It's not Jiang Xun's fault for thinking too much, but in fact Jiang Xun could feel that the karma of the five of them had already reached a terrifying amount.

It's no exaggeration to say that the five of them alone could defeat most of the Yakshas.

Now that they are going on a mission again, it's natural to worry.

After putting the food away, Jiang Xun followed them out......

\"Fushe, why are there monsters rioting tonight? \"

Mi Nu looked at the dark mass of monsters in front of him with a serious expression.

At this time, the monsters were slowly walking towards the border of Liyue Port.

\"I don't know either. The Emperor only sent a message for us to come and suppress the monster tide.\"

\"But this is too much! \"

Yingda's tone was full of disbelief.

The battles she had faced in the past were nothing compared to this one.

Countless monsters were approaching, and the resentment of the demon gods rising into the sky continued to emit a brutal aura, combined with the dark sky.

It was like a dark cloud pressing down on the city.

\"Never mind, just go ahead, no matter what the outcome is, this is our mission and also our contract with the Emperor! \"

Fushe's tone was a little heavy.

The others nodded heavily after hearing this.

\"Tengshe Taiyuanshufu\"

\"The Monkey King is furious\"

\"Fire Rat General Yingda\"

\"Rajuan General's attack\"


\"Enter the formation! \"

The five Yakshas put on their respective masks. At this moment, they were no longer themselves, but the guardian Yakshas who protected the lives of the people of Liyue.

The light representing the five elements flickered wildly on their bodies, connected with a trace of black karma.

They rushed towards the group of monsters.

Like a bombing, the five guardian Yakshas directly shattered the monsters' route.

Then, various element fluctuations appeared in the sky.

Thunder, hurricanes, rocks, fire, floods.

Countless elements erupted, and the surrounding monsters continued to lose their bodies in these attacks.

Then, the resentment of losing the physical carrier was all absorbed by the Yakshas......


Suddenly, Xiao held his head and the gun, and was a little unsteady.

\"Xiao, can you still hold on? \"

Fushe killed the monster in front of him with one hand, turned around and said to Xiao with concern

\"I....It's okay, don't worry\"

Xiao shook his head, then picked up his gun again and rushed towards the monsters.

The monsters were quickly eliminated, and the remaining ones fled.

The five Yakshas were also injured, with countless wounds on their bodies.

But before they had time to be happy, they felt that the karma in their bodies could no longer be suppressed.


The sky-high karma appeared around them. The five guardian Yakshas banged their heads in pain, trying to wake themselves up.

But it was useless. The cold murderous intent continued to stimulate their brains. At this moment, the last bit of clarity in their minds was swallowed up by the torrent of evil thoughts.

The five Yakshas stood up and looked at each other with scarlet eyes.

They were observing each other's weaknesses and then striking a fatal blow......

Jiang Xun followed the drifting resentment of the demon god and rushed here, only to see the scene of five Yakshas attacking each other.

The five people fought each other madly like wild beasts.

Seeing this, Jiang Xun hurried forward to stop them.

Relying on his physical body, he finally separated the people who were fighting each other.

But this action made Jiang Xun the target of the five people's siege.

If it is only in terms of physical body, Jiang Xun is not inferior to any of them, and even exceeds them by a lot.

But in battle, it is not only about relying on physical strength, experience and means are also very important.

Unfortunately, Jiang Xun is only the first one, while these five Yakshas have all three.

Relying on the experience of fighting monsters, they can suppress Jiang Xun alone, let alone five of them together.

Soon, Jiang Xun's body was covered with scars.

He knew that if he continued like this, there would be only one outcome for him.

\"System, what will happen if I die during the mission?\"

\"If the host dies during the mission, he will be transferred to the original timeline, but the Yasha's Sorrow will never be able to start.\"

Jiang Xun was silent for a while, then asked

\"So, if I complete the mission and leave, will they forget me?\"

\"The host does not belong to this time and space. Normally, if you leave, the memory of you in their mind will be erased.\"

\"So that's it......\"

After Jiang Xun heard the news, he seemed to be stunned and stood there motionless.

