Seeing this, everyone except Fa Nan showed an expression of disbelief.

Jiang Xun looked at the various expressions on their faces and found it very interesting.

He thought he could even put together an emoticon package.

Especially the shock on Xiao's face.

At least Jiang Xun had never seen it before.

But the next second, things seemed to be wrong.

The four guardian Yakshas each took out their weapons.

The shock on their faces turned into anger.

\"Who are you and why did you become like him?!"

Yingda's voice was filled with anger.

The other three had the same expression.

They had personally sent him away.

Looking at Jiang Xun's face, they subconsciously thought that he was a monster transformed.

\"Wait, I'm not a monster!"

Jiang Xun saw that the situation was not right and hurried to explain.

Fanan, who was just watching the show, saw this and hurriedly stepped out to clarify.

If he didn't come out, something would really happen.......

\"Brother Jiang, is it really you? Are you still alive? \"

After both sides explained, Fushe's rough face was once again covered with a mask of shock.


Jiang Xun nodded tiredly.

He almost had to dissect himself to prove his innocence.

\"Hahahaha, Brother Jiang is really a strange man! \"

Before Jiang Xun started to explain, he saw Fushe's tall body leaning towards him.

He opened his arms.

Then he gave him a bear hug.

Hey, the power of four hands is much stronger than two hands.

Double the happiness belongs to.

Although the other party looked excited, he still paid attention to the limit.

In fact, he did not use too much strength.

Xiao and Mi Nu were both standing aside happily watching this scene.

It was like a bear hugging a tree............

Seeing that the misunderstanding was resolved, Fanan was relieved.

The scene just now really scared her.

The people on both sides have their own feelings.

If they really fight, that is what she least wants to see.

The crisis was resolved, and Fanan was relieved.

Suddenly, her eyes noticed the direction of Yingda.

Her eyes were red at this time, similar to Fanan's situation that night.

The fact that Jiang Xun was still alive really gave her a big surprise.


At this time, a crisp sound came from the camera.

This was the gift Jiang Xun picked for her.

Yingda was also attracted by the strange sound.

He turned around in confusion and found that it was Fanan who was looking at a piece of photo paper with a smile on his face.

\"Hehe, General Fire Rat is crying!"

Fanan noticed the other party's gaze and raised the photo in his hand.

When Yingda saw the photo, he felt a little ashamed for a moment.

\"Ah, you can't take this out!"

If her brothers saw it, she would be so embarrassed!

The next second, she rushed towards Fa Nan.

After a fight, she took a lot of effort to snatch it back from the other party.

\"Hum, I got it!"

Yingda said proudly.

Then he swung the photo in his hand towards Fanan provocatively.

\"Okay, you win.\"

Fa Nan looked at Ying Da, who was smiling again, and said in a disapproving manner:

\"You two, come and have something to eat together? \"

Jiang Xun saw that the two of them stopped playing around and came up to invite them.


\"By the way, Jiang Xun, let me ask you a question.\"

Yingda suddenly spoke up while eating

\"Did she cry last night?\"

\"Oh, last night she....."Hmm?"

Before Jiang Xun finished speaking, Fanan directly blocked his mouth with his hand.

His face turned red, and then he stared at Yingda who was gloating over his misfortune with his smart eyes.

The other party was very proud of it.

Although Jiang Xun's mouth was blocked directly.

But everyone present could guess it from this situation. They all looked at Fanan with smiles on their faces.

\"Damn it, Yingda, you started this! \"

As soon as Fanan finished speaking, the smile on Yingda's face gradually disappeared. He had a bad feeling in his heart.

Then, Fanan saw a few more photos in his hand.

Then he distributed them to everyone.

It was the photo of Yingda that was just taken.

It was just that she had saved a few more photos.

\"Ah, you secretly hid a few more?!\"

\"Humph, who asked you to embarrass me?\".......

The meal was spent with a few people playing and fighting.

After the meal, Jiang Xun prepared to devour the demonic resentment in them.

Although he encountered strong opposition from the remaining four people on the way.

But in the end, Jiang Xun succeeded in persuading them.

Jiang Xun is no longer the same as before.

Now their resentment is no longer a threat to him.

Jiang Xun then talked about his devouring ability, but he only gave a general introduction.

\""Hiss, so, Brother Jiang, you used this ability to absorb our karma?"

After hearing this, Fushe was also a little surprised.

He didn't expect that there was such an ability in the world.

I'm afraid that the Emperor couldn't do it, right?

It really opened his eyes.

The same was true for the others.

Jiang Xun's ability was simply a perfect solution to the problem of karma.

\"Yes, karma is no threat to me\"

\"If you have fellow Yakshas who are troubled by karma, you can ask them to come to me.\"

Jiang Xun then said

\"......Well, then it will be troublesome.\"

Although he was a little hesitant at first, when he thought about the pain that his fellow Yakshas might be suffering from,

Fushe finally did not refuse.

This way, his brothers and sisters could be liberated.

\"This way, we will be even more unable to repay what we owe you.\"

Mi Nu said helplessly.

When the others heard this, they felt the same way.

They owed Jiang Xun a life.

Although this was nothing to him, it was not the right way to calculate things.

They did not know how to repay this favor.

\"If you need me in the future, just let me know.\"

Fushe immediately expressed his opinion, and the other four followed suit.

The atmosphere suddenly became serious.

\"Hehe, if you want to repay me, come and play with me more often.\"

Jiang Xun replied with a smile.

He wanted to ease the atmosphere.

\"That's no problem. Fanan and Yingda miss you......Ahem, actually......We miss you very much\"

Fushe was halfway through his words when he felt the gazes of the two and quickly changed his words.

He spoke in a sullen tone.

This scene made Xiao and Mi Nu feel ashamed.

They secretly thanked themselves for not talking much, and that it was not their turn to talk when they were communicating with others.

It felt like they could not speak anymore.

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