Zhongli then began to use his magic.

Jiang Xun could vaguely feel that there seemed to be an invisible barrier around him.

It should be to prevent these resentful thoughts from rioting.

After applying dozens of seals,

Zhongli finally stopped.

Jiang Xun looked at the tightly sealed surroundings.

He felt a little embarrassed.

It was really solid enough!

\"The preparations are ready. Are you sure you can solve it? \"

Zhongli is still a little worried

\"Of course, trust me.\"

Jiang Xun nodded

\"OK, I will open the seal later, but you have to be careful\"

\"If you feel you can't resist, come out immediately\"

Jiang Xun nodded upon hearing this, and then stared straight at the huge resentment in the seal.

Seeing this, Zhongli stopped talking.

His palms flew and golden light shone all over his body.

The seal, which was originally on the verge of breaking , fell apart in an instant under the control of the fairy art.

At the moment the seal was broken, the resentment that was originally hovering around the huge skeleton rushed towards the two people like crazy.

They felt that the damn seal had disappeared.

The golden light in Zhongli's hand was still shining, ready to suppress the resentment back at any time.

But unlike the seriousness on Zhongli's face.

Jiang Xun's face was smiling.

Looking at the resentment coming towards him, he immediately began to devour it.

The next moment.

Jiang Xun's body was like a small black hole.

Crazy absorption of the resentment like the black abyss.

Under the powerful devouring power, almost no resentment could pass him and run behind him.

Zhongli behind him was a little sluggish at this time.

This was a little different from the scene he expected.

I thought Jiang Xun would use his own power to destroy them.

But this scene doesn't look like a fight.

Instead, it looks more like eating.


This really made Mr. Zhong feel ashamed.

If he had not confirmed Jiang Xun's identity, he would have suspected that the other party might be the demon god himself.

\"Jiang Xiaoyou.....Still the same as always....."What a different person!"

In the end, he could only sigh like this.

He had great power, but he was idle during the war between demons. Now he can absorb the resentment of demons that all things don't want to touch.

I really can't understand his thoughts.......

Although there was no sign of resentment rushing over at this time, Zhongli did not let down his guard.

His eyes were still fixed on the direction of Jiang Xun.

Whenever the other party showed any signs of being unable to hold on, he would immediately take action and forcefully suppress the resentment.

Unlike Zhongli.

Jiang Xun felt quite excited at this time.

On one side was the chillness of resentment, and on the other side was the warm current that was constantly transformed from resentment to strengthen the body.

For a moment, it could be said that there was a world of ice and fire in the body.

Gradually, the resentment that was originally bottomless was gradually decreasing.

Until the last trace of resentment was absorbed by it.

Jiang Xun stopped swallowing.

Then he walked towards Zhongli behind him.

\""Friend Jiang, did you absorb those resentments just now?"

Although he already had the answer in his mind, Zhongli still couldn't help asking this question.

The reason was that this method was too shocking to the world.

He never thought that one day he would see the scene of swallowing resentments alive.

The only way he knew was to seal them and let time wear them away.

But now he saw a person absorb resentment into his body, and he looked very satisfied at this time?

Jiang Xun nodded when he heard this.

\"That's right, there's no need to repair the seal now.\"

Jiang Xun replied with a smile

\"this.....That's true, but don't you feel a little uncomfortable? \"

Zhongli was puzzled.

How could he stay awake after absorbing such a huge amount of resentment?

\"Um.....It's a bit like having a stomachache, just take a rest\"

\"And you don't need to worry, this is my ability, it won't do me any harm\"

Jiang Xun then explained.

These grievances were constantly strengthening his physical fitness.

Except for the fact that the absorption process was a bit uncomfortable, the results were still quite impressive.

\"I see. There are indeed many things in the world that I don’t know. I’ve learned a lot.\"

Zhongli said modestly......

After solving the problem here, the two did not stay here any longer.

Instead, they continued to walk out of the cave.

As expected, after Jiang Xun absorbed the source of the resentment inside, the resentment outside had almost faded away.

This level of resentment could not drive people crazy, at most it would only make people inexplicably irritated.

\"Jiang Xiaoyou, your....."How's your stomach now? Do you want to go back and rest?"

Zhongli asked.

Because the other party's metaphor just now was quite vivid, he could only ask this question.

\"Well, it's almost done. No need to rest. Let's go to the next location directly.\"

Jiang Xun rejected Zhongli's suggestion directly.

He didn't want to give up.

The resentment of this demon god alone had already made his body much stronger.

If he absorbed all the others, wouldn't he be able to take off on the spot?

You know, he is now at the top of the demon god ranks.

If he wants to improve, he doesn't know how long it will take to reach the next level by practicing alone.

Why take the stairs when you can take the elevator?

\"Well, you know it.\"

Seeing Jiang Xun's insistence, Zhongli stopped trying to stop him.

Later, Jiang Xun, under Zhongli's leadership, traveled almost all over Liyue.

Jiang Xun couldn't help but sigh that Zhongli was quite good at helping people choose places.

Each seal was in the deep mountains and old forests.

It was almost untouched.

It should be to prevent someone from mistakenly entering the place and destroying the seal.

The two walked and stopped along the way.

It took about a few days.

Finally, this journey was over.

Jiang Xun had been madly absorbing resentment in the past few days.

At this time, his physical strength was visibly stronger than before.

\"This journey ends here. There are still some places where the seals have not loosened, so there is no need to go there for the time being.\"

Zhongli felt the resentment in the air gradually dissipating and said calmly.

Jiang Xun did not object to this.

The other party must have his own considerations, so there was no need for him to say anything.

\"Thank you again, Jiang Xiaoyou, you not only helped me this time, but also helped Liyue a lot.\"

\"If there is anything I can be of use to you, just let me know.\"

Zhongli's tone was sincere, and it sounded like he was not just talking.

\"That's great. I need your help with something.\"

Jiang Xun heard this and did not hesitate.

\"Oh? But you can say it.\"

\"I want you to teach me Liyue's magic\"

Jiang Xun's eyes were filled with anticipation.

He had long heard that Liyue's magic was of many kinds and very useful.

And it was also very cool!

Jiang Xun also had the idea of learning magic.

After all, being cool is a lifelong thing.

But he often couldn't find the right person.

But now he had one!

The head of the immortals was standing in front of him, so there must be no problem asking him for magic.

\"Magic? \"

Zhongli touched his chin when he heard it.

He seemed to be thinking about something.

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