The most intuitive scene is that the huge ribs protruding in front of him are now covered in black.

Countless blood vessels and meridians are being reorganized out of thin air.

Bones, organs, flesh.

One by one, the important parts of life are constantly appearing on his body.

The heart bone that was originally like a crescent has been surrounded by flesh again.

The whole change happened within just one minute.

Albedo is witnessing the revival of a powerful ancient dragon.

The mountain is shaking constantly, and even the foot of the mountain can feel this violent shaking.

The snow on the entire snow-capped mountain is also sliding down with the violent shaking.

" This...What's going on?"

An adventurer felt the huge noise coming from the snowy mountain and looked terrified.

" I don’t know either, but luckily I listened to Mr. Albedo"

Another adventurer patted his chest and said.

The scene in front of him was like the spirit of the snow mountain was furious, venting its anger crazily.

The avalanche happened as if it was free.

Even the Frost Sky Nail standing on the top of the snow mountain was shaking slightly.

Despite facing such a terrible shock.

But Jiang Xun and Albedo did not show any fear on their faces.

They both stared at the huge body in front of them, which had no end in sight.

After a while, the vibration gradually subsided until it disappeared.

"Is it done?"

Albedo asked tentatively

" Not yet, there is only one last step left"

Jiang Xun shook his head and said

"The last step?"

Albedo was about to ask, but he suddenly felt a violent vibration under his feet again.

The next moment, huge wings spread out from the snow-capped mountains in the distance, covering the sky and the sun.

Then, Albedo felt that the altitude he was in was gradually rising.

The dragon flapped its wings, and a gust of wind blew.

The next moment, a black dragon that was at least twice as big as Tevarin appeared instantly.

" This....Is that the Dragon Durin?"

Albedo asked in a daze.

Witnessing this epic feat with his own eyes, even he was a little bit out of control.......

" Tevarin, what's wrong?"

Somewhere in the grass.

Wendy, who was leaning on Tevarin and drinking, was instantly frightened by the old friend beside him.

Why are you so startled like a fool?

The other party's huge body, which was originally lying on the ground, stood up instantly, and the breeze surrounding him became violent.

Tevarin's eyes were fixed on the direction of the snow-capped mountains.

Wendy also realized that something was wrong.

He looked towards the snow-capped mountains.

The next moment, reflected in his green pupils was a black dragon hovering above the snow-capped mountains.

Wendy was stunned for a moment.

"Du Lin?"

The god representing the wind looked solemn.

Although he didn't know why Du Lin was resurrected, he knew that he couldn't slack off this time.

"Tevarin, let's go and take a look"

Wendy gave an order and flew away with his family.

The people at the foot of the mountain also noticed the sudden appearance of the dragon.

Just looking at it made them feel powerless.

"Oh my god, Lord Barbatos, what is going on?"

Someone was frightened for a moment.

" Calm down, calm down, everyone should evacuate the snow mountain area in an orderly manner"

At this time, the leader of the adventurer group appeared to stop the discipline.

He led the other adventurers to quickly leave the range of the snow mountain.......

Albedo on the black dragon was a little panicked at this time, because he found that Durin's mood seemed a little strange.

Could it be that he was just resurrected and was too excited?

But this didn't seem like it.

Was he so excited that he wanted to kill them?

That couldn't be possible.

"The last thing, we need to control this big guy"


Are you sure?

Albedo thought that this was somewhat difficult.

"Okay, stop when you've had enough of the noise"

Jiang Xun's light words seemed to have some magic.

Du Lin's huge dragon body actually slowly landed on the snow mountain.

However, the ferociousness on its dragon face showed that it did not seem to be willing.

Little guy, do you really think I can't cure you?

Jiang Xun looked at the frustration on the other's face with a smile on his face.

As the alchemist who reshaped the body this time, he had already secretly made some moves on it.

Even without using the words of truth, he could easily subdue the other.

Feeling that his body was out of his control, Du Lin, whose brain was filled with resentment, roared.

But this was just impotent rage.

Your whole body belongs to me, Jiang, and you still want to turn the world upside down?

Afterwards, Jiang Xun stopped playing around and put his hand on the other's huge dragon head.

Swallow, start!

Jiang Xun controlled the swallowing and continued to absorb the resentment in Du Lin's body.

The huge resentment flowed from his huge body into Jiang Xun.

It was constantly absorbed and refined.

Albedo on the side was not surprised to see this scene.

Jiang Xun has brought him enough surprises today.

He has become numb.

With the powerful devouring power and strong physical strength of Jiang Xun, the resentment in Du Lin is also rapidly dissipating.

In the end, only pure consciousness remains.

However, this consciousness does not seem to be comprehensive.

After all, he has been dead for so many years.

Fortunately, it was an alchemical creation of the corrosion layer before, which is closely connected with the earth veins, and most of its consciousness can be absorbed by the earth veins.

Otherwise, Jiang Xun might have worked in vain.

Jiang Xun is now covered in black air.

He is like a homeless person who has not taken a bath for several years.

The stench has already materialized.

Du Lin is worthy of being a golden creation, and the resentment in his body is really quite powerful.

Fortunately, it is Jiang Xun, otherwise he may not be able to withstand it.

" How did I get here?"

Du Lin's pupils were confused.

He remembered that his chest was bitten by the beautiful jewel-like wind dragon, and his last impression of the world was the heavy snow on the snowy mountains.

After that, his consciousness fell into chaos.

But at this time, his consciousness was restored.

There was no pain in his body.

However, the feeling of his body seemed to be a little different.

" Wow, it looks like you're recovering well."

Jiang Xun, who was covered in black air, looked at Du Lin and said with a smile

"You reshaped my body?"

Du Lin looked at Jiang Xun and said.

His body instinctively felt very close to the smelly man in front of him.

Just like he had felt this way about his mother before.

This feeling was engraved in his bones, and Du Lin firmly believed that he would never admit his mistake.

"Yes, it's me"

Jiang Xun nodded

" I help you because...."

" Dad, thank you!"

Du Lin's voice came with gratitude.


Directly interrupted Jiang's spell and left him with a few more question marks.

"Why do you call me dad?";

" Because you gave me a second body"

Du Lin answered very naively.

To it, the creature that reshaped its body is its parent.

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