The sound as soft as water came out again......

\"Okay, don't be sad. If he were still alive, he wouldn't be happy to see us like this.\"

As the eldest brother, Fushe stepped forward to enlighten his brothers and sisters.

But some things cannot be covered up with a few words.

Especially when they saw their friends die in front of them, and they died because they saved them.

This shock was undoubtedly huge, and it was because of this that they......

Fa Nan looked at the old stone tablet in his hand quietly, a trace of sadness appeared in his blue eyes.......

After all the lanterns flew into the sky, the crowd slowly dispersed.

Jiang Xun put Qiqi down from his arms.

The other person's little face still had some regrets.

\"Brother Jiang, you are here! \"

At this time, Qiqi's parents also found the two

\"Haha, what do you think of the night lights tonight?\"

\"Very good! \"

Then they went to eat something together. After strolling around for a while, the couple took Qiqi away.

The reason was that Qiqi was sleepy.

But as a child, it was normal for her to be sleepy after playing for so long.

Jiang Xun said that he could totally understand.

After the two left,

Jiang Xun also left Liyue Port and came to Jueyunjian alone.

During this year, he didn't spend all day brushing Qiqi's favorability.

Most of the time, he was still thinking about the mission.

Anyway, Qiqi would forget about him in the end, and no matter how high the favorability was, it would be cleared to zero with one click.

It would be better to think about how to complete the mission.

And what he thought of was to search Jueyunjian in advance.

After all, the task prompt mentioned that Qiqi was involved in the struggle between immortals and demons.

If he killed those monsters first, would Qiqi be safe at that time?

But what troubled him was

So far, no large monsters have been found.

Jiang Xun thinks they should be hiding.

After all, in Liyue today, the Yaksha clan is still intact, and the immortals are basically still there.

The efficiency of clearing monsters is also many times stronger than before.

Now the stubborn ones have basically been cleared out.

The rest are some old fools who are secretly thinking about making profits for themselves.

And they can avoid the search of those various immortals, so it is naturally not so easy to be found. Although Jiang Xun is good at fighting, his search ability is average.

The only way to use the creation to explore is ineffective because he does not know what those monsters look like......

In the end, he could only return to Liyue Harbor before dawn after searching in vain.

In the following days, Jiang Xun played with Qiqi during the day and went up the mountain to look for ghosts, no, monsters at night.

But there was still no clue......

\"Okay, we should go back.\"

After playing for a few days, Qiqi's father prepared to go back.

He couldn't leave the village for too long.

Qiqi was reluctant to hear the news.

After seeing the prosperity, how many people would be willing to return to a backward place?

Not to mention a child?

However, Qiqi was sensible and didn't cry.

But the disappointment on her face could not be concealed.

\"Qiqi, don't be sad. When Qiqi grows up, she can come to live in Liyue Harbor.\"

Jiang Xun comforted her in time.

After hearing what Jiang Xun said, Qiqi's mood suddenly improved a lot.

\"Haha, Qiqi really listens to you. If you leave one day, I will be worried.\"

Seeing this, Qiqi's father teased.

Qiqi heard what his father said.

It seemed that he thought of something, his expression became a little scared, and then he hugged Jiang Xun tightly.

\"Brother won't leave Qiqi, right? \"

Qiqi's voice was a little scared.

Seeing this, Jiang Xun hesitated.

Then he touched her head and said

\"Don't worry, I won't leave you. I will watch you grow up and start a family.\"

When Qiqi's mother saw her daughter like this, she glared at Qi's father.

The father also realized that he had said something wrong. He quickly explained:"Ah, yes, Qiqi, Dad was just talking casually. Brother Jiang Xun will not leave.\"

\"It’s a deal?\"

\"Well, it's a deal! \"

Although Qiqi believed it.

But Jiang Xun found that from then on.

This girl seemed to become more attached to him, wishing to stay by his side all the time.

But after a while, Jiang Xun found that Qiqi's state had changed again.

Qiqi came less often.

In fact, it was less than the beginning.

Jiang Xun found out after visiting.

It turned out that Qiqi's father began to teach her to identify herbs and took her to the mountains to collect herbs.

Jiang Xun could understand this.

After all, the ability to eat should be passed on to his daughter.

But this also made Jiang Xun more vigilant, knowing that he needed to pay attention to Qiqi's situation at all times.

Fortunately, Qiqi always brought the little sparrow when collecting herbs.

Jiang Xun was also able to learn some information through it.....

After a period of study, Qiqi also began to be able to distinguish herbs skillfully.

Gradually, Qiqi was able to go up the mountain alone to collect herbs.

This change made Jiang Xun feel a sense of regret after his sister grew up.

The reduction in time spent together did not alienate the relationship between the two, but made Qiqi cherish the time together more.

Every time she came back, Qiqi would run to Jiang Xun, wanting to confirm whether Jiang Xun was still there.

\"Brother, I'm back!"

Qiqi shouted into the house

\"Hey, the little doctor is back?\"

\"Is there anything interesting today?

Jiang Xun slowly sat opposite her, and then quietly listened to Qiqi's narration of the interesting things that happened today.

This kind of life lasted for a long time.......

\"Qiqi, it looks like it's going to rain outside, why don't you not go out today?\"

Qiqi's mother looked at the sky covered with dark clouds and said with some concern:

\"Mom, a qualified doctor won't be afraid of these things.\"

Qiqi said so

\"Who told you that?\"

\"Dad said\"

When Qiqi's mother heard this, her face suddenly darkened.

She thought to herself that this guy taught her these things all day long.

How could Qiqi, a girl, still a child, compare with a big and strong man like him?

However, seeing Qiqi's confident look,

Qiqi's mother didn't want to discourage her.

Then she said helplessly:"Then, mom won't stop you, but you promise mom that you won't go too deep, okay?\"

\"Okay, Qiqi promises mom! \"

Qiqi promised

\""Little sparrow, do you want to come?"

Qiqi asked the little sparrow beside him.

The little sparrow chirped and agreed.

However, it didn't dare to disagree.

Otherwise, the next time they met would be in the bowl.

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