Yes, we heard that there was a treasure left in the ruins.\"

\"We are solving the puzzle now\"

\"So did you crack it?\"

\"No, the mechanism is too difficult, even we couldn't solve it together.\"

\"You must have lowered the efficiency of cracking.\"


Dacongming wanted to defend himself and prove that he was still quite smart.

At least the multiplication table was OK.....

\"By the way, are you hungry?\"

\"What? \"

Jiang Xun's sudden question confused him.

\"Um, it seems a bit\"

\"Then take my punch!"


Jiang Xun knocked him to the ground with one punch.


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