"Qiqi, you will survive...Live as a fairy\"

As soon as Jiang Xun finished speaking, the movement between heaven and earth seemed to pause for a moment.

The next moment, Qiqi's body underwent magical changes. The body temperature began to rise gradually, and the sound of the heartbeat began to become stronger.

And magical changes seemed to be happening in the body.

It was as if it had broken its own shackles.

Feel Qiqi's life breath begin to grow stronger and then continue to transform.

Jiang Xun showed a smile on his face.

However, the next second, strands of blood flowed from his mouth.

His hair began to turn gray, and cracks continued to appear on his body.

Jiang Xun knew that this was the price!

Reversing life and death is against the laws of the world.

What's more, making people become immortals, these two rules have long exceeded the scope of the underlying rules.

And Jiang Xun needs to pay a huge price for this.

Jiang Xun turned his head and looked at the little Tuanque lying on the ground, and then used alchemy again to revive it.

Looking at the little Tuanque that was jumping around again.

Jiang Xun smiled silently

\"From now on, just stay with her.\"

The rain outside stopped and the thunder gradually disappeared. The storm was over.

Qiqi turned over comfortably in her sleep.

She was not afraid now because someone helped her to keep all the fear out.

Jiang Xun looked at Qiqi's sleeping face and smiled.

\"Qiqi, I can't accompany you on the road from now on.\"......

The next morning, Qiqi rubbed her eyes and slowly opened them.

She subconsciously moved her body and found that she did not feel the pain like yesterday.

Instead, she felt full of strength.

Before she had time to enjoy the joy of surviving the catastrophe, Qiqi realized that she was still being held by someone.

In an instant, everything that happened yesterday appeared in Qiqi's mind.

Qiqi looked up quickly, but what greeted her was not the familiar smile of the past.

Instead, it was a pale and calm face.

Qiqi's heart suddenly became a little flustered.

She tried to shake Jiang Xun to wake him up.

\"Brother, don't sleep anymore, get up quickly\"

\"Brother, please sort things out!\"

\"Brother, Qiqi is going to be angry! \"

But in the end, she still didn't hear the answer she wanted.

She vaguely sensed something.

Feeling Jiang Xun's body without temperature, tears instantly dripped from Qiqi's eyes.

She was already an immortal, and she was very sensitive to the breath of life.

But at this moment, she could no longer feel any breath on Jiang Xun.

Although she didn't want to believe it, she knew that Jiang Xun was dead.

There was a feeling telling her that he died in her place.

Qiqi hugged Jiang Xun's body and cried.

She didn't understand. Obviously

, brother was still here yesterday.

He clearly said that he would watch me grow up.

He clearly said that we would go to Liyue Harbor together at the next Lantern Festival.

How come everything changed after sleeping?

Jiang Xun's past promises kept echoing in Qiqi's mind.

But Qiqi knew that these things could no longer be accomplished.

\"Liar, big liar!"

After crying for a while,

Qiqi stopped crying, perhaps because she knew that things were irreversible.

She wiped her tears, lifted up Jiang Xun's body, and walked down the mountain step by step.

Under the fairyland,

Qiqi found a quiet forest and buried Jiang Xun there, because she felt that in this way, no one would disturb her brother's sleep.............

\"Mission 5: Completed the Herb Picking Girl\"

\"Reward: Word of Truth (fragment)\"

In a quiet forest in Jueyunjian, a hand stretched out from a mound of earth.

Then Jiang Xun sat up straight.

But this time his first reaction was to see if there was anyone around.

After learning from the last lesson, he had to be more careful.

He thought that if there were people around again, he would use the Word of Truth to make them all lose their memories.

But fortunately, this time the point was not bad, and he was not treated like a monkey as soon as he got up like last time.

At this time, the sun shone through the leaves of the forest on Jiang Xun's face, letting him know that it was already daytime.

\"System, how long has it been since my last time traveling?\"

\"Back to the host, one night\"

One night, that's not bad. It

's within my expectations.

Jiang Xun quickly stood up from the mound and patted the dirt off his body.

At this time, his body had returned to normal, which made Jiang very happy.

The feeling of having his original life sucked away was too uncomfortable. He felt very weak.

He hadn't felt this weak for a long time. The last time he felt this weak was one night. He opened.....Ahem.

Jiang Xun stood up and was about to leave when he suddenly found a tombstone in front of his mound.

Jiang Xun walked over to take a look.

He thought it was a compliment to himself.

But it said: Tomb of the liar brother


Jiang Xun was a little confused. Were tombstones written so capriciously at that time?

It seems that Qiqi still has some resentment towards me.

Jiang Xun smiled, but was not angry.

After all, his method was indeed ill-considered.

He only considered saving Qiqi, but did not consider the sadness and self-blame that the other party would face after he died and survived.

But there was no other way. Jiang Xun could not think of a better way at the time. He couldn't just go to Sky Island to find Tianli for a real-life PK, right?

That would probably be a real loss.

And Jiang Xun knew that she probably had forgotten him by now, and would not be sad anymore.

Although he was a little sad, Jiang Xun was used to it after so many missions.......

Afterwards, Jiang Xun slowly left the forest.

He remembered that he had promised the young man to help him get the goods back.

He couldn't break his promise.

After all, when you go out to make friends, you can't lose your integrity.

Qiqi: So your sister can just lie, right?

Jiang Xun then came to the place described by the young man.

Sure enough, he saw many treasure-stealing groups wandering around here.

After a little talk, they successfully subdued him.

And they also asked them to tie him up and walk to the patrol route of the Qianyan Army.

Just like last time, Jiang Xun still wrote a letter and stuffed it into the clothes of a member of the treasure-stealing group.

This kind of credit is not too much.

Then Jiang Xun took the batch of goods and walked towards Liyue Port.

However, what he didn't know was that not long after he left the earthen mound, another white-haired queen came to the woods.

There was also a little bird next to her.

She saw the earthen mound that was obviously moved in front of her, and hurried forward to check, but found nothing.

The next moment, her pupils showed a cold color.

The temperature around her dropped sharply, and a layer of frost formed on the ground.

Then I saw her fingers flying, and the immortal power surged in her body.

A immortal spell took shape.

Then she chased in one direction.

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