In the early morning, the warm sunlight shone on the lotus leaves that were still covered with dew.

Jiang Xun was awakened by someone knocking on his door.

He went to open the door and saw a smiling young man.

" I'm so scared!"

Jiang Xun was startled.

Who would have thought that the first thing he would see when he opened the door in the morning was a smiling guy standing at the door.

It's weird no matter how you think about it, right?

Jiang Xun resisted the urge to punch him and asked unhappily

"What are you doing here so early?;

" I will fulfill my promise"

The young man didn't pay attention to Jiang Xun's tone and still had a smile on his face.

" Promise?"

Jiang Xun suddenly remembered the profit sharing this guy had mentioned a few days ago.

Then he took out a large bag of Mora and placed it directly in front of Jiang Xun.

" This is yours"

Looking at Mora wrapped in a sack in front of him, Jiang Xun fell into deep thought......

"You went to rob the Northland Bank?"

The next second, he looked at the other person with the eyes of a terrorist.

At this moment, he was thinking about which was more important, friendship or eliminating harm for the people.

" Hey, don't get me wrong, I got all this through normal channels"

Seeing Jiang Xun's gaze gradually becoming dangerous, the young man quickly explained

" It's better to use the excuse of robbing a bank....."

Jiang Xun thought it was ridiculous.

How could you make so much money by setting up a street stall?

This guy must have put a knife on the customer's neck to force him to buy.

Seeing that Jiang Xun still had a suspicious look in his eyes, the young man didn't know how to explain for a moment.

Finally, the misunderstanding was resolved after the account book was taken out.

Jiang Xun looked at the account book and found that the number did match.

Although the doubt was resolved, Jiang Xun still couldn't believe it.

When did you sell so much by setting up a street stall?

As if seeing Jiang Xun's doubts, the young man explained

"Didn’t we have a chef competition at this year’s Moon Festival? I thought we could use this as a gimmick, so....."

After hearing the other party's explanation, Jiang Xun roughly understood the whole operation process.

This guy is selling dog meat under the guise of selling sheep meat, claiming that the food he processed is the work of the contestants.

It's true that many people buy it.

The popular words really made him understand

"Okay, I'll take it."

Since it has been proven that these Moras came from normal sources, Jiang Xun did not intend to investigate further.

Picking up the Moras, Jiang Xun was about to close the door and go back.

But at this time, the young man said:"Hey, wait, Brother Xun, when and where are you going to purchase the next time?"

Jiang Xun stopped when he heard this.

Now he actually does not want to continue doing this business.

With his current strength, he can completely absorb the elemental power between heaven and earth to maintain the stability of his body.

"I don't have a plan yet, what's wrong?";

" Actually, I sold well during this Moon Festival. With a certain amount of assets, I plan to start my own catering business."

"It's just that I've been a little busy recently"

The young man said a little embarrassedly.

Jiang Xun also understood what he meant.

" What do you want me to help you with?"

Jiang Xun did not refuse him. After all, they had worked together for two years, so he would help if he could.

"Can you go to Qingce Manor to order a batch of bamboo shoots for me?"

The young man replied.

Qingce Manor?

It is indeed quite far from Liyue Harbor. No wonder the other party couldn't get away.

" OK, I will go there when the time comes"

Jiang Xun replied.

Although the journey there is long, it is only for ordinary people.


The young man hurried away after saying a few thanks.

It seemed that he was really busy as he said.

Jiang Xun then washed up and prepared to go out.

He had been staying at home during the Moon Festival, and now he could go out and move around.

Maybe he could trigger some new tasks.

The system was no longer dumb, but when Jiang Xun asked it about memory issues.

The answer he got was:"The reason has not yet been determined."

I don't know if he concealed it on purpose or if he really didn't know.

But since the system didn't have the answer, Jiang Xun could only rely on himself.

After leaving Liyue Port, Jiang Xun walked north alone.

On the way, there were many small monsters that kept appearing due to the surging of the earth veins and the release of the devil's resentment.

Jiang Xun solved them easily when he encountered them.

However, not everyone has his strength.

"Help, who can save me?"

The terrified female voice echoed around.

However, this did not disperse the monsters, but instead attracted all the monsters around.

The taunting power was MAX.

Sure enough, more and more monsters approached this side.

" Alchemical Creation. Earth Spike"

Countless sharp thorns sprang out from the ground, killing all the monsters in an instant.

Jiang Xun then used Devour to absorb all the scattered resentment and walked towards the other party.

" Stop shouting, or you'll attract the monster again"

Jiang Xun's calm voice made the woman stop shouting and look around.

She found that the ferocious monsters just now were all lying on the ground.

"You did all this?"

The woman's voice was a little shocked.

" I guess so. You should leave quickly. There might be monsters nearby."

After Jiang Xun finished his casual explanation, he planned to continue rushing towards Qingce Village.

Saving her was just a coincidence, there was no need to explain so much.

" Hello, my name is Wanyan, and I am.....archaeologist"

"You look very skilled, you must be an adventurer, can you help me?"

Wan Yan hurriedly said to Jiang Xun who was leaving

" I am not an adventurer, just an ordinary citizen of Liyue"

Jiang Xun did not stop

" Please wait, no matter who you are, can you escort me to the salt of the earth, I will pay you"

Wan Yan was a little anxious when she saw Jiang Xun still didn't respond.

But this time, Jiang Xun stopped.

Seeing Jiang Xun stop, Wan Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

She thought her trick worked.

But the fact was not so.

Jiang Xun didn't do it for the reward the other party mentioned.


Mission 6: The weak and kind god.

The god of salt, Hewulli, believed that as long as she did not participate in the fight, she would not be involved in the war. However, her kind and war-avoiding character was destined to be unsuitable for that cruel era. As her territory was constantly exploited, she was eventually stabbed to death by her beloved people. Please go and rewrite this history.

Reward: Unknown

Punishment: None

Please go to the Salt in the Ground first.

The system's mission appeared again.

Jiang Xun thought about it, then turned to Wan Yan and said,"Let's go."

Originally it was not on the way, but now it is.

Since it is the same road, why not take the reward?

Jiang Xun walked towards the direction of the salt of the earth after he finished speaking.

Wan Yan hurriedly followed.

Because he considered that the other party was a mortal and his physical fitness was not good.

So it took him several days to walk a short distance.

On the way, Jiang Xun also learned the purpose of the other party's trip.

" I want to explore the ruins left by the God of Salt"

This is what he said.

But Jiang Xun could feel that the other party was hiding something.

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