"This, this is not right, it seems like we have only known each other for a short time.\"

Jiang Xun felt a bit dreamy.

Shouldn't this kind of plot of taking someone home right after meeting only happen in anime?

And the other party seemed to be a demon god-level existence, probably a fairy from Liyue.

Why is the fairy now different from what he remembered?

Really. A trap?!

Jiang Xun was full of doubts at this time.

He concluded that this little girl in front of him, who gave him a familiar feeling, definitely had a purpose.

\"Okay, sorry to bother you.\"

But he was not afraid. He had nothing to do anyway. He wanted to see what the other party wanted to do.

\"Well, come with me.\"

Jiang Ruoli smiled.

She thought she would have to spend some time talking, but she didn't expect the other party to be so easy to deceive.

Just like that, the two people, each with their own ideas, walked in the same direction.......


Jiang Xun suddenly felt a sense of familiarity as he walked.

This road......Isn't this the direction to Guizhong Garden?

Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, even after more than 2,000 years, it has not changed much.

Jiang Xun's memory of this road resurfaced in his mind.

He used to walk this road often during that mission.

\"What changes have taken place here over the years?

Jiang Xun looked at the girl leading the way and thought to himself

\"We're here. My house is in front.\"

Jiang Ruoli suddenly turned around and said.

Jiang Xun looked in the direction of the other party's finger, and saw a wooden house quietly staying among the blooming glass lilies.

Under the shining starlight, it looked even more quiet and beautiful.

Wait, didn't I just build this at that time?

Jiang Xun suddenly reacted.

He still had a deep impression of his original residence.

But he didn't expect that after so many years, this house has not been demolished.

Instead, it looks very new, as if it was specially protected.

\"The house is a little ugly, don't mind\"

Jiang Ruoli said a little embarrassedly.

Jiang Xun: ??

You fucking......

Damn, it’s really unfair to you that the house is so ugly!

\"Haha, I think this house is just too good, it matches this environment perfectly!"

Jiang Xun said shamelessly

\"Oh, is that true? My mother feels the same way, but why don't I feel the same way?

Jiang Ruoli seemed to be thinking about something.

She didn't feel that way.

\"Your mother? \"

Jiang Xun immediately found the bright spot

\"Yes, I live here with my mother, but she rarely comes back.\"

Jiang Ruoli said subconsciously.

Then the next second, she immediately covered her mouth.

She was shocked.

Why did she subconsciously answer whatever he asked?

Fortunately, she reacted early. If she continued to ask, she might not be able to hide any secrets.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ruoli did not answer Jiang Xun's questions casually.

This change of attitude made him a little confused.

\"Please go in and sit for a while. I have something else to do. I'll be out for a while and wait for me to come back.\"

Jiang Ruoli said at this time.

Here they come!

Jiang Xun knew when he heard this familiar routine that they were going to call someone.

But he did not refuse. When the people were called, he would kill them all at once!

Fishing, occupying my house is fine, and you still say it's ugly?!

You'll be finished if I don't deal with you today!

Jiang Xun nodded.

Then he turned and walked into the house.

This was created by him, and he was naturally very familiar with the decoration inside.

But he didn't expect that after so long, there would be no changes.

Jiang Xun found a chair.

Used alchemy to quickly make tea, and began to wait leisurely.

Just when he was thinking about how to deal with the other party later.

The door suddenly opened.

Jiang Xun calculated the time and found something wrong.

He had just made tea, and she came back right after? She had ambushed him a long time ago, right?

Jiang Xun was about to turn around, but a familiar voice came from behind and scared him.

\"Ruoli, are you playing formations again? \"

This is.....Guizhong?!

Jiang Xun was shocked.

He suddenly remembered that the girl said that she lived with her mother.

Could it be that the mother she was talking about was Guizhong?

Just when Jiang Xun was stunned, Guizhong had already walked in front of Jiang Xun.

Jiang Xun looked up. He stared straight at the other person's face.

The girl from that year had not changed, but seemed a little more stable.

\"Ruoli, I have played the mind-reading array many times, so put it away.\"

Gui Zhong said to Jiang Xun helplessly.

Jiang Xun was left at a loss.

What kind of mind-reading array? I don't know!

Suddenly, Jiang Xun felt a touch on his face.

Later he found out that it was Gui Zhong who put his hand on his face.

\"But this time it's pretty realistic.....\"

Gui Zhong then stretched out his hands and kept pulling Jiang Xun's face.

It seemed that his face was like plasticine.

But even so, Jiang did not get angry.

Just when he was ready to get to know each other again, Jiang Ruoli's voice came from outside the door.

\""Mom, what time did you come back?"

Jiang Ruoli was a little surprised. She went out to prepare some things, but when she came back, she saw Gui Zhong rubbing Jiang Xun's face.

What was going on?!

The scene was a little awkward at this time. Gui Zhong and Jiang Ruoli looked at each other in surprise.

\"If it's not you, then who is he? \"

Gui Zhong subconsciously let go of his hand and covered his mouth with one hand.

He looked at Jiang Xun sitting on the chair in surprise.

Jiang Xun also felt that his face had finally regained its freedom.

He immediately cleared his throat and prepared to get to know Gui Zhong again.

\"Hello, I......\"

Before Jiang Xun finished speaking, he felt a burst of fragrance coming towards him.

When he reacted again, Gui Zhong had already hugged him tightly.

And it was getting tighter and tighter.

\"Is it really you? \"

Gui Zhong's voice was trembling.

She couldn't believe this fact.

She was really afraid that this was another dream.

But this time, it was too real, making her a little confused about the reality.

Jiang Ruoli, who was standing at the door, was also stunned at this time.

She had never seen Gui Zhong like this.

Although she was confused, she knew that now was not the time to ask, and she could only wait until she calmed down.

Then she walked out consciously.

Jiang Xun was a little at a loss for a moment.

The other party's behavior did not seem to have forgotten him.

It seemed that he had missed him for a long time.

Jiang Xun wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to start.

He himself was a little confused at the moment.

\"Whether it's true or not, could you please talk to me, just a few words\"

Gui Zhong's voice was a little choked at this time.

Although she often saw Jiang Xun's appearance through the mind-reading array, it was always Jiang Ruoli in the past.

It was not like what she remembered.

Jiang Xun sighed when he heard this.

Adjust your mood.

\"Sister, it's nice to see you again.\"

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