However, Gui Zhong had not come in the past few months.

It seemed that he had indeed encountered some trouble.

Jiang Xun also secretly observed him and found that he was just responding to the attack and was not in danger of his life.......

" It seems that you are living quite well here.

Jiang Xun was drinking tea when he heard Gui Zhong's tired voice.

" Haha, look at the flowers and drink tea every day, it is naturally pleasant"

"You look a little tired, is there something going on recently?"

Jiang Xun drank a sip of tea and asked

" Haha, fortunately, I have had some troubles recently"

In the end, he did not tell his actual situation.

"Is it those demon gods?"

Jiang Xun's light words caused Gui Zhong to react.

He was about to say something, but in the end he held back.

" If you have any troubles, you may as well speak them out. It is always better to have someone to talk to than to keep it in your heart."

Jiang Xun said again.

Maybe it was because she was really uncomfortable.

Gui finally hesitated again and again.

Then she revealed all the things that had been bothering her for a long time.

Most of them were about her boredom and helplessness with the constant harassment from other demon gods.

Jiang Xun did not speak during the process, but just listened quietly.

" Phew, thank you for listening to me. I feel much better now."

After I finished talking about my worries, I felt much better.

" Nothing, it's quite interesting to listen to these things occasionally."

Jiang Xun replied with a smile

"By the way, my name is Jiang Xun, just call me by my name"

" Jiang Xun.....Sounds good. My name is Guizhong."

Perhaps because of the exchange just now, he had gained a little trust, so he finally told Jiang Xun his real name.

"Okay, Miss Guizhong, would you like some tea?;

" This.....Okay, thanks."

In the following time, the two did not speak, but drank tea and admired the flowers quietly.

Gui finally said goodbye after drinking tea.

It was obvious that he was worried about the territory.

Jiang Xun did not ask to see him off, after all, their relationship had not reached this stage yet......

Over the next long period of time, Gui Zhong came more frequently.

From one-sided complaints to talking about his own interests and hobbies.

Gui Zhong, the Demon God of Dust, likes to make mechanisms, but there is no one around to discuss with him.

After all, even many demon gods may not understand these things, let alone mortals.

But when it comes to Jiang Xun, things are different.

After he understood the basic principles, he could see the problems with the mechanism and propose improvements with just one glance.

This result really made Gui Zhong very happy.

It is said that it is difficult to find a soulmate, and in this war-torn era, soulmates are even rarer.

As the two continued to communicate, Gui Zhong gradually let go of his suspicion of Jiang Xun.

However, things developed in a direction that Jiang Xun could not have imagined......

"Hey, Jiang Xun, how old are you this year?;

" I, twenty-four...."

Jiang Xun subconsciously started to introduce himself, but fortunately he stopped in time.

" cough cough, two hundred and forty years old"

Jiang Xun made up a random number, but then he regretted it

" ;Really? I didn't expect you to be so smart and so young?!"

Gui Zhong covered her mouth in surprise, with a rich expression on her quiet and beautiful face......

Jiang Xun was a little speechless, but he couldn't refute it because the other person was indeed much older than him.

" IQ has no necessary relationship with age!"

Jiang could only utter such a sentence in the end, looking a little embarrassed.

After seeing this, Gui Zhong seemed to have discovered a new world, and chuckled:"Hehe, then Jiang Xun, brother, call me sister?""

? ?

Did you get something wrong?

Recently, I have been teaching you how to solve problems, but why haven't you called me dear daddy?

"Are you a little too proud?"

Jiang Xun's face darkened.

But seeing this, Gui Zhong did not restrain himself. Instead,.....It's a bit like letting go of yourself

" Hehe, don't be angry, brother. If you don't want to shout, then don't shout."

Seeing the other party like this, Jiang Xun really had no choice.

He just hated himself for not saying that he was 24,000 years old, and just being the ancestor.

After teasing Jiang Xun, Gui Zhong finally left with a smile.

But a few days later, she came again

"Is my brother here? I am here!"

Jiang Xun was a little surprised. Is the CD so short this time?

" You came so soon, don't you need to manage the territory?";

"Hey, when I went back before, I met the demon god named Morax among the flowers you mentioned."

" He agreed to form an alliance with us!"

Jiang Xun understood the reason after hearing this.

No wonder she came so quickly this time, it turned out that she met Morax.

Jiang Xun suggested the alliance to Guizhong in a previous chat.

He felt that with Guizhong's strength, if he did not form an alliance, it would be more difficult for him to survive in the war of the demon gods.

He did not want to add difficulty to the task.

But fortunately, they met in the end, and this did not change because of his arrival.

"That's great, so you can concentrate on studying the mechanism"

" Well, but tomorrow is the token handover ceremony, you should go with me"

"This, this is not right. If I, an outsider, go there, won't it only increase suspicion?"

Jiang Xun refused directly.

Captain Gui wants to frame me, right?

If I go there, it will definitely arouse their vigilance.

" How could that be? You are my brother."


It's not over yet?

This matter can't be resolved, right?

" Oh, please, good brother, come with me!"

Gui Zhong saw that Jiang Xun still had a rejection expression on his face, so he acted coquettishly to him.

It gave Jiang goosebumps.���Woke up

" Stop, stop, I agree"

Jiang Xun quickly agreed.

He didn't expect that the usually dignified and serious Gui Zhong would actually have such a side.

Is this really the same person as the Dust Demon God he met at the beginning?

" System, has this been possessed by another body after all?";

" Back to the host, no"


"Please do not doubt the system's professionalism in taking over bodies. If I say there is no such thing, then there is no such thing."

Very good, it has the flavor

" Let's go on";.....

" Hey, that's great, I'll go back and prepare now"

Gui Zhong saw Jiang Xun agreed, and a cunning look appeared in her eyes.

After so many chats, she had already figured out Jiang Xun's character.

Humph, a 240-year-old child wants to fight with me?

This will let you know that a younger brother is always a younger brother in front of his sister!

After Jiang Xun saw the other party leave, he also began to prepare.

After all, he is going to meet Morax tomorrow, and it would be a lie to say that he is not nervous. Although with the ability he has now, even if he can't beat him, he will definitely not be taken advantage of.

But there is a big fat dragon on the opposite side with equal strength!

Two against one, what's the point of fighting?

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