"From a common sense perspective, this is bad news."

Zhongli rubbed his chin.

He seemed to be thinking about this matter seriously.

Without Mora, this trip could be said to have been hit by a huge debuff before it even started.

Just a joke, the god who created Mora didn't have a single Mora on him.

" In this case, my suggestion is to go to Mondstadt first."

Zhongli continued

" I should have some in my old friend in Mond"

Jiang Xun heard this and guessed that the old friend the other party was talking about should be Wendy.

But Jiang Xun didn't think so.

Wendy was a drunkard. He probably exchanged all the Mora on his body for wine. How could he have the ability to help them?

Maybe he still owed a lot.

But after thinking about it, if we exclude the use of the power of the demon god, it seems to be the best way at the moment.

Otherwise, we can only consider a wilderness survival with Mr. Zhong.

Finally, Jiang Xun nodded and agreed.

After confirming the next step.

The two continued to act.

They also successfully stepped into the border of Mondstadt from Liyue.

Mondstadt is a country of poetry and wine.

Unlike the simplicity and heaviness of Liyue.

Mondstadt is full of lightness and freedom.

As soon as you step in, you can feel the breeze representing freedom blowing everywhere in the air at any time and anywhere.

The wind is filled with the sweet scent of sunset fruit and sweet flowers.

It makes Jiang Xun feel much better.

Jiang Xun has never been to Mondstadt since he traveled through time and space, and is not familiar with the road.

Of course, the demolished building in the Wind Dragon Ruins does not count.

Fortunately, Zhongli seems to know the location.

Jiang Xun also followed his steps and moved forward together.

" The two people in front, please wait a moment"

The energetic girl's voice reached the ears of the two.

Jiang Xun felt that the voice was familiar, as if he had heard it before.

The next moment, a girl with rabbit ears appeared in front of them in an unexpected way.

She was seen flying towards them slowly with the wings behind her.

" Is this Mond's Wind Wing? What an interesting invention!"

Zhongli looked at the wings behind the girl and said to himself.

He had seen this kind of wings on travelers.

He thought it was very interesting.

But as a demon god, he didn't need it.

Amber took off his goggles after landing.

Then he asked:"Looking at your decorations, you should be travelers from Liyue, right?";

"That's right, I wonder if this lady has any advice for you?"

Zhongli nodded and said

" No, no, no, don't be nervous. Mondstadt welcomes everyone who likes it. It's just that there are too many monsters here. I also want to go back. If you want to go to Mondstadt, I can lead the way."

Amber said enthusiastically

" Well, that's troublesome"

The two nodded when they heard this......

With the help of this enthusiastic scout knight, the two of them successfully arrived at Mondstadt.

" I have to go back to the Knights. If you have any difficulties, you can ask the patrolling knights for help. I wish you all have fun!"

After saying this, Amber left in a hurry.

It seemed a little urgent.

" This child looks a lot like the master"

Zhongli sighed as he watched Amber leave.

The hall master that Zhongli was talking about was naturally Hu Tao.

Jiang Xun thought so too. They both seemed to be the legendary community bulls.

However, Hu Tao's enthusiasm did not seem to be very popular.

After all, no one wants someone to come to their door every day to sell coffins.

The operation was really a bit shady.

" Let's go, there seems to be something interesting there"

Zhongli suddenly spoke.

Jiang Xun looked in the direction Zhongli said and found that many people gathered under the huge statue.

The two walked closer and saw that a young man in green was plucking his strings and telling an unknown story.

Long time no see......

Seeing the boy's face, Jiang Xun's memories were brought back again.

The oath made that night was still vivid in his mind.

Although the journey was difficult, they finally gained their freedom.

However, the person in front of him was not the boy, but a wind elf who inherited his ideals and appearance and wanted to sing poems all over Mondstadt.

Jiang Xun and Zhongli did not speak.

They just listened quietly to the story he told.

The story that Wendy told was not any of the ones Jiang Xun knew.

It seemed to be some stories about the development of Mondstadt.

As a wind god who had witnessed Mondstadt's transformation step by step, Wendy naturally understood the details.

"Compared to the storyteller, what do you think?"

Jiang Xun couldn't help asking Zhongli who was standing beside him.

He had been listening to the storyteller telling stories, and for a moment, he changed his style. Jiang Xun was a little curious about what Zhongli thought about it.

Zhongli thought about it carefully, and then said

" Well, each has its own characteristics. The storyteller's story can naturally touch the listeners' emotions and make them fall into a heated discussion, but the bard is a little different."

Zhongli said this and recalled that Tian Tiezui exaggerated his deeds and aroused discussion among the audience.

After listening to the story told by the bard of Mondstadt, he felt that it was different from Liyue.

Although it can also mobilize emotions, it will not make people too excited, and can keep the emotions of the audience within a controllable range.

Although it is not known whether the story is true or false, a story that can attract people is good.

I just don’t know if this drunkard has used his divine power in private to increase the impact of this.......

After a while, the story ends

" What do you think of my story?"

After the song ended, Wendy was no longer as serious as before, and asked everyone present with a smile:

" I think it's good"

"Me too!";......

Many people on the field praised

"Since you think it's good, can you give me some money to buy some wine?"

Wendy also stated his purpose at this time.

Then he came in front of everyone with the Mora bag that he had prepared long ago.

With an improper expression on his face.

Jiang Xun felt a little uncomfortable.

If the boy knew that this guy used his face to make such an improper look, he would be so angry that he would come back to life.

Then come and beat Wendy's head off!

Seeing this, the people present also threw a few Moras over.

It doesn't hurt to spend a little Mora to hear a good story.

However, when Wendy's bag was turned in front of a person wearing luxurious clothes, whose style was obviously not from Mond.

For a moment, he felt that something was wrong.

""Old friend, what a good mood!"

Zhongli's voice reached Wendy's ears, and he was a little surprised.

He would never forget this voice.

He had been taught a lesson by the other party before.

"Hey, it's the old man, welcome to Mondstadt. By the way, do you have Mora with you?"

Wendy replied with a smile.

Zhongli shook his head.

He never brought Mora with him when he went out, because he could always pass the bill on to others.

But this time, there was a little overturn.

"I came here with an old friend"

" So, sir,......"

Wendy was stunned before she could finish her words.

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