"The random ability this time is: Word of Truth (fragments)"

The system's prompt sounded again. Jiang Xun was a little shocked after seeing it clearly.

Was he lucky?

He didn't expect that the random ability this time would be this ability.

Then, Jiang Xun had a feeling that he seemed to be able to change more things.

Jiang Xun hurriedly checked the situation of the Word of Truth.

Word of Truth (broken): It is composed of two pieces of Word of Truth fragments, can act on mid-level demons, and can temporarily modify the underlying rules of the world at no cost.

After reading the advanced Word of Truth, Jiang Xun was still very excited.

I didn't expect that only two fragments could start to change the rules of the world.

But Jiang Xun had a new question.

What are the underlying rules of the world ?

" Back to the host, the underlying rules refer to the rules that do not have much impact on the operation of the world. For example, you can let a chicken gain the ability to play basketball."

" This change will not affect the operation of the world, but the more individuals are affected, the more they will pay the price."

" If you deviate from the underlying rules, you will also pay a price"

After listening to the explanation, Jiang Xun also understood what the system meant.

Simply put, the rules that cause little damage to the world belong to the category of bottom-level rules.

" In other words, I can make an ordinary person solve advanced math problems when he is extremely angry?";


" This.....Theoretically, there is no problem"

After a long time, the system's somewhat confused voice came.

It began to not understand Jiang Xun's brain circuit.

Shouldn't a normal person who obtains this ability think about how to benefit himself?

Why is this guy thinking about these weird things?

Jiang Xun ignored the tone of the system and was still immersed in his own fantasy.

He had many interesting ideas in his mind, such as the legendary sliding technique, but it was previously impossible to achieve due to the rules of the world.

Now he might have a chance to see it.

While Jiang Xun was still thinking about how to take action, the bees who went out to search for intelligence passed on the information one after another.

Found it!

That's the news from the bees.

Jiang Xun read it carefully and was a little surprised, because Qiqi's residence was not located in Liyue Port.

Instead, it was in a small village at the foot of Jueyunjian Mountain. (Since I can't find specific information, I created one that I think is the most suitable)

But when I think about it carefully, I don't think it's strange.

Qiqi is a herbalist. If a rich family lets their daughter go to the mountain to collect herbs alone?

It seems impossible.

Living at the foot of Jueyunjian Mountain is also normal.

After knowing the result, Jiang Xun was secretly glad that he had asked the bees to find the trail.

Otherwise, if he relied on himself, it would waste a lot of time.

After knowing this, Jiang Xun asked the bees to stay near the village, and he rushed in the direction of the bees.

Soon, Jiang Xun's figure appeared in front of the village.

He looked at the somewhat dilapidated village in front of him, and knew at a glance that the material conditions of the villagers here were not good.

Sure enough, the deeper Jiang Xun went into the village, the more he could feel a sense of desolation. Jiang Xun walked all the way into the village, and many villagers on the road looked at him with curiosity and envy......

Jiang Xun guessed it was because of what he was wearing.

Although his clothes were ordinary, they were also made a hundred years later.

But this was a hundred years ago, so naturally there was no comparison.

After all, the fabrics and clothing styles used in Liyue a hundred years later were incomparable to those now.

They had never seen it, so they were curious.

And it was precisely because they had never seen it that they envied it.

Jiang Xun was like a star, attracting the attention of the villagers.

But no one dared to come forward.

But in the end, an old man came up.

"This....Sir, I am the village chief. May I ask what important matter has brought you to our village?"

The village chief spoke very carefully, and from time to time he observed Jiang Xun's expression.

He seemed to be afraid that he would be angry.

Jiang Xun also saw his fear and smiled.

"Old man, don't be nervous. I am a fairy seeker. I think your village is very suitable as a resting place. Do you have any empty houses for rent?"

Jiang Xun used the power of the words of truth to calm the other party.

This also worked.

When the village chief heard Jiang Xun's words, he was surprised to find that his nervousness was gone.

But he looked at Jiang Xun with more respect.

He believed that Jiang Xun could change other people's emotions just by talking. If he was not a fairy, he must be a strange man!

"Yes, of course, which one do you want, sir?"

Jiang Xun thought for a moment and pointed to a room casually.

"I think that one is good, is it okay?"

The village chief also looked in the direction Jiang Xun pointed, and then nodded.

" Of course, that family hasn’t been back for a long time, so they probably don’t want it anymore."

Seeing the village chief agreed, Jiang Xun immediately took out a bag of Mora, kept some for himself, and threw the rest to the old man.

"Sir, you don't need so much"

" You take it first. I don’t have to stay for long. If there is more, you can return it to me later."

Jiang Xun waved his hand and said.

The village chief was also an understanding person, knowing that Jiang Xun didn't want to discuss this matter too much.

Then he stopped talking.

" If you have any questions, you can come to me."

The village chief told Jiang Xun his address, and then left with Mora.

Jiang Xun then walked towards the house he had chosen.

Of course, he didn't choose it randomly. When they were talking just now, he found a pair of big eyes looking at him curiously in the dark.

And now he lives next door to her.

Jiang Xun opened the house, and dust fell directly.

Because no one had been active in the house for a long time, some insects had already occupied the place.

" This room should be spotless and free of bugs"

Jiang Xun said.

As soon as he finished speaking.

The dust and bugs inside the house disappeared.

It looked newer than new.

Seeing this, Jiang Xun nodded with satisfaction.

The Word of Truth is really convenient!


After tidying up the house, Jiang Xun went to Liyue Harbor again.

He bought some snacks with the remaining Mora.

Then he returned to the house quietly. There was a knock on the door, and Jiang Xun got up to open it.

When he opened the door, he found a couple with a little black-haired girl standing at the door of his house.

"Sir, we are your neighbors. You are new here. If you have any questions, please ask us for help."

The man spoke

" Hello, my name is Jiang Xun, please take care of me in the future.";

" This is your daughter, so cute!"

Jiang Xun glanced at the girl hiding behind the man and said with a smile.

Although her hair color is different now, Jiang Xun still recognizes that she is Qiqi

"Haha, thank you for the compliment, Qiqi, come out and say hello to your brother, don't be rude!"

Qiqi stood out from behind her father when she heard that, still a little scared.

But in the end she still called out softly:"Hello, brother, I am Qiqi" ;

The timid voice reached Jiang Xun's ears........Ahem, happy.

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