The five Yakshas, who only had the killing instinct left, naturally would not miss this opportunity, and rushed towards Jiang Xun from the front at the same time. Puff. The sound of a sharp weapon entering the body reached his ears.

Jiang Xun endured the pain, opened his arms to hug the five people, and started to devour.

His arms were not long, and he could not hug the five people in a circle, but he could use his greatest strength to ensure that they would not be separated.

Anyway, he would not be remembered, and they would not be sad because of his death.

Then he would go crazy without considering the consequences!

As long as he could guarantee that he would stay alive! As long as he could, it would be fine!

As the sea of karma entered his body, Jiang Xun only felt his body cold, and murderous intent filled his entire brain.

He kept biting the tip of his tongue to stay awake, even though his tongue had already bled and he was unaware of it.

As the resentment in his body was absorbed, the five guardian Yakshas began to regain consciousness.

The first scene they saw was a young man with black lines all over his body hugging them, his eyes red as blood, and resentment soaring.

Jiang Xun?!

Fa Nan was the first to wake up.

\"Jiang Xun, what are you doing? Are you crazy?"

Fanan felt his resentment disappear, but the eyes of the young man in front of him became redder, black lines appeared on his body, and blood covered his body.

Fanan finally understood at this time that this was the treatment method he mentioned.

Transfer the resentment to himself?!

Fanan twisted his body and tried to break free.

\"Don't....Move, soon....good\"

Jiang Xun's trembling voice reached Fanan's ears.

Fanan was stunned. He had said this......

The karma was eliminated, and Jiang Xun was now out of strength.

His arms dropped, and he collapsed forward powerlessly.

Fanan supported him with her body.

She stared blankly at Jiang Xun in her arms, her mind blank, because she didn't understand why this person appeared here.

Didn't he say he wanted to live? Why did he come here?

\"Brother Jiang, you.....\"

\"Ah Xun, why are you here? \"

Yingda covered his mouth and looked at Jiang Xun's wound. The scene of losing control emerged in his mind, and tears gradually flashed in his eyes.

Jiang Xun's injuries were caused by them.

\"Brother Fushe, let's take him to the Emperor. The Emperor will definitely have a solution.\"

Fushe sighed and shook his head

\"The karma has penetrated deep into his bones and cannot be cured. If it weren't for Brother Jiang's strong body, he would have died long ago.\"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Xun's body began to dissipate into black pieces, starting from his feet and slowly spreading to his head.

\"A Xun\"

\"Brother Jiang\"

\"Jiang Xun\"

Jiang Xun's bloodstained face showed a smile

\"Everyone,'m very happy. Take care! \"

Just as he finished speaking, the last part of Jiang Xun's body turned into the last wisp of dust between heaven and earth, disappearing with the wind.

Fanan stretched out his hand to grab the last part of the young man, but in the end he caught nothing.

Only a stone tablet with the two words"Jiang Xun" printed on it remained on the ground.

It was his identity card......

Fa Nan slowly picked up the stone tablet, and her tear-stained face was now filled with confusion.

Her eyes were red and swollen, but she was puzzled.

\"Jiang Xun......Who is it?"

Fanan looked at the people beside him.

But they also shook their heads. They had no impression of this person in their minds.

But they felt empty in their hearts, as if they had lost an important person......

The group returned to the place where they usually played.

It was already dawn.

\"Why is there a table of food here? \"

Looking at the food that had been placed and cooled, no one knew how to answer this question.

They sat down skillfully, picked up their bowls and chopsticks as if they had rehearsed it. They took a bite of their favorite food and put it in their mouths.

The taste was familiar yet unfamiliar. But they felt sad for some reason.

Although they had no memory in their minds, they all understood one thing in their hearts.

This time, there might really be no next time.....

Drops of tears dripped into the rice, and Fanan subconsciously touched his face.

Looking at the empty seat and the neatly arranged dishes and chopsticks, whose seat is this?

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